
A Strategic Plan Of Dental Curriculum

Decent Essays

Change is an important process to drive most organisations to develop their direction, policies, structure, rules and strategic plans. The leader or manager in the organisation needs to realise the significant of change with taking the correct action in the change process through the organisation. As for curriculum change in dental education, all stakeholders in dental education should collaborate to seek the commitment and consensus including providing strategic plans to manage the continuous process of innovative change in dental curriculum (Haden, 2006). Therefore, the purpose of this assignment is to develop a strategic plan of dental curriculum change in the faculty of dentistry, Mahidol University, which consists of vision, strategic aims and objectives, action plans, and plans for monitoring and evaluating the change by using management and change theory.

In the over last ten years, dental healthcare systems in Thailand have had problems about inappropriate distribution of dentists within the country, attitudes of dental staff to work in rural communities and the shortage of dentists relative to the total population (Lexomboon & Punyashingh, 2000). Most Thai population still remains public health problems especially dental problems in children and older people in rural areas (Srisilapanan et al., 2002; Vachirarojpisan et al, 2005). Hence, the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) of Thailand has established policies to develop healthcare systems to serve the growing

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