Change is an important process to drive most organisations to develop their direction, policies, structure, rules and strategic plans. The leader or manager in the organisation needs to realise the significant of change with taking the correct action in the change process through the organisation. As for curriculum change in dental education, all stakeholders in dental education should collaborate to seek the commitment and consensus including providing strategic plans to manage the continuous process of innovative change in dental curriculum (Haden, 2006). Therefore, the purpose of this assignment is to develop a strategic plan of dental curriculum change in the faculty of dentistry, Mahidol University, which consists of vision, strategic aims and objectives, action plans, and plans for monitoring and evaluating the change by using management and change theory.
In the over last ten years, dental healthcare systems in Thailand have had problems about inappropriate distribution of dentists within the country, attitudes of dental staff to work in rural communities and the shortage of dentists relative to the total population (Lexomboon & Punyashingh, 2000). Most Thai population still remains public health problems especially dental problems in children and older people in rural areas (Srisilapanan et al., 2002; Vachirarojpisan et al, 2005). Hence, the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) of Thailand has established policies to develop healthcare systems to serve the growing
Many low income areas have dental therapists as part of their local dental team. Many people in these areas have never been to a dentist or do not go every six months as recommended this poses many other health problems. There has been case studies and data showing that in these areas dental health
In “Where are all the Dentists?”, Kristen Lewis states that there are not enough dentists in rural areas, but that can be fixed. Many people in the modern world live in poverty and don't have the dental support they need. This is because regular dental treatment can cost up to $100, which is a lot for some people who don't have regular dental access. Having a dental degree is very pricey, so when the dentists come out of dental school, they are usually in debt. Because of this, dentists like to work in modern environments where they can get good business. But in places with not a lot of money, there are less or no dentists. These “dental deserts” have many people with untreated cavities and other bad tooth diseases. Because of that, dentists
My educational goal is to get accepted into the dental hygiene program at South Florida State College. Furthermore, get accepted into the program, I will need to get straight A’s and rack up as many hours as possible in a dental office. At DeSoto County High School, there is no club or class to prepare me for dental hygiene school. After I obtain my degree in dental hygiene, I plan on working at a dental office, in addition, do community service by cleaning teeth for people that can't afford it. For example, the homeless community and group homes.
For my senior project I have explored the career of a Dental Hygienist, who is a licensed dental professional who is registered with a dental care association within their country of practice. Their duty is to clean teeth, examine patients for signs and symptoms of oral diseases such as gingivitis, and provide other preventive dental care. They also educate patients on ways to improve and maintain good oral cavity health. Dental hygienist occupation has many important aspects to their job, which makes it a very rewarding occupation. According to my research dental hygienists is one of the top career choices in America, being so, over the years the career has evolved into a high demanding occupation.
My career plan is to receive a certification in dental assisting and to graduate with an AAS degree for dental hygiene. When I enter DMACC, I will first apply for the dental hygiene program, then while on the waiting list for two to three years, I would like to devote that time period by not only taking those few required dental hygiene courses but also be taking dental assistant courses. The dental assistant courses will only take me a year to complete. After that first year on the waiting list, I intend to work as a dental assistant. It will be beneficial for me to work in an environment in the dental field, because I will be be adapting to the workforce, building skills and abilities, and last but not least, having the opportunity to experience and provide dental work in
Adults in the rural areas have increased rate of dental caries, increased loss of permanent tooth and debilitating chronic oral conditions due to under utilization of dental care, mainly attributed to the poverty, lack of or fewer dentists and increased distance from the nearest federally funded primary health care center. (4). (ADA)(5) National rural health association states that there are about 22 dentists for 100,000 people in rural areas and only 2% of dental care providers’ work for the federally funded programs. (ADA 6).
Many people feel that dental care coverage in health insurance and visiting the dentist regularly are not essential. However, poor oral hygiene is linked to diseases such as diabetes and heart problem. Moreover, researches has shown that oral diseases have a great link to ear and sinus infections, weakened immune systems, and other health conditions (Scully, 2000). Untreated dental conditions have the potential to affect children’s speech, social development, and quality of life. However, it is known that greater utilization of health services associated with increasing insurance coverage, thus directly increase medical costs (Finkelstein et al., 2012; Newhouse, 1996). In fact, insurance coverage can indirectly reduce total health costs. As one type of healthcare service or preventive treatment may lead to decreases the use of other covered services. For example, yearly visit to the dental office for general checkup may prevent the future need for emergency dental care due to undiagnosed or untreated dental cavity (Hsu et al., 2006; Kaestner, 2012; Shang & Goldman, 2007).
This year, the topic for our dental capstone project is to solve a problem in the dental field through informing the community. We figured that most people aren’t completely aware of the different specialties of dentistry. It is common to visit the general dentist every 6 months for teeth cleaning, but many people don’t know about oral and maxillofacial surgeons, or pedodontists, etc. Our purpose for this capstone project is to educate the public on the differences between the several dental specialties. By creating 3-Dimensional models of each dental office, we are able to demonstrate the uniqueness and purpose of each specialty.
Economic status of the dental industry is “A key risk factors for many oral diseases, and significantly determines both general and oral health” (Beaglehole Pg 49) .Countries income and dental care can determine the number of oral health or dental diseases people might have in that country. In appendix 8 and 9there is a chart which identifies the “Relationship between GDP per capita” (Beaglehole 48) in the dental care industry.
I am one of the applicants for the 2016-2017 DDS cycle and I am writing to your school to express my interest in your DDS program. NYU School of Dentistry have many unique aspects that, when combined, will be able to provide me an education that allows me to be an exceptional dentist. Two of the aspects that I am most interested in for NYU is the evidence-based dental curriculum and the community impact that the school has locally and globally. Because of these aspects, NYU School of Dentistry is one of my top choices for dental school.
The change plan prepared for the business provides significant information regarding the current situation in internal environment. The information provided is based on analysis of internal elements necessary in formulating an overall organizational culture. The desired performance and culture is also defined in terms of its tangible elements. A detailed plan includes the necessary steps for an organization to carry forward its change objectives including the handling of transition. The process adopted for change management should include a clear purpose for change as well as a strategy for implementing the desired change.
According to Michael Fullan (2016) in his book, The New Meaning of Educational Change, successful organizations that demonstrate change followed principled concepts of change. The reason for their success if that there is tangible proof of alignment in keeping components of actions. Fullan (2016) stated that successful change incorporates five factors. In this essay, three of the five factors will be discussed and an example of an organization using components of the change be revealed. Often when organization shave to go through the process of change it means either they have gone through change to repair broken areas or they are going through change as a reflective exercise before embarking on a larger scope of practice perhaps to expand into new growth within their organization. In either course, the larger concern is that organizations must embrace change and engage in meaningful constructed ways to promote the best growth with the fewest steps to reach accomplishment. A key decision factor to change is whether an organize will change because they adopt a model and see a better way or whether they want to save their resources. Fullan (2016) suggested that the reason for the change is largely to work is because, the organizations, “Define closing the gap as the overarching goal,” “Assume that lack of capacity is the initial problem and then work on it continuously,” and “Stay the course through continuity of good direction by leveraging leadership,” (Fullan, 2016,
The kingdom of Saudi Arabia is located in the Southwest of the continent of Asia, with approximately 29.196 million people as explained by the world population statistics in 2013 (1). The percentage of the population over 60 years olds is expected to rise by 7% by the 2020 (2). A proper understanding of the structure and infrastructure of the oral healthcare system in Saudi Arabia is substantial in order to improve the existing oral health policies and the outcomes in the country.
Q&M Dental Group offers basic dental consultation, scaling and polishing that is inclusive in its comprehensive package of primary-care dental services and specialist services. With this emphasis on these basic primary-care dental services, the target market of the organisation are consumers consisting male and female, from the age of 1 onwards. To allow better accessibility for its patients to its services, it has a network of more than 50 clinics spread across the whole island of Singapore as a geographical variable (Q & M Dental Group 2014). Q&M also continually educates and trains its existing and new dentists in its own dental institute ensuring the provision of world class quality dental health services as behavioural characteristics
The study is discussing the school dental services in Iraq. We have used the primary health clinic as school dental services are run through the primary healthcare clinics in Iraq. The complete list of P.H.C.Cs in Hillah city of Babylon province was obtained from Babylon Health Governorate, which included 14 clinics in the regional Hillah city. The longitude and latitude