
A Streetcar Named Desire Movie Review Essay

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Desperate and lonely, Blanche arrives at Elysian Fields in New Orleans to seek refuge with her sister. Stanley resents her presence and her interest in Mitch. He and Blanche engage in a struggle for Stella's loyalty- a struggle which Blanche cannot win. Stanley reveals the sordid details of Blanches past to Mitch: she has been fired from her job and driven out of Laurel. Mitch later refuses to marry Blanche. On her birthday, Stanley presents Blanche with a one- way ticket back to Laurel and Blanche's instability veers towards madness. Alone in the apartment when Stella goes into the hospital to give birth Blanche is raped by Stanley. Blanche is forcibly escorted to an asylum as Stanley plays cards and Stella weeps inconsolably.

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