
A Streetcar Named Desire Scene 3 Essay

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Name Professor Subject Date Scene Three of Williams' a Streetcar Named Desire: Question One a) What do we immediately learn about Mitch in the beginning of the scene? The scene starts when Steve, Pablo, Mitch and Stanley are playing poker in the kitchen bather with sinister green light. While Stanley talks tough on the table, Mitch gambles on whether to go home and attend to his sick mother. One thing that is clear about Mitch at this point is that he is the most sober. He is sensitive to the fact that all the other men are married, unlike him. He only has an ailing mother who may leave me lonely when she dies. Thus, he goes to hide in the bathroom for a while. This shows the internal conflict that build on Mitch’s life because of his sick mother. He is a caring man …show more content…

The men respond very negatively to the women’s return from a night out. First, it starts with Blanche. When she tries to powder her face at the door in anticipation of the male company, she receives negative feedback. This is seen when Stella makes polite introductions but the men do not show any interest to Blanche’s presence. When the women try to join the poker game, Stanley refuses by disrespectfully slapping Stella’s buttocks. He ushers them to go upstairs to Eunice. c) How does the night end? The night ends in romantic drama after a quarrel that Stanley had with Stella. Blanche had put on radio and started dancing with Mitch. This irritates Stanley who goes, switches off the radio and throws it outside the window. Stella is not happy about this. When she yells at Stanley, he slaps. The other men stop the fight and Stella goes upstairs to Eunice accompanied by Blanche. It is after Stanley comes back to his senses that he bellows out for Stella. Stella comes out and embraces her husband as they head back to their room. Mitch and Blanche remain to continue with their chat and

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