
A Streetcar Named Desire Trauma Analysis

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A traumatic past often carries over into ones present, and dictates how they live their lives. Trauma can overtake one’s life and they usually cannot overcome their past, which usually results in psychological dysfunction. Throughout literature and films, directors and writers often make their main characters suffer a traumatic past, which bleeds into the present, and they show the subsequent effects that the trauma had in their present lives. Characters who deal with incredibly difficult pasts, can often be portrayed as mentally unstable in order to show how their relationships with the past can negatively impact the life they desperately try to rebuild for themselves. Past events scar people for their future and characters are held back from living a new life. Characters …show more content…

Blanche was married to a gay man, who in those times would not be accepted into society, and therefore committed suicide in an act of shame and desperation. He was a threat to her status and because of the way she treated him he was left with no other option but to kill himself. The director of the movie, Elia Kazan, continuously played the polka song that was playing when he committed suicide and this haunts Blanche whenever she hears it. This song emphasizes her psychosis and she is unable to bear with her past relationship. She enters a manic state when she thinks about her husband and this affects how she lives her current life with Stella and Stanley. Her life is tainted by manic episodes as a result of her past trauma in reflection of her husband. Due to her paranoia, she often blames herself for her husband’s death because she sometimes feels like she let him down when he was at a point in his life when he needed her most. Blanche is unable to move forward and she relates this to how Stanley treats her and wishes she was able to help her husband move past his

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