Imagine yourself living in the worst conditions ever in Africa where many people live less than a $1 a day. Your living conditions are so bad that you are deprived of the most basic human needs where you don’t even have access to clean water, shelter, medicine and food. Now imagine where hundreds of millions of people in Africa living like this. What you think about such a horrible living condition?
Before I started my work on this topic, I was already aware that poverty is a tremendous issue in Africa through my research in reading articles online. What I didn’t know was that the scale of poverty was so tremendous and that it’s very widespread in the continent. But in my paper, I will be focusing primarily on Sub-Saharan Africa. Before I started this research, I didn’t have much focus on this issue, but after learning this, I became more interested in it.
By conducting this research, I want to know exactly how big this problem is. I want to know the potential solutions to help solve this issue. I want to find out the best and most effective solution to solve this issue and not just solving it, but improving the lives of the people and community. So my question is: What can we do to effective combat poverty and what are the effective solutions to solve poverty in Africa and preventing it from happening?
Story Of My Search My research began in class during the third advisory. I started reading articles that are useful for my research as sources. I wrote a summary for
Everyone knows what the word poverty means. It means poor, unable to buy the necessities to survive in today's world. We do not realize how easy it is for a person to fall into poverty: A lost job, a sudden illness, a death in the family or the endless cycle of being born into poverty and not knowing how to overcome it. There are so many children in poverty and a family's structure can effect the outcome. Most of the people who are at the poverty level need some type of help to overcome the obstacles. There are mane issues that deal with poverty and many things that can be done to stop it.
In the late 19th century as artists like Van Gogh and Cézanne expanded the boundaries of painting. Soon, a movement arose that sought to create an entirely new style of art, and one way of doing so was to look beyond Western civilization. For example, Paul Gauguin moved to the island of Tahiti in the 1890s. There, he found inspiration in the island's inhabitants, landscape, and culture to create artwork that intertwined European themes and Polynesian lore. Others looked the cultures of the Islamic world, but the most influential inspiration would come from Sub-Saharan Africa. As European empires expanded deeper into the African continent, its artifacts and artworks made their way into the hands of museums and collectors. One such collector
1. Agriculture as a key industry in sub-Saharan Africa and Australia is under threat from severe drought, and drought triggers a series of chain-reactions.
Dr. Steve Maraboli once said, “The universe does not give you what you ask for with your thoughts; it gives you what you demand with your actions.” Some Africans described themselves as poor, but in order to receive enough money, they would have to be persistent in their work or searching for one to be done. The article, “12 Reasons Why Africans Are Poor, Miserable And Pitiable” explains how the people feels about the African being poor. The writer says that they are poor because of the love for foreign made goods, the way they have lost faith in their ability to use their creative ingenuity, and the little things they manage to produce.
Poverty has increased tremendously over the last decade in many countries, developed or less developed. Poverty can be caused by many different factors,
Poverty is an extremely complex issue that requires an all-round approach that simply using one strategy to eradicate it will not suffice. An article written by Kaylie Tiessen in the Huffington Post uses these examples to show the many different needs people require when dealing with
Over three billion people live on less than two dollars and fifty cents a day. That's almost half the population of mankind. But poverty is not just about not having enough money, it's about not being able to obtain, basic human needs. Around the world people lack such necessities, like clean water, food, suitable clothing, etc. It’s because a person is not well suited to today’s society, it creates a large gap between the fortunate and those who struggle to survive.
The sub-Saharan region of Africa has traditionally been seen by the Western world as a barrier between the more "civilized" areas of the northern part of the continent that were colonized by Europeans and the deep, jungle regions common to the rest of the continent. The area below the Sahara desert was seen by colonial settlers as wild and dangerous. It was treated as its own separate entity, but in reality, this is not the case at all. Sub-Saharan Africa is very diversified in terms of ethnicities, languages, economics, politics, religion, and more. While it may still not be as industrialized as the northern part of Africa (with the exception of the country of South Africa), it is a very vibrant, diverse, and intriguing region of the world. In fact, the African Union prefers that the Sahara desert be seen as a bridge between northern and southern Africa, and not a barrier between two different worlds. In fact, the Sahara desert itself and its harsh climate and landscape, which makes it difficult to traverse it, has been the main reason for the prevailing view of there being two Africas. Until recently, interaction between the two regions was not an easy or common thing, precisely because of the Sahara desert itself sitting in the middle of the continent.
The cultural elements that can influence HIV-AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa are the sexual norms, early marriage, widow inheritance and sexual cleansing rituals. Research by Sovran (2016) explained that Africans are often believed to be more culturally tolerant of multiple sexual partnerships, sexual indulgence, and prostitution compared to people in other parts of the world (Sovran, 2016). Moreover, there are different sexual practices that make an individual more susceptible for HIV-AIDS such as dry sex, where a woman sit in basin of bleach, saltwater, or fertilizer inside her vagina. The practice of dry sex is very common in sub-Saharan Africa to create evidence that women are not a prostitute or cheating. Unfortunately, dry sex practice increases
Poverty is visible anywhere and it happens everywhere, from the richest nations to the poorest. From the youth to the elderly, poverty can dramatically affect anyone. Some grow up in poverty, while others end up in it. Poverty has increased drastically over the years. The blame for the increased poverty has become an extremely controversial subject, as there are many contributing factors to spite each side. It is evident that it is the people in poverty themselves that is the underlying cause of it due to their insignificant will power and their choice to live off the government rather than working themselves.
This paper will discuss poverty, the different types of poverty and their definitions and who is affected by each type of poverty. It will look at the some of the major reasons why poverty exists and what causes poverty, like such things as inequality, stratification and international debt. Some of the impacts of poverty will also be analyzed from a national and global perspective; things like education, literacy rate, and crime. This paper will demonstrate that poverty affects almost everyone in some form or another and exists because those with power and wealth want and need poverty to exist to force a dependence on the wealthy. A few of the main
Poverty for centuries has been a very severe issue that has troubled many nations while impeding economic developments and progress. Poverty stricken countries are majorly concentrated in the continents of Africa and Asia. Continents like the Americas and Europe have globally been recognized as been wealthier yet still many parts of these ostensible countries face massive cases of poverty. Most at times, countries with high populations owing to high birth rates face the most cases of poverty. The definition of poverty can be boundless in the sense that poverty entails so many subsections as it sometimes gets complicated to group everything under one umbrella. Society tends to focus more on the tangible aspects of poverty because many people associate poverty with lacking money and it makes sense because poverty in terms of lacking money is a major problem affecting almost every country in the world. Even though it is debatable that poverty can be physical, intellectual, spiritual and even emotional, it is best to talk about the lack of money and economic developments in this essay. With reference to the oxford English Dictionary, poverty is state of being extremely poor and the state of being inferior in quality or insufficient in amount. Reflecting on this definition given, I deduced that malnutrition and hunger can define poverty. In the light of this, I think poverty is lacking a comfortable place of shelter, being ill and not having access to a better
Thousands of individuals are living in poverty. Why is it that this worldwide dilemma is still rising in rapid numbers till this day? Is it because of a lack of authoritative power, or a lack of one’s self control to do good? Despite the unknown cause, it has managed to drastically affect the lives of many. Poverty is like a curse, one that is wrongfully placed, difficult to get out of, and resistant to many forms of help.
Poverty is the main obstacles and problem of the people are facing particularly in the world. As of 2013, there were about 2.47 billion people in the world living in poverty with an income of USD 2 or less a day most of them from developing or under developing countries located in African and Asian continent. The population living under poverty only declined from 2.59 billion to 2.47 billion between 1981 and 2013 respectively. Hence the declines principally are seated mostly in developed countries (1).
For several years, the western world or the world’s most developed countries have always perceived Africa as a place of impoverished citizens, who have little to no knowledge of fending for themselves. Thus, the need for aids, food, clothing and the like to be shipped to these areas to help cater for the poor standard of living. In several discussions on how to alleviate poverty, it’s always been a question of empowering the locals to confront their problems, even though the execution has always been left for criticism. However, being able to achieve and sustain a reliable economy that alleviates poverty in these localities should be hinged on the implementation of effective and realistic policies, which mitigates the problem from the grass roots. The maintenance of a low and stable inflation rate, reduction in maternal and child undernutrition, and initiatives to ensure sustainable living standards and health, extensive education and access to obtaining credit among the people of Ghana and the provision of agricultural inputs to boost their yearly yields are some of the positive outlooks that can help reduce poverty.