Getting accepted into a University is one of the most exciting experinces that someone can have. However, along with much joy one is often over come with fear and anxiety. Being a college student comes with many obligations, all of which revolve around getting good grades. One of the most anxiety provoking classes that a student can take is math. Although, if you hold yourself to some strict guidelines and plan for success, by having good time management skills, always taking notes, and keeping your self confidence up when your confused. These will make mastering math much easier and you will give you a higher success rate. At times College can seem like a juggling act; between going to classes, studying for tests and doing homework. All it really comes down to is being effective at time management. It is difficult to figure out your heiracry of commitments and alotting the appropriate amount of time to each task. There are many steps one can take in order to become good at time management. First, you should make a plan. Right when you get your sylabus for class, you should write down all of your assignments, quizes, papers and exams into your planner. This way you can visually see what you need to get done, and within each week. Second, you need to attend each class. Believe it or not you are wasting time by not going to class. It takes three times as slong to learn the material on your own, as it would if you simply would have atteneded class in the first place.
College can be a huge jump from high school for most people in many areas. One of the most impacted areas includes a student’s overall success in college. Many college students may say that high school was a breeze and claim to have done well by putting forth minimal effort. High schoolers are use to having a ton of free time, getting good grades without studying outside of the classroom, and barely having any homework at all. Once they make the transition to college, all of that changes. Quickly freshmen experience homework piling up and studying consumes more and more free time and all of this can lead to many anxiety issues and health problems if it gets too overwhelming. If a student were to be organized and not procrastinate, they can
As a college freshman, I have a fear not being prepared for the level of classes, realizing that everyone is smart and pretty much on the same level. The pressure to maintain good grades is at times overwhelming but it helps to incorporate good organization and time management skills. Luckily my first semester schedule was one that worked and gave me an opportunity to adjust to college life. High school was so structured and time consuming with the day packed from early morning to late afternoon, with few downtime windows. For me, having extra
This was a great big step in my life, starting graduate school. One obstacle I will overcome. Time and effect are the 2 major factors you have to manage when starting college. One good tactic for some people, I know for me is to set a goal ( time goal) , that you can refer too throughout the school term.
Your Professor’s don’t really care about what you do. They don’t care if you don’t show up to class or not. A tip I would give you is to make sure your Professor’s know you or at least recognize you, even if that means asking questions the whole class period. Another way that college is different is that you don’t stay in classes for a whole 8 hours, you just go to your class then go back to your room. Another thing is the work load. You get your assignments in the beginning of the year and all your due dates, it’s up to you to get them done and turned in. Also the study habits, are crucial, you have so much time on your hands to do whatever so time management is important. Another thing is parties, there are going to be parties probably every other night so you attending them should be a responsible decision. Do not get caught up in boys and girls either. Relationships will come on their own and the worst thing you could do is get caught doing “The Walk of Shame”. The walk of Shame is basically when you leave to go meet an upperclassman and you have to walk back because he won’t drive you back and you half dressed. In the end, the moral to the story is to make sure you stay on top of your stuff, be responsible, and make good
•What are some things that a student can do to overcome math anxiety? Begin by breathing. Write down the problem and apply what you already know. Break down the problem by using the order of operations and go step by step until you come to the answer.
Any college student will tell you that the only downside to learning is the homework. Sometimes the homework can get overwhelming, to the point that you stress out and don't do it to your full potential. I am in my second year, and I have learned with trial in error the main points that can and will help make doing your homework a lot easier, and will help with your grade too. First and foremost, organization is essential. Organize all your papers for one class in one folder, and have separate folders for each class. There are also folder books that have six or more folders in one, these work just as well. This will help in having all your important papers together, and will not cause you to mix up or loose any of them. When you keep them
Students discover the need to develop their time management skills when they arrive at college. The transition from high school to college comes with different obstacles that students have to learn his or her freshmen year. Of high school, students have more time to complete assignments and have longer class time. However, in college students have less time to complete assignments and less class time. On the other hand, the time committed into a fraternity or sorority varies from chapter to chapter, but the pledging period is often the most intensive time. When
Ashcraft and Krause (2007) examined if math anxiety has something to do with a decline in math performance. The researchers collected scores from eighty undergraduates on a math-anxiety test, and a standard math achievement test. The two tests were compared, but the standard math achievement test was rescored by a
There is no better way to prepare for freshman year than gaining experience in college level courses. I have been able to take these classes the past couple of years and it has tremendously improved my critical thinking, time management, and group work skills. Critical thinking is a crucial part of college because all assignments and tests are created to challenge you and make sure you are prepared for all situations that will come in the real world. Therefore, I have found that through these intense classes I have attained a newfound confidence within myself and realized what I am truly capable of accomplishing. Learning time management is yet another skill that I have begun to develop along with these classes. In order to avoid meltdowns
In the Information Capsule from Miami-Dade county different researchers have developed strategies that a teacher can use to reduce the effects of math anxiety in a student who may be suffering from the phobia. The result of the research has found that a teacher, practice has a strong influence on students’ math anxiety. One way a teacher can reduce math anxiety is to be knowledgeable in their content when comes to math and to always exude a positive attitude towards math. The teacher needs to have more training on the subject of math so they will not lack confidence when they are teaching their students. The recommendation is for teachers to attend workshops on research-based best practices
One thing I’ve learned is to use self-discipline. This was a good topic to learn about in class because I have always got distracted by things that made me fall off track. In the book called “On Course Strategies for Creating Success in College and in Life” Skip Downing said “Success takes self-discipline- the willingness to do whatever has to be done, whether you like it or not, until you reach your goals and dreams.” This quote meant a lot to me during my high school year we had to do a Senior Project, let me just say I really didn’t feel like doing it. The more I thought about how important it was to graduate I got it done on time.
Have you ever wondered how a student is at the top of their class? Have you thought about how some students are able to juggle everything on their plate, yet not full of stress or anxiety? There are so many things that can factor into how well a student does. Maybe you are struggling right now and you do not know where to turn. There is an array of options that can really help students grow. No one starts off on the honor roll or aces every exam without hard work. Many people think that college is a breeze. Everybody has their own way that helps them thrive in their studies, but once you hear what tips I have you will most likely change your study habits.
The structured schedules offered by most high schools leaves students with limited control over how their time is spent, but everything changes when college arrives. Many students struggle with the newfound sense of freedom and fail to make sure their responsibilities are taken care of. Studies show that about 30% of freshman in college don’t return for their sophomore year. On top of that studies have found that only 3 out of 5 four-year college students graduate within their first 6 years of school. A number of factors such as high tuition rates, high stress levels, lack of motivation, and numerous others all contribute to dropout rates. Obviously there is something missing for most students as they make the jump from high school to college. One of the most valuable traits incoming college students can learn is the ability to adjust to change; this is done by putting the problem into perspective, changing your own point of view, and making the best out of any situation. Learning how to be flexible will not only help you survive your first year of college, but also help you succeed in life.
I remember this lady from ODU clear a day was telling my class her experience of college and her very first day of college .She explain she didn’t know what to make of meeting new people transitioning to a new chapter in like becoming an adult. In college you make a lot of decision of your own she talk about that challenge of people get caught up with partying and keeping up with grades. You have to balance everything because e getting overwhelm she seen it people stresses out with college. It can affect how your behavior and altitude when you become overwhelmed. Her tip for us is take some time to yourself sometime you don’t push yourself so hard. You have to maintain a good schedule to get good results it’s not easy in college it come with a lot of pressure. Listening to here I took that and
I always put my academic career in the first priority and I thought I did a good job in getting used to college academic life. Comparing to high school, college schedule of class looked more flexible and students just needed to take two classes per day. However, it required us to have more preparation before class. At first, I had a wrong expectation in college class, which I owned lots of free time. Fortunately, I realized the difficulty of each class in the first week. When I got into the lecture, it was hard for me to follow my professor’s step with such fast rhythm. Homework assignments made me have more struggle since I could not catch up the key point at class. After I found the hard work, I tried to reread my book, powerpoint and summarized the main points by myself. While I read those materials, I found the connection between main points and lecture. It helped me finish my first homework assignment, at the same time, it gave me some ideas of preparing for class. Before each lecture, I would preview the new chapters and wrote down some important definitions. In class, I just needed to focus