
A Summary Of Losing Isaiah

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The roles of a social worker are many and although it may be seen to most as a simple profession, it is of great value. A social worker has to broaden his or her horizon to see things in a new perspective. One must be able to understand, empower and help individuals, families or groups to overcome some of lives most difficult obstacles. As a social worker you are supposed to be able to appreciate the perspectives of all parties involved. Understanding and recognizing the value of each perspective is a beneficial skill to possess. Through the use of the movie Losing Isaiah, the social justice issue of child welfare will be discussed.

Introduction Child welfare is one of the many social justice issues involved with social …show more content…

Child welfare systems are constructed to support families and most importantly to protect children from harm using prevention and intervention services. Child welfare is a great example to demonstrate how the NASW’s ethical principles are put into effect. They are based on values of service by helping the children in need and addressing the social problems they are faced with. Another value that could be used is social justice especially in cases that involve children because the whole objective of child welfare systems is to ensure the well-being of a child. The services are meant to support children who have been or are at risk of abuse or neglect. With regards to the movie, going through the issues of child welfare, the fact that Isaiah had a strong relationship with his adoptive parents I do not think that it should have been overlooked by the court. One of the values is the importance of human relationships and there is a reason why this code of ethics is in place with social workers. As a social worker, a lot of challenges are faced and there is a need to make critical decisions while working in stressful …show more content…

First I would take into account his health complications and make sure that he was receiving all the treatments necessary to ensure that he would make it. Being born from a crack addict, Isaiah had very little chances of even making it past his first year and no only that but if he did survive, he was going to have many impairments and developmental delays. I would seek help in programs that could assist him as he grew up and he would obviously be placed in a foster home. Using the Micro, Mezzo, and Macro Approach I could assess and develop an intervention that would best suit the needs of Isaiah. On the micro level, improving his health would enhance his abilities as he grew. I could also intervene on the mezzo and macro levels once he has been adopted by the Lewins by helping the family access resources such as health services and referring them to parenting programs and family-based services because it may be hard having to adapt to changes that are taking place. This would serve as a benefit both to Isaiah and the rest of the

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