The roles of a social worker are many and although it may be seen to most as a simple profession, it is of great value. A social worker has to broaden his or her horizon to see things in a new perspective. One must be able to understand, empower and help individuals, families or groups to overcome some of lives most difficult obstacles. As a social worker you are supposed to be able to appreciate the perspectives of all parties involved. Understanding and recognizing the value of each perspective is a beneficial skill to possess. Through the use of the movie Losing Isaiah, the social justice issue of child welfare will be discussed.
Introduction Child welfare is one of the many social justice issues involved with social
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Child welfare systems are constructed to support families and most importantly to protect children from harm using prevention and intervention services. Child welfare is a great example to demonstrate how the NASW’s ethical principles are put into effect. They are based on values of service by helping the children in need and addressing the social problems they are faced with. Another value that could be used is social justice especially in cases that involve children because the whole objective of child welfare systems is to ensure the well-being of a child. The services are meant to support children who have been or are at risk of abuse or neglect. With regards to the movie, going through the issues of child welfare, the fact that Isaiah had a strong relationship with his adoptive parents I do not think that it should have been overlooked by the court. One of the values is the importance of human relationships and there is a reason why this code of ethics is in place with social workers. As a social worker, a lot of challenges are faced and there is a need to make critical decisions while working in stressful …show more content…
First I would take into account his health complications and make sure that he was receiving all the treatments necessary to ensure that he would make it. Being born from a crack addict, Isaiah had very little chances of even making it past his first year and no only that but if he did survive, he was going to have many impairments and developmental delays. I would seek help in programs that could assist him as he grew up and he would obviously be placed in a foster home. Using the Micro, Mezzo, and Macro Approach I could assess and develop an intervention that would best suit the needs of Isaiah. On the micro level, improving his health would enhance his abilities as he grew. I could also intervene on the mezzo and macro levels once he has been adopted by the Lewins by helping the family access resources such as health services and referring them to parenting programs and family-based services because it may be hard having to adapt to changes that are taking place. This would serve as a benefit both to Isaiah and the rest of the
The physical and social environment of the adoptive parents versus those of the biological parent differs very much. The ones offered to Isaiah by his adoptive family are better performing schools which can lead to positively influenced classmates, bigger chance of pursuing higher education, and big role models to look up to and more pressure to follow the in the role model’s footsteps, for example becoming an architect like his father or a social worker in a hospital like his mother. They are also able to offer Isaiah better parks to play at, a good daycare, and the wealthy household he will grow up in will lead to him having better health issues in regard with vegetable intake versus junk food
In this paper, the role of a social worker will be addressed. A Human Service professional has, in its hands, the responsibilities in the life of the clients and families they meet. The tremendous and arduous responsibilities they take on include, but are not limited to, the well-being and care of people and their communities. Such roles can be helping others manage the care of a family member, assisting individuals experiencing problems with family relations and conflicts, dealing with changes that come with growing old, aiding those suffering mental illness and or those individuals struggling with addictions. Briefly
In calling Jewish adherents to “learn to do good; seek justice; rescue the oppressed; defend the orphan; plead for the widow” (1:17), Isaiah privileges social justice as a means to fight for ethical righteousness, upholding Tikkun Olam. The prophet influenced Jewish individual and communities through his model of ethics and halachah (Jewish laws), with particular stress on the 613 Mitzvot (including 10 commandments). Isaiah’s framework for ethical righteousness is demonstrated in Isaiah 58:3-4, said every year on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. In this, he is proclaiming that in order to become a ‘righteous remnant’, one must live by Jewish ethics and laws whilst working towards social justice. It is also partly because of Isaiah’s example, that Jewish individuals and communities were and still are motivated to engage in bestowal of loving kindness (gemilut chasidim), and also almsgiving (tzedakah). In turn, we see how Isaiah’s role in modelling ethical righteousness has influenced the Jewish community, evident through the launch of the ‘Vision of Isaiah’ project by the Reformed Jewish ‘Meir Panim charity organisation’. The organisation in Jerusalem is built around the teachings of the prophet Isaiah and his prophecies that through gemilut chasidim and
Lamont is seven years, nine months, and 1 day old. He lives with his mom, sixteen year old sister, and nephew. During testing, he presented himself with manners and was cooperative, has asthma, and is frequently absent, having to repeat Kindergarten (was also premature). A rapport was taken based on his honesty and warm nature. He is small, one of his sisters died from a heart attack, and has two siblings that are sisters. Lamont is currently in 1st and is 7 years, 9 months old.
While looking at the dangers and environment in a child’s home, advocates such as employees of the Department of Family and Protective Services of the State of Texas, have the moral obligation to take into consideration safety of children shelters and foster homes. Morally, advocates for the children should also take into consideration the psychological trauma that the child may or may not experience through being taken away from family and being placed, possibly multiple times, at new places away from everything they know.
He promised to make a difference for the foster community, so he decided to get his bachelors in social work and intern with the National Council for Adoption. Having experienced the harsh realities himself and knowing the struggle for the children in foster care, he said “the reality of facing life's responsibilities alone is paralyzing; often we are far behind educationally, socially, and emotionally compared to those who grew up in loving families” (Lawson). Most of these children in foster care, ranging from two to fourteen, have to leave home because of neglect and trauma that had happened to them previously. Most of them don’t know what it's like to live with a loving and healthy family like most of American children get to experience everyday. Foster children experience maltreatment at home and in the system that becomes a catalyst for more corruption in their lives.
There are over 428,000 children in the foster system(“Children rights”). Every day 1,200 kids enter the foster system in the United States(“Together”) and theses children come with multiple issues when they enter the foster care system. Children enter the foster care system for several reasons but mostly it is due to neglect or abuse from the parents. As a former foster child I have been one of the kids that have suffered for what there parents have done. I have suffered from depression . Children that have gone through the foster care system have a higher risk of having mental health issues such as depression and anxiety as well as long term physical issues. Ultimately , these issues pose challenges that affect every aspect of the child's life.
The U.S. Census reported that 1.6 million individuals under the age of 18 were arrested in 2010, a substantial increase from previous years (OJJDP, 2012; US Census Bureau, 2012). Of those individuals detained, over nine percent were convicted as juveniles and entered into a juvenile detention facility (Risler, 2009). Approximately 500,000 children are currently in the foster care system, while almost 300,000 have medical problems, have neurological impairs, and developmental delays (Earls, 2013). In addition, they were all exposed to some degree of critical abuse or neglect, leaving almost 80 percent of those children with serious emotional difficulties (Earls, 2013). As a result of various complications, emotional disturbances, and
Everywhere across the world, more and more children are being placed into foster care or a welfare type system. Foster care can benefit children or harm them; the effects of foster care differ for every individual. These types of systems often have a major effect on young children’s physiological state. Children entering in foster care are often malnourished and have untreated health problems. A high percentage of children who are placed in these types of systems have mental health, physical health, and/or developmental issue which often originates while the individuals are still in the custody of the biological parents. Children in foster care should be provided with a healthy and nurturing environment which often provides positive long term results. The age of children in a foster care varies across the world, but it is often seen that majority of these children are young (George para. 1). There are more young children in the system because younger children require more adequate care than older children that are already in the system. Placing these children in welfare systems is supposed to be a healing process for them. Although this is supposed to be a healing process, statistics say these children have a negative experience while being in these systems, but this is not always the case. A number of children in foster care fall sucker to continuous neglect and recurrent abuse with the lack of nurturing and an unstable environment. These same children often have unmet
al 88). Unfortunately when these events take place for the foster parent, then they can possibly take their anger out on the foster child. When the foster parent neglects or abuses the foster child then a wide array of short-term and especially long-term problems are created for the child.
Secondly, I would educate the parents and let them know that Susanne is going through
There are numerous changes that need to be made in the foster care system. “... [the children] tried to tell a different story to anyone who would listen - a school guidance counselor, or social workers”(Stewart, Nikita and Arielle). The people who were trusted by the children to get help failed. The children were further neglected and abused. In this situation children get little to no help. “...they failed her by ignoring her cries of abuse and they failed her by letting her die in that foster home” (McFadden). People need to listen to the cries of help, from a little five year old to a teenager. Without the help they need children are neglected, abused, or die.
The job of a child welfare worker appears to be a demanding profession that promotes the child’s safety, but also strengthens the family organization around them in order to successfully raise the children. This child welfare workers work in the system known as the Child Protective Services whose initiative is to protect the overall welfare of the child. The short novel From the Eye of the Storm: the Experiences of a Child Welfare Worker by Cynthia Crosson-Tower demonstrates the skills necessary to deal with the practice of social work along with both its challenges and its happy moments. The novel consists of some of the cases involving Tower’s actual career in social work. In reading the book, I was able to experience some of the actual
My client, whom I will call “Jay,” is an eight-year-old, African-American boy, who was referred to our agency by his mother who wanted him to get “any services he could get for free.” He has some emotional and behavioral deficiencies, and does not handle stress well. He has frequent outbursts in class, and reacts without thinking. He needs to work on his interaction skills, and develop strategies that will help him use his words instead of physical reactions when he is frustrated. Because his trigger is frustration, he needs to learn to respond in a positive manner to his peers and teachers. Also, “Jay” needs to learn how to think and act independently.
Improving the lives of individuals is the objective of the social work profession. There is six values within National Association of Social work Code of Ethics (NASW): Service, Social Justice, Dignity, and Self-worth of the person, Importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence. These values are for social workers and their work with the client(s). Regardless of one’s race, religious belief, sex or sexual orientation each value benefits all individuals. Social workers should always practice professional values. Clients suffer from when the social worker does not uphold values. Code of Ethics is established for all social workers to obey and follow them. In this this paper, I will discuss the how “Importance of Human Relationship” will be the easiest to uphold and how “Social Justice” will challenge me as a social worker working with future clients, community and organizations.