pGLO Pig Slurry
Ana Chiman
Frank Alfano
Abstract pGLO is a plasmid that contains several genes, araC, gfp,bla, and an ori of replication. E. coli was artificially induced that became a competent bacteria when it took the pGLO DNA, so it had the ability to have ampicillin resistance and fluoresced when arabinose was present. Two tubes with E. coli were labeled to differentiate which tube the pGLO was added to, then through several steps the bacteria was induced to intake the pGLO DNA. At the end, each tube was inoculated on to three different plates that contained different substances and they were incubated then observed. The results showed only one E. coli culture had growth and fluoresced which was the pGLO+ E. coli that was grown on the plate with LB, amp +arab, there were only two E. coli cultures that did not grow because the pGLO- E. coli did not have the ampicillin resistance to grow in ampicillin conditions, and the rest of the culture plates showed growth. pGLO could be used in food safety experiments done by the food safety department that helped to identify Salmonella and Yersinia enterocolitica in pig slurry, so they were able to calculate how long these bacteria lived in certain conditions before disinfectants were used.
Introduction Transformation is a process when a bacteria cell was able to be incorporated into a sequence of DNA from the environment, this type of bacteria is called a competent
The plasmid used is called the pGLO plasmid, which has been genetically engineered. The pGLO plasmid carries the GFP gene. When GFP is produced, the transformed bacterial colonies will glow bright green under UV light. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) is the trait we are primarily looking for in this experiment. For growth, the positive control was the -pGLO LB dish because it had nothing to inhibit its growth, and the negative control was the -pGLO LB/ampicillin dish, because it did not have the genes for Beta-Lactamase to protect it from ampicillin, so it could not grow.
70µL of competent E.coli are added to both test tubes; pUC18 and Lux (Alberte et al., 2012). Both test tubes are then tapped and placed back into the ice bath for 15 minutes. While waiting, another test tube is obtained, filled with 35µL of competent cells and labeled NP for no plasmid. A water bath is preheated to 37 degrees Celsius and all three labeled test tubes are inserted into the bath for five minutes (Alberte et al., 2012). Using a sterile pipet 300µL of nutrient broth are inserted into both the control and Lux test tubes and 150µL are inserted to the no plasmid test tube to increase bacterial growth. All three test tubes are then incubated at 37 degrees for 45 minutes. Six agar plates are obtained and labeled to correspond each test tube, three of the plates contain ampicillin. A pipet is used to remove 130µl from each test tube containing a plasmid and insert it into the corresponding agar plate. For this, a cell spreader is first
The hypothesis above tested the insertion of the pGlo gene to see if the bacteria, E.Coli, will reproduce and grow in the presence of ampicillin and to see if it will cause a green fluorescent glow. (PGLO™ Bacterial Transformation Kit,2017). Based upon the results from this experiment the hypothesis did support the hypothesis and that the presence of the pGlo gene inserted into the E.Coli did cause for growth and fora fluorescent glow to occur. In the experiment, the petri dishes that contained no pGlo (-pGlo) did not show any reproduction nor did a green glow appeared in both dishes. Unlike the two petri dishes, that contained the pGlo gene and ampicillin, the data data showed both reproduction and a glow in the petri dishes.
The plasmid pGLO contains an antibiotic-resistance gene, ampR, and the GFP gene is regulated by the control region of the ara operon. Ampicillin is an antibiotic that kills E. coli, so if E. coli, so if E. coli cells contain the ampicillin-resistance gene, the cells can survive exposure to ampicillin since the ampicillin-resistance gene encodes an enzyme that inactivates the antibiotic. Thus, transformed E. coli cells containing ampicillin-resistance plasmids can easily be selected simply growing the bacteria in the presence of ampicillin-only the transformed cells survive. The ara control region regulates GFP expression by the addition of arabinose, so the GFP gene can be turned on and
The purpose of this lab is to use genetic engineering to transform E. coli bacteria by inserting the plasmid pGLO, and to then see if the bacteria was transformed by using the antibiotic, ampicillin.
The purpose of this study was to see whether E. Coli cells would engage in the pGLO plasmid and glow in the presence of four control environmental factors which are arabinose sugar, bacteria, the antibiotic ampicillin, LB nutrient broth and pGLO plasmid DNA. This was tested using four plates, all the plates had E. Coli cells and different environmental factors. The founding was that E. Coli will only fluoresce when bacteria, pGLO plasmid DNA, the antibiotic ampicillin, and LB nutrient broth are present. The result did not support the hypothesis because it stated that, E. coli cells that are exposed to the pGLO plasmid would engage in the plasmid and glow only if the arabinose sugar is present.
This pBlu lab had for purpose to present the changes of the strain of E. coli bacteria due to new genetic information being introduced into the cell. In this experiment we are freezing and heat shocking the E. Coli bacteria that is then forced to take the plasmid DNA. The E. coli then transforms the pBLu plasmid, which carries the genes coding for two identifiable phenotypes. After following the Carolina Biological steps our lab worked well and we able to see some colonies of bacteria on the plates. The x-gal plate showed a significant amount of bacteria to confirm that the pBlu plasmid took over the E. coli strain.
There of the dishes turned out as expected in this experiment. Our group expected there to be growth in the LB -pGLO dish as the bacteria were not exposed to the antibiotic ampicillin. Furthermore, our group also expected to see inhibited bacterial growth in the LB/amp +pGLO dish as there was ampicillin in the dish, but some of the bacteria were immune as they possessed immunity to the ampicillin. Moreover, our group expected that there would be no bacterial growth in the LB/amp -pGLO dish, as the bacteria were exposed to ampicillin and were not immune. However, the final dish, LB/amp/arbo +pGLO, did not turn out as expected. While it was expected to allow for inhibited bacterial growth and the bacteria to become florescent,
Control Plates After Incubation shows whether there was growth of E. coli without the presence of the pGLO plasmid after exposure to ampicillin.
To start the experiment two small plastic tubes were labeled negative pGLO and positive pGLO as the first step in this experiment. A pipet was then used to move 250 microliters of calcium chloride into each tube and the tubes were iced. Bacteria was added using a new sterilized loop each time to the positive and negative pGLO tubes. The loop was twisted around in the tube to ensure that the bacteria was evenly mixed into the solutions and the tubes were iced once again. Another loop was dipped into the tube containing the plasmid and it was removed when there was a visible slight film of residue. The plasmid was dipped into the tube that was labeled positive for the pGLO gene. The two tubes labeled positive pGLO and negative pGLO were iced
If a gene that codes for Green Fluorescent Protein transforms bacteria and GFP glows when transformation occurs, then when two micro test tubes have 250 microliters of transformation solution and places in an ice bath, then 2-4 bacteria colonies are added to each tube with a sterile loop; then a plasmid (pGLO) is added to one of the tubes, incubated in ice for 10 minutes, then heat shocked for 50 seconds at 42 degrees Celsius, then back into 9ice for two minutes; then LB nutrient broth is added to both tubes (250 microliters) and set out at room temperature for 10 minutes. Then, 100 microliters of each solution in the tube are added to four
Next the tubes were placed in an ice bath, while obtaining a sterile loop to swipe a single colony of E.coli to put into the tube. After gently swiping a colony onto the loop, it was then spun in the +pGLO tube to get it to come off, returned to the ice bath. Next using a different sterile loop, it was swooped it in a container labeled pGLO plasmid DNA and again spun it ONLY into the tube with the solution labeled +pGLO to get it to come off. After about 10 minutes on ice the tubes were then placed into a 42ºC water bath for 50 seconds exactly, and immediately after placed them back into the ice bath. Finally, after 2 more minutes in the ice bath the tubes were separated into 4 containers. 250 ul of +pGLO solution was added to the containers containing +pGLO, LB broth, with ampicillin and +pGLO, LB broth, ampicillin, with arabinose. Also 250 ul of the –pGLO solution was added to the 2 containers containing LB broth, and ampicillin, with LB broth. Using a sterile loop for each plate the solutions were spread out gently and thoroughly on to the containers with agar. After the containers were incubated in 37ºC for at least 24 hours, the results were observed and disposed of (Weedman,
The two control plates LB AMP-PGLO and LB AMP+PGLO (refer to Figure 3.0 and Figure 4.0) include a nutrient causing growth and the antibiotic, ampicillin, with or without the plasmid DNA. The purpose of the two is to provide a determination of the LB AMP ARA+PGLO and whether or not, the plasmid has an effect with the sugar. In addition, the two controls show that plasmid, pGLO, can affect the growth of bacteria with the consideration of ampicillin. As well, the two control plates prove that the results of the LB AMP ARA+PGLO and the LB-PGLO plate can be reliable knowing that they have been under the same conditions of the incubator as the control plates. Green Fluorescent Protein acts as the biological molecule for the fluorescence.
Depending on the bacteria species, the manner in which transformation occurs varies. Haemophilus influenza is an example that utilises membrane-bound vesicles to capture double-stranded DNA 3. On the other hand, S. pneumoniae can uptake single-stranded DNA molecules after its cells express competency factors 3. Alternatively, scientists in laboratories transform cells, including ones that are not naturally competent, by inducing them to uptake DNA 3. These transformed cells are now known as competent cells for they have been rendered able to uptake DNA from the environment 18. This artificial transformation process is achieved by using a procedure called the heat shock method 18. This transforming method includes adding DNA to cells in the