
A Survey At Texas A & M University Student Body

Decent Essays

Personality Traits
A survey was conducted at Texas A&M University in which the “Big Five” traits of Psychology were measured. The focus of the research is to use descriptive statistics to determine the average personality across the Texas A&M University student body and compare the results to the average personality across the University of Texas student body. Descriptive statistics describes the data that the researcher is analyzing in terms of the average and variability of the sample. Two types of descriptive statistics exist to describe the data: central tendency and variability. Central tendency describes the average of a sample by interpreting the mean, median, and mode. Variability describes the difference in the set of scores through the interpretation of standard deviation, variance, and range. When reporting data, it is important to analyze both measures of central tendency and measures of variability because each are equally important to accurately make conclusions. Central tendency provides the researcher with three scores that alone can be misleading, especially in the case of extreme values. Therefore, variability is calculated to explain how fluctuated the scores and inform the researcher of the major differences within the data set. The five traits of Psychology were analyzed with both types of descriptive statistics to inform the researcher of the most accurate depiction of the data.
Psychology students at Texas A&M University were

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