
A Synopsis Of Sigmund Freud

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A Synopsis of Sigmund Freud
The Theorist
Sigmund Freud was born, May 6, 1856, and died 23 September, 1939. He was beyond a doubt one of the founding fathers of modern psychology. Sigmund Freud examined the human mind more in depth than anyone who became before him. His contributions to psychology are immeasurable. He was one of the most influential people throughout the twentieth century. His theories, and research have influenced not only psychology, but many other areas of culture, including the way people raise their children even today.
Freud influenced language and embedded it within the modern vocabulary of today. Words such as anal (personality), libido, denial, repression, cathartic, Freudian slip, and neurotic are just a few of terms he coined that are still widely used.
Freud held the belief that when explaining our own behavior, we rarely give an accurate account of our motivation. It is not because we are intentionally lying. Although people are good deceivers of others, they are even better at deceiving themselves. The rationalizations of our conduct are actually disguising the real reasons. Freud’s life work was spent predominately trying to find ways of circumventing this camouflage that obscures the hidden structure and processes of personality.
Sigmund Freud really gained substantial recognition with his first book, co-authored with Josef Breuer, “Studies in Hysteria.” The book based on a new theory that physical symptoms often surface as the result of

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