
A Taxonomy For Evaluating Business Data Visualizations

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A Taxonomy for Evaluating Business Data Visualizations
Submission Type: Emergent Research Forum Papers
We are creating data in enormous quantities primarily because of improvements in data capture technologies. But much of this data are underused or never being used. A detailed analysis of this underused data is often impractical due to time, personnel, and other resource constraints. Data visualization techniques offer a good means of taking an immediate look at this data for exploring the underlying relationships then analyzing relationships and finally understanding the knowledge embedded in the data. While there is an increased interest in Business and Data Analytics and related areas, it appears that efforts to evaluate their contributions are lacking. The need for developing an unified framework for evaluating the data visualizations is of paramount importance. A special issues just devoted to this topic of evaluating visualizations exploring its complexities (Bertini, E., Lam, H., & Perer A., 2011) highlights its importance further.

The present study builds on these attempts to consider the contribution of various visualization technologies by applying the ideas already presented established frameworks. To present our case, we first define business data visualization and then justify Bloom’s Taxonomy as a possible approach to think of the contributions business data visualization projects and finally show example of how to apply our proposed

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