A Taxonomy for Evaluating Business Data Visualizations
Submission Type: Emergent Research Forum Papers
We are creating data in enormous quantities primarily because of improvements in data capture technologies. But much of this data are underused or never being used. A detailed analysis of this underused data is often impractical due to time, personnel, and other resource constraints. Data visualization techniques offer a good means of taking an immediate look at this data for exploring the underlying relationships then analyzing relationships and finally understanding the knowledge embedded in the data. While there is an increased interest in Business and Data Analytics and related areas, it appears that efforts to evaluate their contributions are lacking. The need for developing an unified framework for evaluating the data visualizations is of paramount importance. A special issues just devoted to this topic of evaluating visualizations exploring its complexities (Bertini, E., Lam, H., & Perer A., 2011) highlights its importance further.
The present study builds on these attempts to consider the contribution of various visualization technologies by applying the ideas already presented established frameworks. To present our case, we first define business data visualization and then justify Bloom’s Taxonomy as a possible approach to think of the contributions business data visualization projects and finally show example of how to apply our proposed
If we take an example of retail industry dashboards can be beneficial in analyzing the customers’s buying behaviour and analyzing the market situations. Retailers who use data to drive decisions run more efficient businesses and are more change-ready than others. Customized Dashboards offers solutions that can help retail industry visualize the market situation,increase customer satisfaction, reduce
One of the main functions of any business is to be able to use data to leverage a strategic competitive advantage. The use of relational databases is a necessity for contemporary organizations; however, data warehousing has become a strategic priority due to the enormous amounts of data that must be analyzed along with the varying sources from which data comes. Company gathers data by using Web analytics and operational systems, we must design a solution overview that incorporates data warehousing. The executive team needs to be clear about what data warehousing can provide the company.
Slavery plays an important role in American history. Director, Steve McQueen, shows this throughout his film 12 Years a Slave. McQueen shows how horrific slavery really was. Steve McQueen had to make key decisions throughout the film. He had to figure out what to add and what to remove from Solomon Northup’s story.
Importantly, we will create visual representations of the data/insights to enhance interest and interactivity. These will result in the creation of such artifacts as:
The horror genre is characterized by many different traits, some more distinct and impactful than others. These characteristics manifest in varying ways in varying tales, for a plethora of reasons, likely because of the effect on the audience. “The Monkey’s Paw” by William W. Jacobs fits into the horror genre because of its foreshadowing, suspense, and characters. To start off with, foreshadowing keeps the audience focused on the story, it helps them make predictions and theories about events that occur later on. A notable form of foreshadowing, used in paragraph sixty, ‘‘Well I don’t see the money
What’s Good: Allows drill-down, search and storytelling features in real-time. A flexible, scalable data analysis and visualization tools made for all users. The solution can be tailored for specific business functions.
Effective graphics are extremely important to rely a message and to tell a story. However, what is considered as an effective graphic are up to individual presenters to define and consider. A graph that is considered to be an effective visual aid for presenter A may not be considered as an effective visual aid to presenter B. The categorical data, time-series data and spatial data visualizations will be the focus of this short paper.
A picture is worth a thousand words. The ability to graphically represent your business data gives you the power to make informed business decisions quickly. (Microsoft.com, 2002) This representation must be visually appealing and easy to understand. By keeping it simple, it allows the broadest number of users to interpret the data, gain insights as to its meaning and facilitate communication on the data ultimately to solve the company¡¦s problem. Data visualization is the use of interactive, sensory representations, typically visual, of abstract data to reinforce cognition. (Wikipedia.org, 2005) That in itself is a method or technique of decision-making. To further break it down, the most
Before seizing evidence you should evaluate the crime scene to ensure safety. You might not be safe because you have no idea of the motives of the person behind the crime. The suspects may be armed and at the scene waiting. Once the scene is clear, escort people from the crime scene to evaluate. Mark the perimeter of the scene with crime-scene tape and post a guard
While accumulating data is essential to interpreting progress and making progress in future ventures, the ability to display data is critical. Displaying data allows for a superior understanding of the information. The three most common ways to visually display data is through the use of pie charts, bar charts, and line graphs. Pie charts are best used when comparing parts of a whole (Data Driven Decisions). A disadvantage of using a pie chart is that one will not be able to see changes over time. If one is trying to best track changes over time bar charts and line graphs will be used. When smaller changes exist, line graphs are better to use than bar graphs. Line graphs can also be used to compare changes over the same period of
The healthcare industry is producing a rapidly increasing amount of data on a daily basis over the last decade. Visual analytics is an outgrowth of the fields of visualization and analytics that has the ability to turn this massive amount of data into an asset and create opportunities from information overload. The goal of visual analytics is to make the method of processing information transparent for analytics disclosure. As defined in (Keim et al. 2008), “Visual Analytics will foster the constructive evaluation, correction and rapid improvement of our processes and models and ultimately the improvement of our knowledge and our decisions”.
Analytical tools enable greater transparency, and can find and analyze past and present trends, as well as the hidden nature of data. However, past and present insight and trend information are not enough to be competitive in business. Business organizations need to know more about the future, and in
Visualization is the process/technique of creating images or charts to represent the data and to communicate the meaning of the data through it. Visualization is done by two primary ways, by hiring third party specialists or by using visualization tools. There are different dashboard products available in the market and the ideal software depends on the need of the project. There are different dashboards and they have their own merits and demerits. They need to be assessed and evaluated from the requirement’s point of view.
Two different types of research are problem driven research and technique driven research. Problem driven research has the goal of working with real users to solve the users’ real world problems. On the other hand, with technique driven research the goal is to develop new and better techniques without having to establish a strong connection to a particular user need. The paper highlighted a specific process of design studies in which researchers analyze a real-word problem, design a visualization system that supports solving this problem and validate the design created. Next, the visualization researchers reflect about the lessons learned in order to improve visualization design guidelines.
Photographs or Diagrams – Are commonly used especially where there is difficulty in communicating due to illiteracy or use of multiple languages. The main goal of visualisation is to make it possible to absorb large amounts of data quickly.