So it's been a hot second.
But let me say that a lot has happened and it is good. Thank Adonai for that. Seriously.
A couple of weekends ago, I found myself driving to Orlando, Florida gearing up for some intensive trainings at a young adult Messianic conference called the ARCH summit. I was nervous, a mixture of being unsure and also thinking I was in no way worthy of being there.
This past almost year has kicked my butt. I don't know what has been in my drinking water, but it's been hard.
I've gained a lot of weight, I've also gained a lot of oppression. Somehow these things go hand in hand, but as a woman, that's a very vicious cycle.
I've been apathetic and I've been letting the oppression build on me, essentially keeping me on the
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I mean He is always around me, always speaking, so let me clarify. I became available to Him, I opened my heart back to Him and let Him minister to my brokeness.
I met fellow believers that were on fire for the Lord, and it invigorated me. I made important connections and also, I got not just the intensive trainings I was expecting, but I got training that surpassed my expectations.
Although a lot of the habits I formed in my oppressive state still linger, there is a lot more fight in me now, and I am working on pushing back on the negative effects I have let bother me for so long. I don't want to just lie down and let the enemy take me.
I walked away from the ARCH summit not just trained, I walked away liberated.
It has been interesting being back in my college courses and back to my "normal" life in a not so normal state. My mouth rejoices constantly for the Lord's goodness, and I am connected to the presence of the Lord in such a strong way.
I write this blog to let you know about my weekend a couple of weekends ago, but also to encourage those who are being oppressed. It's okay that you've been battling, but don't let the enemy speak lies to you.
You are liberated by the Messiah Yeshua. That my friend, is pretty powerful.
May we walk in His
During my preparation, I was able to discover more about my true self. It was as if I was looking at myself from above. I deepened my faith and felt closer to God every moment I heard something new.
For this assignment, we had to attend a meeting of a spiritual tradition that is not our own. As this assignment's due date approached, I became very anxious! I didn’t quite know where I wanted to go. In my sewing class one day my friend, Kelly Jorgensen, had asked if I had finished the assignment. I had not. “Me and Karlie Mortensen are going to the Baptist church over by Riverton Hospital this Sunday at 6:00 PM if you want to join us” she offered. I found this rather funny. The day before, as I was driving home from work, the Harvest Valley Baptist Church sign had caught my eye. I thought to myself that I should
Loving and worshiping God began to be more and more part of my daily thinking, motives, actions, and decisions.
After this week's readings, it definitely helped me understand more about the concept of oppression and how it is connected with discrimination and prejudice. Through reading the chapter in "Is Everyone Really Equal?", it was presented in a way where it was very informative, describing current issues that individuals face in their everyday lives. There was a lot of information to take in, however, it made me realize, without question, how little I know about oppression and how it greatly affects an individual's life. It was also interesting to read about the women's suffrage portion in the chapter. That no matter how much women wanted to be granted the right to vote, only men had the power to vote and also having the power to give women
It makes living for Christ, that much more exciting; knowing you're making a positive and lasting impression in someone's life.
These constant stressors of being oppressed on a daily basis is a threat to well-being, self-worth, and provokes the feeling of danger,
This week started off pretty slow. Monday I had the opportunity to go on a home visit to a foster home. This has been one of the most interesting visit of all. I went out with Faith, a Family Specialist. This therapeutic foster home housed 3 special needs children. The oldest girl has a diagnosis of Asperger and the youngest children, a girl and boy, have a diagnosis of Autism. They are awesome kids and they have been blessed with delightful foster parents. I just get good vibes whenever I interact with this family.
When I went to South Dakota the group I was with consisted of many differences which led to several challenges, but the reward at the end of the trip made all of the struggles worth it. We all loved interacting with the people of Pine Ridge which led to many residents committing their lives to God and putting their trust in Him for a better life. During this mission trip not only were the residents’ lives changed, but mine was as well. Even though we each had our own differences, we learned from each other and brought it back home to live by every day from then
Women in the ancient world did not have the rights or status as we do today. They were looked upon as possessions or property. For a woman to be strong or be allowed to hold a position of power was something that was unheard of. Medea and Dido were two very strong and powerful women, however each lived in slightly different cultures. Their choices in how they chose to wield their power gives us a small insight on the differences in cultural lifestyles between the two women and the worlds they lived in.
However, there are many roadblocks to ending oppression. Freire describes that the oppressed desire the position of the oppressor, rather than desiring to have equal positions. He also states that many oppressed people have resigned to the dehumanized position they were socialized into and feel incapable or fearful of bucking this oppression. This particular description of oppression is similar to the powerlessness face of oppression put forth by Young. Young asserts that “the powerless lack the authority, status, and sense of self that professionals tend to have” (p. 22). If the word powerless was substituted with oppressed and the word professionals was substituted with oppressors, this statement rings even more
It's been so incredible these last couple weeks seeing how God has provided even more of my tuition. It's encouraging to see the kind of support through prayer and finances that I will have while I am living in Los Angeles. I am psyched as I am only two days away from moving into my dorm at the Dream Center. Thursday the 8th of September my family and I will be driving down to LA and then Friday the 9th I will begin to move into my new home. I am so excited to unpack and create a cozy little dorm for my roommate and myself. Just a week or two ago found out who my roommate is going to be. His name is Alec and he lives in North Carolina. We have been in contact and we are both so excited to be rooming together. It is very interesting how God
Reverse Logistics. Once a customer places an order for an item and the item has an associated return value, the GCSS-A system populates a list that so that all parties can see and know what part needs to be returned and that it indeed has and associated return value. This is the true start point of the reverse pipeline of the Army’s supply chain. The Army’s reparable management process recovers and repairs assets (repair parts) to replenish serviceable inventories and satisfy the equipment readiness requirements. Commanders are responsible to ensure that their subordinate units are in compliance with local policy and Army publications (US Army, 2014). The Army uses a system call Standard Pricing (SP), which enables the Army to receive a
It baffles me how each of my Steubenville conference experiences have been so vastly different. My first was an exhilarating emotional shedding of baggage, anger, depression, and shame. It was that Steubenville conference that formally began my faith journey. The year after was so different. It was absolutely emotionless. I felt total peace. I sat in wonder and felt connection with everyone around me, and a love for the Eucharist, but I didn't cry, and I felt more emboldened than anything else. I prayed for everyone around me, and for strength for myself. It was the Fall after this conference that I began my consecration to Jesus through Mary, with special petitioning to Saint John Paul the great. Saint John Paul the great is my confirmation
One key concept to understand when trying to face oppression is that oppression isn’t just one general issue. Oppression comes in many different forms and is a problem on many different levels. The three different levels oppression can appear in is individual, cultural and institutional. (Robinson, Handout “oppression
Oppression signifies an authority over another group, disengaging that particular group from the rest of society. “The term oppression encapsulates the fusion of institutional and systemic discrimination, personal bias, bigotry, and social prejudice in a complex web of relationships and structures that shade most aspects of life in our society” (Bell, 1997). In one way or another every individual experiences some form of oppression, whether it be through race, sex, gender, religion, age, wealth and/or sexual orientation. These cultural minorities experience inequality where a dominant culture casts its authority and power through exercises of unjust and cruel methods; these methods have been experienced through the Women’s Movement, the