I enjoyed reading your post, it was very brief and interesting to read. Terrorism is definitely a top threat to homeland security and it should be at the top of the list in all homeland strategic documents that deal with homeland security. Even The Strategic National Risk Assessment in Support of PPD 8 and The 2014 Quadrennial Homeland Security Review, which are two important publications that deal with homeland security, they both recognize that terrorism is the number one threat to homeland security (Department of Homeland Security, 2011) (Department of Homeland Security, 2014). One of the reasons is because the occurrence of terrorist attacks around the world have significantly increased in recent years. Moreover, a terrorist attack is
Since DHS’s creation it has worked diligently to keep the United States safe from terrorist threats. The department has worked through various challenges coordinating all the agencies under its domain, reporting to congressional committees and working with the Public. One of the main challenges DHS faces in the balance between the need for national security and the need for individuals’ privacy. It is clear that DHS is doing their job, there have been no terrorist attacks on US soil since its creation. The levels of cooperation DHS has achieved with state and local agencies, and the private sector is astounding, which has created a true Homeland Security Enterprise. The men and women in these agencies who work hard and vigilant in keeping
As a Chief executive, the president’s main duties are to enforce and execute laws however they see fit. The President signs executive orders directing law enforcement agencies, including the agencies that enforce immigration laws, that has “prosecutorial discretion”– the power to decide whom to investigate, arrest, detain, charge, and prosecute. The Agencies may develop discretionary policies specific to the laws they are charged with enforcing, the population they serve, and the problem they face. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) may decide how to prioritize its resources in order to meet its stated enforcement goals that are set by the President. With executive unilateral powers the president, drafts policies without and sometimes over the objection of Congress or the courts. The President can design policies regarding the immigration matter without approval of Congress, he can simply follow the former presidents’ footsteps on immigration laws. I am making the argument that U.S. President does have too much unilateral power.
that all protect our country on multiple fronts.. This program was founded by George W. Bush,
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a proposed rule, on December 30, 2015, entitled "Retention of EB1, EB2, and EB3 Immigrant Workers and Program Improvements Affecting High-Skilled Nonimmigrant Workers." Included in the proposed rule is the long-awaited provision for the ability to obtain an employment authorization document (EAD) based on an approved form I-140, employer petition. Unfortunately, eligibility for this immigration benefit under the proposal is highly restrictive and therefore will aid a far narrower group of foreign national workers than had been hoped.
Did communism pose a domestic threat to America? Why or why not? Yes, communism posed a threat to America. First you would need to know what communism really is and how socialism ties in with it (know your enemy). How they operate and what their goals are. One of the goals of the communist movement, was the destruction of capitalism.
Today, domestic terrorism is one of the major threats to the national security of the US. Since 9/11, the US intelligence services and law enforcement agencies viewed international terrorism as the major threat to the public security of the US but the threat of domestic terrorism has been underestimated. At any rate, American law enforcement agencies conduct active campaigns to prevent international terrorism but domestic terrorism become a serious threat to the national security of the US. In such a way, the US needs to develop effective strategies to prevent the rise of domestic terrorism. Otherwise, the US may face a threat of the consistent growth of domestic terrorism as do some European countries, such as the UK, for instance. Therefore, law enforcement agencies should focus their attention on the prevention of domestic terrorism because, even though domestic terrorism is unseen, it may be even more dangerous than international terrorism. Domestic terrorists undermine the country from within, while international terrorists attack the US from the outside and the US can raise barriers to protect Americans from the foreign threat, while domestic terrorism needs effective work of law enforcement agencies nationwide. Therefore, domestic terrorism is a serious threat to the national security of the US and American law enforcement agencies along legislators and the public have to unite their efforts in the struggle against domestic terrorism.
The homeland security enterprise has progressed much in the past few decades, especially after the attack on September 11th. It has been necessary for the DHS to grow and adapt as new and more dangerous threats became known. However, as more threats are prevented successfully, newer and sometimes tougher challenges for the DHS arise. In an effort to pinpoint the most important things affecting the nation, strategic plans are used, sometimes in the form of multi-missions plans, in order to separate different jobs to focus on. Since it is the duty of homeland security to keep the American people safe, but also feel safe, it is important that the public remains confident in the DHS. It may be questioned, but the DHS has the capability to identify and handle future challenges that may arise. But, it cannot be at the expense of the American public’s civil liberties. It may be difficult to walk that fine line, but it is imperative that the DHS does in order to keep the country safe.
In homeland security they have many strategies to help protect the United States. Whether it is preventing a terrorist attack, or preventing a natural disaster. Homeland security has a strategy to make sure that everything works out. Now to give a brief background, President George Bush came up with the national homeland security strategy in July, 2002 after the attack of September, 11th. “The strategy set forth overall objectives to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reduce America’s vulnerability to terrorism, and minimize the damage and assist in the recovery from attacks that occur (Rabkin).” Now in November of that same year, the Homeland Security Act, was passed into a law furthermost creating the department
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) currently has a limited ability to persistently monitor, detect, and track, non-emitting vessels that operate in Customs Waters, which spans from the shore line out to 12 nautical miles. The volume of non-emitting vessels without metadata is due in part by the lack of regulatory policy mandating vessels broadcast their identification and location which would assist with Maritime Domain Awareness. This limited ability situates DHS in need to mature the Maritime Domain Awareness Network and optimize the existing infrastructure and allows for flexibility to expand and evolve as the threat changes.
Every year the United States faces new and different threats and hazards, which can be difficult to identify. The 2014 Quadrennial Homeland Security Review, which was released by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), laid out what they believe will drive risks to the nation over the next several years. The report pinpointed six calculated challenges- terrorist threats; cyber threats; biological concerns; nuclear terrorism; transnational criminal organizations, and natural hazards- which DHS feels are the most likely to occur (DHS, 2014, pg. 28). In this paper I will discuss each threat in more detail and which of these threats pose the ultimate risks to local communities, and how the communities can utilize their resources to prevent or mitigate these risks.
One of the major problems nagging America is the need for a new health care system. The number of uninsured Americans needing medical treatment is rising. Medicare, a major part of the American health care system, is projected to go broke in 2019 according to USA Today?s article, 'Congress refuses to swallow cures for ailing Medicare.' I have seen this ruin people?s pursuit of happiness. I worked in a nursing home for the past five years. Many elderly patients run out of money to support themselves for their long term care. When they go on Medicare, only certain treatments and prescription drugs are available. This causes them to worsen in condition physically and mentally. I believe that with a
When it comes to applying for home loans or many other types of credit accounts, your credit score can have a huge impact on your ability to get qualified for the credit. For many people, understanding what makes up your credit score is not easily understood. There are several factors in your credit score and knowing how each factor affects your score will give you a better understanding of how to manage your credit. If you manage your credit correctly, you will get the highest possible score which will give you the ability to get qualified for financing like an auto loan or mortgage.
Good evening, I hope all is well and thank you to all of my fellow Veterans today. I have found this week’s reading to provide great substance and overview of the role the Department of Defense and the Army and Air National Guard plays in relation to Homeland Security. The Department of Defense plays a vital role in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security. The Department of Defense offers several assets that boosts the Department of Homeland Security’s abilities. The assets being intelligence gathering, CBRNE response, special operations, and personnel augmentation.
I wanted to give you a quick briefing of the involvement in which the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has with private enterprises and their involvement in prevention, response, and recovery. The Private Sector Office (PSO) is the primary advisor to the Secretary on the impact of the Department’s policies, regulations, processes, and actions with the private sector, Assistant Secretary Douglas A. Smith and the Private Sector Office work constantly to create strategic communications with the private sector to enhance the homeland security enterprise (Live Chat Five 2015). The private enterprise of Homeland Security engages in the protection of critical infrastructure and key resources (CIKR). The Department of Homeland Security also uses state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) governments, private enterprises and individuals in the following mission areas which are prevention, response, and recovery.
Does changing the temperature of the water affect the time it takes for a finger to wrinkle? An interesting body function is water wrinkles. A different form of wrinkles are age wrinkles. Wrinkles happen in the skin area. An important part of the wrinkling process is the cells. Wrinkles can be easily prevented. The research suggests that fingers will wrinkle faster in hot water.