a 13 year old boy whose name has not been revealed, was spotted sitting on the roof of the high risisng building with his legs dangling over the edge in the city of lviv in ukraine to commit sucide just to win this sick sucide game blue whale. he was playing the controversial blue whale sucide game which isa twisted sucide challenge game which motivates vulnerable teens into killing themselves. this game include 50 horrofic tasks which the members of the players need to complete over 50 days. the missions of the blue whale gaame include self harming, watching scary moives and waking upat unusual time. the finbal stage of the game
One of the darker actions examined in this unit takes place in "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell. In this short story, General Zaroff begins hunting a man lost on his island named Rainsford. Bored of the usual game, General Zaroff decides he wants something more exciting and chooses to prey on humans. This ill-judged decision has a domino effect on the plot, ultimately ending in the demise of Zaroff. Nonetheless, an alternate ending besides death could have very well been a possibility. Perhaps, instead of hunting humans, Zaroff decides to open a hunting camp to share his passion for the sport with others. Obviously, his boredom is caused by the island's isolation from society. So, Zaroff could have built homes and started a community or decide to leave the island altogether. Then, the course of this story would have taken a completely different path. Maybe, Zaroff finds a wife, they have children and live happily ever after. If only he was able to overcome his dark side instead of letting it consume him.
Rainsford came to a cliff and he was trapped by Zaroff and his hounds. Rainsford had no choice, he didn't want to surrender because he know he would get killed. There was only one choice left and it was to jump off the cliff into the water. He waited to Zaroff got close and the he jumped into the roaring waters. General Zaroff was surprised when he did that, but he knew that he wasn't going to come back because he would be to scared to. Rainsford hit the water hard and Zaroff peaked his head over to watch for Rainsford but he didn't come up, so he waited for about 10 minutes and he didn't come up so he knew he was dead, so he left and headed back to his house. Underneath the water there was a cave and in that cave was where Rainsford was hiding.in
Between the movie and story in “The Most Danger Game” there several things that are taken and some added. When they added the Lady in it made the story more interesting. It was more suspenseful because it felt she was slowing Rainsford down and you weren’t sure if they would get killed. An omission that took away from the story was that Ivan did not hold the gun to Rainsford’s heart in the beginning. So Rainsford did not know what was coming until later and it was not as suspenseful during the beginning of the story. These additions did effect the theme it made it even more known that animals feel pain and fear when hunted.
“The Most Dangerous Game” is a story written by Richard Connell that explains the different aspect of hunting between 3 characters. It shows the relationship between hunters and the hunted through a fictional story. Rainsford, a skilled hunter, Whitney, Rainsford’s friend who is also a hunter, and Zaroff, a murderer on an island, each have their own views on what hunting is and how it should be done. They have similarities and differences about this topic. The story starts with Rainsford and Whitney talking about their views on hunting.
I will be comparing the video verion of The Most Dangerous Game to the story.
The Pulse Orlando shooting was one of the deadliest shootings to happen this year. There were so many lives lost because of one man’s hatred towards a certain group of people. The shooter himself dedicated countless hours to plan his attack on the club. Hate crimes happen all the time in the United States, too many. Many people lost their lives, the shooter was well informed on how to execute his plan, and this shooting was yet another example of a hate crime.
In the story “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell and the poem “Porphyria’s Lover” by Robert Browning, the authors use characterization and imagery to convey that the desire for power can drive man to psychotic actions.
It had been a week since Rainsford managed to kill the nefarious General Zaroff. The challenging part was almost over or so it seemed. There was not a clear way for Rainsford to escape. As days passed, Rainsford tried to escape. He tried making a boat from driftwood that he found, he tried swimming, he even tried sending a signal by using a flashlight. Rainsford had become so desperate that he even tried some ridiculous plans like trying to pole vault across the ocean. As a result, Rainsford ended up having huge gashes in his left leg ,which got infected, and he had to amputate it. As days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, Rainsford had lost hope and became bitter.
Imagine a world where people hunt other people as a sport and the hunters become the prey in a fight to survive. In the short story, “The most Dangerous Game,” by Richard Connell there is a rich hunter named Sanger Rainsford and he is on his yacht in the middle of the Caribbean. After hearing a gunshot he leans over the side of the yacht and he swims to a strange island. On that Island he meets General Zaroff. During a dinner Zaroff tells Rainsford about the hunts he likes to go on and after much convincing Rainsford reluctantly agrees to go on the hunt. Rainsford spends the next few days in a fight for his survival and ends up winning “the game.” In “The Most Dangerous Game” Richard Connell creates suspense by using two elements: foreshadowing and dangerous action.
Resourcefulness is being able to overcome difficulties quickly and in a clever way. Resourcefulness can also be using one’s surroundings for his/her benefit with prior knowledge and experience. In Richard Connell’s short story “The Most Dangerous Game” the main character Rainsford shows these skills of resourcefulness as he tries to survive the hunt. Rainsford is an experienced big game hunter that is trapped on a tropical jungle covered island with another big game hunter, General Zaroff. Zaroff has gained so much experience in hunting, due to this he has lost interest in hunting animals and now enjoys the hunt of humans. Rainsford is put in the position to be torched or participate in a game of hunting. When Rainsford is challenged to this game of hunting he is forced to try and survive. Rainsford is able to survive the hunt because he uses his resources and prior knowledge to weaken Zaroff helping him win the hunt.
How would it feel to suddenly go from being the hunter to becoming the prey? That is exactly what happened to Rainsford, one of the main characters in The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell. Rainsford was a big game hunter who accidentally fell of of his yacht. He swam to a nearby island, and there he met General Zaroff, a cruel man who hunts humans for sport. In exchange for release from the island, Rainsford agrees to be hunted by Zaroff. Consequently, Rainsford is a survivor because he kills Zaroff and wins the game. Rainsford is also a survivor because he demonstrates the qualities that a person must have to be considered a survivor. Although Rainsford is a survivor, Zaroff is not. To be considered a survivor, a person must go through a traumatic or life-threatening experience but still demonstrate resilience and determination.
Throughout the story.”The Most Dangerous Game”, one way suspense is created is by the description of the setting. “The old tarts call it ‘Ship-Trap Island’...Sailors have a curious dread of this place. I don’t know why. Some superstition-” (24). These few sentences create suspense by how the characters Rainsford and Whitney describe Ship-Trap Island by saying some sailors have a curious dread of this place. That means that sailors feel uneasy and eerie about coming to this island due to how it’s surroundings make them feel. Superstition is also raised in this case, because there are many myths that can be told about Ship-Trap Island alone that many sailors fear. The reason why this quote creates suspense is because of the way the island is
Rainsford sighed. He should’ve seen this argument coming from a mile away. Yet his idiotic brain was filled with joy for staying alive for so long. He thought he could just complete the game and leave this place for good, but fate has other plans.
Imagine a time where you had an argument with your parents. What would was the outcome of the argument? Did you get what you wanted? Many may wonder: why would you argue with when you now you most likely will not get your way. Maybe we argue because we are mad and want to vent Maybe we argue because we are convinced we are right even if we realize later that we weren't. We ask ourselves why why do we fight battles we now we are destined to lose? The argument of “The Most Dangerous Game” General Zaroff, hunts trapped sailors on his island. He does this because he is bored of hunting animals he knows he will win. He thinks he will also defeat Rainsford, other great hunter. Zaroff is a murderer and is uncivilized because he killed people
Throughout the past five years, I have indulged myself in a fascinating array of short stories. From stories such as “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi” by Rudyard Kipling to “Song of the Trees” by Mildred D. Taylor, to even ‘The Smallest Dragonboy’ by Anne McCaffrey, just to say a few. All these stories stood out to fascinate me in a variety different ways. They included thrilling adventures, saddening romances, murder, as well as out of this world fantasies. Out of these numerous stories, there is one that will remain a fascinating and thrilling story - that is ‘The Most Dangerous Game’ by Richard Connell. To me ‘The Most Dangerous Game’ encompasses multiple