
A Transition Of Fascination And Fear Essay

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Introduction - A Transition of Fascination to Fear Historically change has been vital in the emergence of American higher education. John Thelin (2011) expresses "The single most change in American higher education at the end of the 19th century was that college going became fashionable and prestigious" (p. 156). Prior to WWII, the public romanticized college going as a means to promote social mobility. Throughout the evolution of higher education, individuals ' views transitioned from fascination to fear. A sense of fear was instilled in students as they became aware colleges were not exempt from violence. The transition-inspired legislation of the Clery Act, which puts practices into place to create safe communities. Has regulation of the Clery Act benefited student populations? Do higher education institutions exclude certain populations by complying with the act? Throughout this paper, I will address these questions and critically analyze the Clery Acts significance within higher education.
The History and Amendments to the Clery Act Before enactment of the Campus Security Act, there had been a multitude of particularly violent crimes on college campuses, which threatened the security higher education institutions assured (101st United States Congress, 1990). Due to this fact, congress proposed a disclosure of campus security policy and campus crime. Both public and private institutions that received federal funds were required to prepare and distribute annual

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