Tea was founded by the Emperor of China, 5000 years ago. While on a trip, slaves of the Emperor were boiling water for drinking and tea leaves fell into the water. The Emperor drank the tea and found it refreshing. Lu Yu, a Chinese scholar of Buddhist Monks, codified the various methods of tea cultivation and preparation in Ancient China. This helped him to introduce tea to the Imperial Japan. Japan was first introduced to tea by the Buddhist priest Yeisei. Encouraging the use of tea in religious meditation. Yeisei became known as “the Father of Tea”. Over the years, tea has been introduced to many countries such as Europe, America, England, Russia, Britain, and Asia.
There has been several different ways learned to prepare tea. Each country may have a different method to add. As stated above, the first way discovered was to simply boil water and add the whole tea leaves. Later, it will be a practice to crush the tea leaves and steep the leaves into boiling water. Thomas Sullivan of New York developed tea bags for restaurant use. Crushed tea leaves are placed into small single use paper bags and boiled. This is was for a cleaner more convenient brew.
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Japan uses tea for religious meditation purposes. Countries such as Britain, use tea as a socializing tool. They have tea times that will include tea, small cakes, and sweets. In England, there are tea gardens, where tea is grown and served along with entertainment. Tea was used for profit. Many countries started heavily taxing tea, so people were smuggling the tea into the colonies and sold them at very high prices. During the American Revolution, women used tea as a bargaining tool to regain their free rights. Women stopped drinking English sold tea until their rights were
The Tea act was extended by the British Parliament in 1773 to reduce the tax on tea shipped to the dependencies. The Act was one of many measures imposed on the American colonists by the British regime. The Act imposed a tax on tea imported to the colonies by a company that Great Britain had set up for that role. That society owned the sole right to import tea to the settlements, so almost all tea consumed by colonists would be taxed. They were so furious that they boycotted tea altogether.
Saberi, H. (2010). Tea Comes to the West. In Tea:A Global History. [Adobe Digital Editions Version]. Retrieved from http://site.ebrary.com/
English needed the tea from China which was one reason caused British to negotiate with the Chinese to open more trade opportunity to the outsiders, and the denial of exporting tea to the British caused the later Opium War.
In the late sixteenth- century Europe adopted a caffeinated warm drink for the first time this included chocolate, tea and coffee. Tea fills the senses with a bittersweet scent. This herb came from china by ship. Unlike cider and beer tea was new to the English-speaking world (49). Starting in the eighteenth- century Europe trading companies began to market green and black tea (51). Before this time period tea was very rare in the west region of British north America. Only the wealthy could originally afford tea and sugar. Tea was also used as a source of herbal medicine rather than traditional methods. This herb was also expensive because it shipped across great distances and allowed the East India Company to charge higher prices and labor added an extra charge. This resulted in tea becoming a luxury item in the colonies (53). The Townshend’s act in 1767 put a tax on tea which Americans responded that parliament could not tax without their consent. This frustrated the colonist because it put their love for tea at risk, so they responded to parliament by aiming at British merchants and manufactures
The tea its self wasn’t made in Britain but made in China. The British East India Company had extensive dealings in China. The tea destroyed during the Boston Tea Party was described as “Bohea” type, which is known as black tea. The black tea come from the mountains in China.
Tea became a mainstream drink in Asia around 100 BCE. It then became a mainstream drink in Europe around 1610 CE.
During the late 1700s, the East India Company had a monopoly on all of the tea in the colonies. Tea was everything
how to process and grow tea or it would be useless to get the thousands of
Tea became popular for British royalty because of Catherine of Braganza. Catherine was a devout tea drinker and married Charles II. With that marriage came a dowry that included a chest of tea. This was popular with upper class England because
It also served as a food stuff, until it became a drink. According to Monks ( Buddhist) tea help with meditation, so it play an important part in Buddhism. Tea was used socially, people in both China and Japan, also in England would gather together for tea parties. While at these tea parties, people would have enjoy a cup of tea which helped the mind to stimulate intellectual conversations and debates. People drank a lot of tea because it help prevent waterborne disease. It served as a the main trade for China and Japan.
The British East India Tea company sent tea to the colonies and sold it at low prices. British officials placed a tax on the tea and felt the colonists wouldn’t mind paying the tax if the tea was cheap.
Since the beginning of the 18th century, tea had been regularly imported to the American colonies. By the time of the Boston Tea Party, it has been estimated American colonists drank approximately 1.2 million pounds of tea each year (Boston Tea Party , 2015). Britain realized it could make even more money off of the lucrative tea trade by imposing taxes onto the American colonies. In effect, the cost of British tea became high, and, in response, American colonists began a very lucrative industry of smuggling tea from the Dutch and other European
Attention getter: In the East tea has always been looked at as playing a major role in having good health, happiness, and wisdom, and it has now begun to gain more attention from researchers here in the West.
- First in its market to brew its tea from tea leaves as opposed to artificial powders.
Tea ceremonies in Japan, also known as chanoyo or sado might seen like a simple little tea party but they actually require a lot of things to learn before hosting or attending a ceremony"(JAPANESE TEA CEREMONY: HISTORY, SCHOOLS, GREAT MASTERS AND AND PROCEDURES. JAPANESE TEA CEREMONY: HISTORY, SCHOOLS, GREAT MASTERS AND AND PROCEDURES. Web. 08 Feb. 2016.)”. Although sado has changed through the generations, the three most important things to learn about the Japanese tea ritual is what to say, how to act, and how it must be prepared "(Kids Web Japan. Tea Ceremony. Web. 08 Feb. 2016)”. Knowing all of this will help to prove how complex and how much practice it takes to perform a Japanese tea ceremony.