
A WASP Stings Back Summary

Decent Essays

In the article “A WASP Stings Back” WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) is an ethnic group made up of powerful white Americans of British Protestant ancestry. In this article, the author, Robert Claiborne, attempts to defend the reputation of the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant group, as he himself is from WASP descent. He explains that minority groups had no issue with speaking badly about them, and that minority groups have a negative perception of them. The author then makes counter points to what the minority groups believed, by stating that if WASP did control the United States, the U.S would be in much better shape. He then expresses the “WASP values,” he explains that the members of WASP were the ones to create the idea of limited government …show more content…

However, I disagree with some of the counter points that the author made against the minority groups. From a minorities’ perspective, WASP did control the United States. Even though all politicians weren’t members of WASP, which some were, WASP still had major influence over the republican party. In addition, stating that minority groups will soon receive the same treatment as whites is pointless. Not only does it not help the author’s argument, but it is now 2018 and minority groups are still being discriminated. Finally, the author then shares his personal experience with being part of WASP, he explains that it is difficult to keep up with WASP’s principles, and if they do, they face backlash from the government. But if the goal of the author is to receive some sort of understanding from minority groups, that will be nearly impossible. Minority groups have also faced backlash from not only the government, but from the rest of society as well. Overall, I understand where the author is coming from and he made some valid statements, but the discrimination that minority groups have faced can never be justified, thus making it difficult for them to change their perception on WASP, a dominant social group made up of powerful white

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