
A World Without Government Thomas Hobbes

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Imagine a world without government. Many people argue that government should under the ideas of John Locke or the ideas of Thomas Hobbes. Locke believes in no government and Hobbes believe their should be government. Government should be run as Hobbes argues because, without government society would be in chaos, there would be warfare, and no society as people know it.

To begin with, without government, society would be in a state of chaos. Hobbes argues in the Leviathan why people need government: “continual fear and danger of violent; and the life of man, solitary poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” This quote means that without government chaos will reign. Also men will live in fear of death and bad conditions. Jean-Jacques Rousseau stated in his writing The Social Contract “This sum of forces can be produced only by the combination of man”. This quote means that without a combination of man there can be no sum of forces, so without the sum of forces in society how can the people live peacefully. People would steal kill and do other illegal things without …show more content…

Hobbes states in the Leviathan, “For war consists not in battle only, or the act of fighting but in tract of time, were in the will to contend by battle is sufficiently known.” This quote means that men without a sufficient government will turn to war to solve their problems. Rousseau argues in The Social Contract, “now as men cannot create any forces but only combine and direct those that exist, they have no other means of self preservation than to form... a sum of forces which may overcome the resistance to put them in action” This means to overcome a resistance you have to have a sum of forces or in other words you have to have a government to overcome a resistance. People would fight for what they want if they have to they will probably kill also.That is some evidence that warfare will happen without

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