
A Wrinkle In Time Analysis

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Surprised, worried, and bewilderment all came up inside while reading A Wrinkle in Time written by Madeleine L'Engle. Within this novel one will find three children with very unique personalities going on a mission to find Mr. Murry the father of two of the children that has been stolen away by something in a different universe. With the help of Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which they can achieve their goal. Throughout this story came a main conflict, settings, characterization, and fantasy techniques used in the novel.
In this novel the main conflict turns to be person versus person. It was a kidnapping of Mr. Murry, Meg’s father. Mr. Murray went to a special mission but lost contact and never came back(46-47). The actual problem is when he got captured by a person or thing called IT. The novel states “ In the center of it was a large, round, transparent column, and inside this column was a man”(134). When finding Mr. Murry Meg, Calvin, and Charles Wallace was accompanied by three extremely special women …show more content…

It was appropriate to use all of characters she put. The characters got introduced gradually and all had a reason to be there and carried the plot. Each planet they met someone new to help them on their journey. The author wrote “ The medium smiled and nodded. It does seem as though I should be able to do something nice for you (87).” Every person they meet gains their knowledge or help them recover from their battle scarrs. Even the side characters conducts the plot. The text states “ The man looked at Charles sharply. I think I shall have to report you (109).” This led the children to IT and the main conflict. Meg is the main character with her little brother Charles Wallace and their friend Calvin their personalities are vital to the plot as well as the three W’s. All the characters built the plot and there was just the right amount to keep track and to keep it

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