critical appraisal of two articles using the appropriate CASP guidelines”:
CASP (Critical Appraisal Skills programme 2010) is a tool for one to criticize research paper. The questions provided, make one think and consider whether a research study is convincing and trustworthy. In the following, CASP will be used to criticize 1 quantitative research and 1 qualitative research.
Paper 1
For quantitative research, Experiences of sub-fertility among Chinese couples in Hong Kong: a qualitative study (Loke, A, Yu P, Hayter M (2011) would be used.
1. Was there a clear statement of aims of the research?
Yes, the aim is clearly stated in the essay, “This study aimed to explore the lived experience of sub-fertility
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& Breuer, F. [2003]) , since there is none further explanation on the relationship of the participants and the researcher, which means some of the participants may be direct friends of the research which may cause some bias based on the experience they had. For example, if one pair of the participants are an old friend of the researcher, this pair may not willing to open their private issue to this old friend, still, they would like to help for the research, or on the other hand, the researcher may have a subjective opinion based on his perception to this pair old friends, as a result, the result may have false based on 2 way. 1. Hidden information from interviewee to interviewer or 2. Misinterpret the conversation on the interview by the researcher. The research has not enough consideration and explanation.
7. Have ethical issues been taken into considerations?
Yes, the researcher has got the ethical approval from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s ethical committees before the study. The participants were explained fully and the interviews are recorded. Confidentiality is also guaranteed. The participants can also leave the research whenever they want, so they are not forced to be interviewed, giving false answers.
8. Was the data analysis sufficiently rigorous?
The method of data analysis is clear, with deep explanation of colazzis approach. However, there are 3 points that making the
In this article participants were given written and verbal information about the study and confidentiality, anonymity and withdrawal were reassured. All participants were fully informed and consented. Moreover, as the participant for this design is to permit the participants to ‘open up’ and discuss their experiences. It is crucial that any given time the participant should be permitted to discontinue with the interview if they feel uncomfortable. This is called as process consent, whereby the interview continuously negotiates with the interviewee to determine whether they are comfortable in continuing with the interview, (Polit and Beck, 2006). There are many ethical aspects to consider, the above is just one fraction used as an example, by simply suggesting that ethical guidelines were adhered to, does not illustrate ethical consideration. They did not show how to make the participant safe if they were difficult to manage.
THE NO-BABY BOOM, by Anne Kingston, published in March 2014 was about the social infertility rates of twenty-first century women. Kingston uses credible evidence that shows that she wants to promote awareness and change the perception of how society views the topic of infertility. The way Kingston presents the information to the reader is by providing statistics, personal stories, and her personal opinion on the idea of the “childless” mother. Readers this is most likely to appeal to is people who are struggling with infertility. The concern and values throughout this article is the infertility rate of women and the way it affects their life styles. The reason that Kingston published this article is to let people become more aware of the
A research critique aims to measure the value and significance of a study. These are determined by
I will be evaluating two research papers using peter Ellis’s framework (2013). Using critical appraisal framework to evaluate a research paper offers general and specific questions to ask. The framework aids people to recognise if the study was designed and carried out properly and to identify if it is beneficial to other people or has any flaws to it (Steen and Roberts, 2011). The first paper I will be discussing is a quantative paper and the second is a qualitative paper.
Both studies received ethical approval from the appropriate committee to ensure confidentiality and to ensure that the participants right were respected throughout (Moule and Hek,2006). Ethics is the norm of conduct that differentiates acceptable and nonacceptable behaviour in research (Davies, 2015). Atici and Erdemir, (2008) and Aveyard (2010) highlighted that all research should have a clear aim and objective to make it easy to meet all ethical standards. However, Burns and Grove (2002) argues the importance to critically analyze the ethical elements of any research to rule out any scientific misconduct. This is in accordance with the RCN which also confirms a fundamental part of nursing research to be the consideration of ethical factors(RCN,2009). Confidentiality was maintained in Moser et al (2008) by using code numbers for participants identification while Rise et al
When conducting an independent research project of any form, one must take into consideration ethical and bias issues. Throughout my research I will be keeping in mind the ethical and bias considerations. Also, to avoid any dilemmas I have made it an option on my questionaries for the participant to put
In addition, even though an unstructured interview is very relaxed, it is still an interview and is seen as an artificial conversation, in which inevitably, there will be power and status, which may lead to the interviewee giving what is seen as socially desirable answers, this is called the Halo Effect. This is when the interviewee tells the interviewer what the interviewee thinks the interviewer wants to hear. Because the research is based on educational achievement, the interviewee is likely to be younger than the interviewer is, in which case the interviewee may feel intimidated by the status divide and give socially desirable answers.
Everyone possess critical thinking skills but when it comes to criticize a journal article it can be difficult for the first time, one of the best ways to develop critical thinking and reading skills is to use some strategies when reading and evaluating a research study (Wood & Haber,1998). The following essay it is going to focus in a critique of a qualitative journal article by giving its strengths and weakness, critical appraisal it is going to be done with support from different references and frameworks relevant to a qualitative study.
CASP sets out a series of questions that can be used to critically appraise qualitative research, and help to identify if the article contains bias, is relevant and creditable.
Our study will comply with standard ethical research procedures. We will obtain informed consent from our participants before they participate in our study. Our potential participants will be fully informed about what will happen during our study; in addition, they will understand the effects that our study will have on them and our research (Grinnell, Unrau, and Williams, 2014). We will not use bribery, deception, threats, or any other forms of coercion in order to gain participants for our study. The physical/emotional safety of the participants will come before the research; therefore, we will adhere to all ethical research procedures.
The study utilized a phenomenological research methodology to study the impact infertility has had on the couples lives. This method provides a clear portrayal of the meaning of parenthood for couples, the dynamics of relationships, and the thoughts and how the self is impacted by infertility.
The objectives of this essay are to critique the authors’ credentials, compare and critique the articles, discuss amongst other things such as language, structure and style. Discuss my criticism about the article, which one is better and why and the impact of the article on practice.
Furthermore, removing the human experimenter and having all information provided by a computer may remove elements of the social desirability bias, as a participant may feel as though an interviewer would prefer them to respond in a certain way. Exploration is needed in the ways in which this bias may be alleviated.
Phenomenological interview limitations may appear due to the researcher’s lack of experience in conducting interviews (Downey, 2015); which may interfere with the researcher’s focus and intentionality (Ashworth, 2017). Limitations may occur with the relationship between the researcher and the interviewee, including power struggles which might affect trust and honest participant reflections (Boucher, 2017). Further, time limitations could impede upon a participants deliberation process during the interview process (Downey, 2015). If a researcher is to understand the essence of a phenomenon; a suspension of judgment is required during participant interviews (Ashworth, 2017). Additionally, the researcher will need to be extremely attentive to experience the study through the participants’ eyes (Kelley, 2016). Individuals may choose not to answer every question, which is acceptable; yet, missing data can also become a limitation to the study. However, if enough participants do not answer the same question, the question might need to be reframed or removed; additionally, secondary data, such as technical reports, white papers or additional publications might be necessary to validate the research question (Johnston, 2014).