Titled Child Abuse.A thesis paper on child abuse with a look into Dave Pelzers autobiography "United States more than three children die as a result of
child abuse in the home. That is more than 1,000 children a year and most of these children are
under the age of six. (http://www.childhelpusa.org/child/links.htm) You may be wondering, what
exactly is child abuse? Of what does it consist? Are there different types? What are the signs?
Read on to find all the answers and take a look into the life of Dave Pelzer who was a victim of
child abuse. Also, do not forget to read child protection and preventive services to find out how
to protect and prevent child abuse in your area.
Child abuse is widespread and needs to be not only
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Most abusive parents do not
intentionally set out to harm their children. If there are efforts to aid distressed families, parents
at risk of abusing may be advised and helped before they resort to assault. Parent who abuse
their children may stay away from other mothers and fathers in the community and not take part
in school activities. When asked about the injuries of their children they do not want to talk
about it or seem nervous when they do. Also, take into account that parents who are poor, sick,
were abused as children, have a drinking or drug abuse problem increase the risk of child abuse
to their child or children. (http://www.acf.dhhs.gov/programs/cb/publications/cm99/cpt5.htm)
Dave Pelzer was a victim of and suffered severe emotional, physical child abuse and neglect
since the age of five. The case of this individual was and still is one of the most recognized, not
only in Californian, but North American history. He was called names, beaten, threatened,
starved and neglected by his emotionally unstable alcoholic mother. She played torturous games
on Dave which almost took away his life on several accounts. He was given broken bones, was
stabbed and brutally abused. Dave was no longer considered part of the Pelzer family, he was
later constrained to sleep in the basement on an empty stomach and was referred to as "It" or
The first factor that played a role in the continuation of abuse in Pelzer’s life is alcohol. His mother started to increase the intake of alcohol, she drank. Dave’s mother had a drinking problem when she began to associate drinking alcohol with getting rid of her problems as a wife and mother. Pelzer explains that his relationship with his mother drastically change. The mom’s behavior became worse when her husband went to work and she spend her entire time laying on the couch , dressed in her bathrobe and watching television. She only movement was to only use the bathroom, getting more drinks or heating left over foods (Pelzer, pg. 29). Through the progression of Pelzer’s life , his mother drank heavy. Most of the time her day was spend drinking. Pelzer’s father contributed to the increase of abuse that Dave receive. He passive allowed his wife do whatever she wanted with Dave because he was tired of battling with his wife. This became a moment of realization for Dave when he figured out that there was no one to advocate for his rights at the
Every year an approximate 139,000 cases of child abuse and neglect are reported in Ohio, and 72,000 are thoroughly investigated (Ohio's Children 2012). Although some might think this number is high, it is believed that the number of actual child abuse cases would
Dave Peltzer stated in his autobiography that, 'Childhood should be carefree, playing in the sun; not living in a nightmare in the darkness of the soul' (Peltzer, A Child Called 'It'). A vast majority of the population would agree with this but the stark reality is that this is not the care. Every day there are at least four to five children who will die from abuse and neglect and a parent is usually the perpetrator (Children's Bureau). The ones who live after the abuse are handed a new set of cards; they are burdened with numerous social difficulties, psychological consequences, and economic difficulties in adulthood. According to the article, 'The Youngest Victims of Violence', children who were faced with abuse are more susceptible to 'post-traumatic
In 1995, David Pelzer wrote a book describing his childhood, a book that is highly recommend as a must read. The book starts off with a happy home and quickly turns into his very own nightmare. Pelzer is a survivor of child abuse. This story is so nauseating that while reading it you find found yourself praying that his parents would rot in hell for all eternity.
David Pelzer 's life took place in Daly City, California. In 1973, his prayers had been answered. In Pelzer last book, A Child Called It, the teachers from Thomas Edison Elementary School had questions the marks and bruises along his body. They had reported it and told the police officers. Pelzer was more excited then he had ever been; however, he did not realize what was in store for him. Over the years he had been in five foster homes from the age of twelve to eighteen. Once he got to the point that he was comfortable in a home it was time for him to move again. Many of the foster parents he had along the way had impacted his life in many ways. There was Rudy and Lilian Cantanze, Michael and Joanne Nulls, Jody and Vera Jones, John and
Often the children will also have detrimental developmental and mental health issues as well, leading them to either become very timid in society or an abuser themselves.
There are many things in our society today that unfortunately go overlooked. One such thing that is overlooked is the number of children who are being abused. Unfortunately these children are going through life not knowing whether or not their parents will loose their temper and perhaps kill them. There are many types of child abuse, such as physical, sexual, and emotional. Physical abuse is physical injury as a result of punching, beating, kicking, biting, shaking, throwing, stabbing, choking, hitting, burning, or otherwise harming a child. Such injury is considered abuse regardless of whether the caretaker intended to hurt the child. Sexual abuse includes activities by a parent or caretaker such as fondling a child's genitals,
Why people abuse a child varies depending on the person. Children resulting from unintended pregnancies are more likely to be abused or neglected. Over two thirds of cases that involve child maltreatment involve parents with substance abuse issues. The substances most commonly abused are alcohol, cocaine, and heroin. Unemployment and financial difficulties can also lead to increased rates of child abuse. Lastly, parents who physically abuse their spouses are more likely than others to physically abuse their children (Lo and Vandenburg)
Problem Statement: People suffer from all types of matters nowadays, but it’s much harder hearing about children suffering in that way as a result of child abuse.
Under the influence parents or emotionally unstable parents are the most common abusers. They take their anger out on their children because they think of no other way or because they take parenting to the extreme. In 2005, 16.6% of children were physically abused. In 2005 73.5 million children were alive. Some of those children developed psychological problems, physical wounds, or become an abuser themselves. If physical abuse isn't stopped then the domino effect will happen (Abusive parents teach or emotionally embed abusing to their children to abuse their
According to Webster 's dictionary, child abuse is the mistreatment of a child by a parent or guardian, including neglect, physical abuse and sexual molestation. The medical definition differs fro Webster 's definition only by a few words. The medical
Investigators substantiated abuse or neglect for nearly 1 million of the children reported. Among substantiated cases, 56 percent involved physical or emotional neglect, 25 percent involved physical abuse, 13 percent involved sexual abuse, 6 percent involved emotional abuse, and 13 percent involved other abuse, such as educational neglect or abandonment. Some children experienced multiple forms of abuse.
Many don't realize that there are many ways that a child can be abused. Sexual abuse, when an adult uses a kid for sexual purposes, these children are exposed
Child abuse is the physical, sexual, emotional mistreatment, or neglect of children. In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or also known as CDC defines child abuse as any act or series of acts by a parent or other caregiver that could result in harm to a child. Most child abuse occurs in a child's home, but it could also be found within organizations, schools, or communities that the child interacts with. There are four major categories of child abuse: neglect, physical abuse, psychological/emotional abuse, and also sexual abuse. In the story I selected, it shows many signs of sexual and physical abuse within a little girl and her older brother. Of course the mother
There’s a report on child abuse every ten seconds in the United State of America. Child abuse is just not a parent abusing their child for fun. The causes for a parent to abuse their child includes the history of violence in the parents, broken homes, the social isolation of the parents, and finally the social stress on the parents.