
ABC Department Store

Good Essays

Introduction to the Case

The ABC department store has three major product lines: hardware, clothing, and sporting goods. However, the store is facing the decision on whether to drop the clothing line because the past year’s Income Statement indicates that the clothing line is operating at a loss. Such a decision cannot be made arbitrarily; instead the use of differential analysis will aid in the decision-making. Differential analysis is a comparison of alternatives in order to choose or decide on the alternative with the highest level profit or the lowest cost (Heisinger, 2016). Differential Analysis requires the company to identify all revenues and costs that differ from one alternative to another.

Therefore, the ABC store is …show more content…

One soultuion would be finding a way to lower the “Varablie Cost” that aredirectly related to business activity referring to (Edwards, 2010) in his book “Accounting Principles: A Business Perspective”. In looking at “Appendix A” we can see it is operating at a negative (1,000). If we can get the “Varablie Cost” to drop from 8,000 to 7,000 it would be a “break even point”. To do this the manager would need implament the following reffering to what (Summers, 2011) says in the book “Lean Six Sigma: Process Improvement Tools and Techniques” Get volume discounts, Shop around for supplies, Create efficient workspaces and processes using 5S & Six Sigma Lean, Look into technology to reduce labor costs, Rework your product.This could not only bring the “Variable Cost” down to 7,000 it could bring it down engough to have a “Clothing” profit. Also applying this to the other two areas (hardware & sporting goods) “The ABC Department Store”. could very well reduce their “Varablie Cost” as well. Implemanting this statagy that (Summers, 2011) suggests would be a wise move for all management and employees at “The ABC Department Store”. The many goal of any company is to (lower cost & increase profit) and with the data provide it is bet to keeping the “Clothing” and implament “ Summers Stratagy” would be the best course for “The ABC Department

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