Bo Yang
English-118 Laura Jones-Katz
July 11 2015
Words: 1390
The Manifestation and Treatment of ADHD Symptoms for College Students
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, which often abbreviated as ADHS, is a increasing clinical concerns for scientists since last 70s. Such inappropriately developed inattention and/or hyperactivity could significantly influence people across the whole life. Commonly people have ADHD symptoms could at high risk of high graduation failure, the retention of occupation promotion and even affect the life after marriage. There might have many students who have ADHD symptom suffer the obstacles such as emotional disorder, poor performance in school, unstable school social relationships caused by ADHD. Therefore
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Grenwald-Mayes (2002) find that ADHD college students have lower life qualities compared with their non-ADHD peers. For instance, Grenwald-Mayes explicits that the family relationship and life qualities are well connected and maintained for those non-ADHD students. Furthermore, the relationships between opposite sex may show that male ADHD students with inattention might experience uncomfortable relationship with female students, as Canu and Carlson (2003) find. Perhaps low self-esteem may also be the part of social impairment for ADHD students. Since Shaw-Zirt et, al (2005) discover that ADHD college students exhibit lower self-esteem may experience unstable social relationship. Due to low self-esteem and inattention problems, ADHD colleges students may face more negative evaluations from their opposite sex, and have difficulties to comfortably maintain long lasting relationships with other companies. In general, students with ADHD showing inattention and self-esteem may not experience comfortable relationships in their college …show more content…
Educationcational therapy and redemption would be important to ADHD students. Since the study of Norwalk et, al. (2008) reveal that ADHD symptom are negatively linked to students’ study skills and academic underperformance. ADHD students may have poor self-management, underdeveloped study skills that cause them difficult to handle routines and interferences. Hecker et, al. (2002) evaluate that the improvement of reading completion and the deployment of assistive study tools may improve students’ improvement in English readings. Therefore, ADHD students may have opportunity to perform better in school works. The increased completion of required English readings could not the only obvious improvement for ADHD students, other school works and academic performance could be improved under the appropriate assistance. Allsopp et, al (2005) note that carefully designed study strategy for ADHD students may also help student perform better even some students were in academic probations. The specified study strategy may focus on compensate the weak point of ADHD symptoms and help students establish a specifically well developed study style that accommodate them to learn and manage them more effective and better. Therefore under the management of study assistance and the formation of suitable study habits, ADHD student may have
What is ADHD? Sirs data base reports that ADHD is called attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This disorder is a mental illness that causes children and adults to have trouble staying focused, behavioral issues, and incidences of hyper-activity. Till this day, the cause of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is still unknown. There is also a lot of controversy over the topic of ADHD, stating that some believe the mental illness is at the end of its normal behavior chart, while others believe there are genetically and physiological reasons for this condition. The controversy centers on how to treat and diagnose ADHD children. This paper will examine viewpoint one, two and my viewpoint on
For a college student who has ADHD, his or her school or personal life might be impacted by major problems with vigilance by not being able to understand fully the risk in situations at college events, like parties which can haver server consequences. It also effects their ability to remember import dates, and when classwork is due. Having ADHD also effects the students cognitive control with paying attention in class and learning what is be taught. They also lose the motivation to keep up with their studies.
ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is also called ADD for short. ADHD is a brain disorder marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention and hyperactivity that interferes with the everyday life of a person. This developmental impairment of the brain’s self-management system includes problems with motivation, focusing on tasks and monitoring emotions to fit any given environment (Frank). According to the article, ADHD by the Numbers: Facts, Statistics, and You, 6.4 million children in America have this mental disease. Many doctors argue whether or not there has been an increase in the diseases or an increase in the diagnosis.
It is estimated that roughly 11% of children and 4.1% of adults are diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This is a 40% jump in diagnoses in the past decade. Stimulants such as amphetamines are prescribed to treat ADHD to increase focus and as college students are becoming more overwhelmed by workloads, stimulants are becoming very commonly abused to make it through an all-night study session. Because of this there are several instances of students exaggerating symptoms in order to receive the prescription they desire to improve in their classes. Many people believe that ADHD is becoming over diagnosed and in most cases it is simply kids being kids or stress-induced distractibility. This paper will address the idea presented by Dr. Richard Saul in his book ADHD Does Not Exist that Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has become an easy diagnosis with an easy treatment, however ADHD is not the disorder, it is the symptom of various other physiological and psychological disorders that have been misdiagnosed.
ADHD is influential to the learning ability which will affect their competitiveness in the society. Sufferers, who are still students, are difficult to concentrate on the lessons or when they are taking revision and eventually they will have lower learning outcome. Children with more symptoms of ADHD are found that they have around double probability of grade repetition and have worse performance in mathematic and reading than ordinary U.S. children (The National Bureau of Economic Research, 1990). The research shows the effect of ADHD on learning. In our society, most of the employees under the illusion that academic result reflects one’s working
Some students have major difficulties in life when faced with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or more commonly referred to as “ADHD” , although if recognized early by noticing symptoms this disorder can be properly treated and contained causing minimal troubles for the victim. ADHD will distinguish itself commonly at an early age. There are exceptions to this with ADHD in adults. Some people can go years without noticing their disorder. These people in particular fall to the devastating effects of this disorder. They do have the power in their
Attention- Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) crosses gender, cultural, and socioeconomic lines, but it does not render adolescents from participating or excelling in the academic process. ADHD disorder has been defined as a neurobiological development disorder of impaired executive functions that significantly affects self-control, behavior, cognition, and learning. (Anthony L. Rostain & J. Russell Ramsay, 2005) According to a study conducted by the American
This paper will focus on what is commonly known as Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD is a complex disorder that can affect people of any age, gender or ethnicity. This disorder impacts so many people that new studies are being done quite frequently. Because of this, it can be very difficult for mental health professionals to remain current with the most recent findings and know how best to respond to patient’s questions and apprehensions regarding the disorder and subsequent interventions. This paper will attempt to summarize significant findings from recent research regarding ADHD and its treatment.
Children who are diagnosed with ADHD struggle with managing behavior in school environments. As research has shown, students have difficulty paying attention and can be disruptive in class. This often leads to a decline in their academics and can hurt future academic achievements. There are a number of tools, programs, contracts, and classes that are available to students with ADHD. Along with a lack of attention and an abundance of hyperactivity, “twenty to thirty percent of ADHD children have an associated learning disorder of reading, spelling, writing, and arithmetic” (Daley & Birchwood, 2010). It can be difficult, as a teacher, to manage a classroom with children with ADHD. It is important that teachers, parents, and students, understand the opportunities available to them to help the child succeed.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder have the characteristic which is the persistent pattern of hyper activity/ impulsivity and/or inattention. The patients with ADHD is difficult to staying focused on work tasks, according to the textbook. The textbook mentioned that the prevalence of ADHD is about 3-5% in school aged children, but it is hard to diagnose at that young-age children because in the development stage many children express hyperactivity or inattention. For treatment of ADHD, the most common way is medication which using the stimulant drug. Also, the behavior therapy is one of common ways to treat ADHD. I agree with that school-age children with ADHD should be treated with stimulants medication.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a syndrome identified by enduring over-activity; impulsivity; and struggles in maintaining attention (Carr see refs). ADHD is a lifelong disorder which is thought to occur in 5-10% of children (nhmrc). Research and treatment of this disorder is of great importance, as children who suffer from ADHD tend to have far reaching problems in areas of academic attainment; peer relationships; self-esteem; and family unrest due to behavioural difficulties. In other words, the consequences of ADHD, when untreated, can adversely affect all major areas of a child 's life. ADHD is also known to be frequently comorbid with conduct disorders; mood disorders; and later in life with substance abuse and criminality. The costs of this disorder to the individual and society are great. This essay will explore aetiological theories; assessment procedures; and finally recommended treatments for children with ADHD. I hope to provide a reasonably comprehensive but succinct picture of the current understandings of these aspects of ADHD.
ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a common behavioral disorder amongst children. Referred to as an externalizing disorder because of a child’s display of dysregulated behavior when compared to it’s peers. There are many signs and contributing factors that can be assigned to the diagnosis and causes of ADHD. Over recent history copious amounts of research have been conducted to try to understand this behavioral disorder. Characteristics of ADHD can be categorized into two forms, either inattention, or hyperactivity. The causes of ADHD as somewhat unknown, the two most predominant avenues of research are biological and environmental causes and their interactions to form potential reasons for the development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children.
ADHD is an abbreviation for attention deficit/hyper activity disorder. It is commonly referred to as a psychiatric disorder in need of therapy. The origination of the disease is in the neuro-physiological brain construct, and the main cause of the disorder is considered to be genetic (Wilson, 2012). Many children with ADHD struggle with impulsivity, hyperactivity, and inattention (Unnever, Cullen, & Pratt, 2003). According to McNamara, Vervaeke, and Willoughby (2008), “attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder is the most commonly diagnosed behavioral disorder among children and adolescents. It affects between 3% and 5% of school age children” (p. 38). In a
The main purpose of this paper is to provide the reader a quick overview and insight of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD, is a common disorder that can affect some children and adolescent. ADHD can continue into adulthood for some of these children. The NIMH, National Institute of Mental Health, estimates that 3% to 5% of children have ADHD. Though, some experts say ADHD may occur in 8% to 10% of school-aged children. The American Psychological Association (APA) added the condition to its diagnostic handbook, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, in the late 1980s. There are many potential reasons for the rise in diagnosis over the past few decades. It could be that
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder also most commonly known as ADHD is one of the most common disorders among children and young adults. It is not only the most common but is on the rise in the United States over the past decade. Many people turn to the internet to find answers on such a disorder as ADHD. However, one has to be careful in what they read, because some websites are not accurate and have lots of bias towards one thing or another dealing with the subject of ADHD. Everyday Health’s webpage on ADHD is a very informative source and well put together by using authority, coverage and objectivity.