
ADHD Definition

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Bo Yang
English-118 Laura Jones-Katz
July 11 2015
Words: 1390

The Manifestation and Treatment of ADHD Symptoms for College Students

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, which often abbreviated as ADHS, is a increasing clinical concerns for scientists since last 70s. Such inappropriately developed inattention and/or hyperactivity could significantly influence people across the whole life. Commonly people have ADHD symptoms could at high risk of high graduation failure, the retention of occupation promotion and even affect the life after marriage. There might have many students who have ADHD symptom suffer the obstacles such as emotional disorder, poor performance in school, unstable school social relationships caused by ADHD. Therefore …show more content…

Grenwald-Mayes (2002) find that ADHD college students have lower life qualities compared with their non-ADHD peers. For instance, Grenwald-Mayes explicits that the family relationship and life qualities are well connected and maintained for those non-ADHD students. Furthermore, the relationships between opposite sex may show that male ADHD students with inattention might experience uncomfortable relationship with female students, as Canu and Carlson (2003) find. Perhaps low self-esteem may also be the part of social impairment for ADHD students. Since Shaw-Zirt et, al (2005) discover that ADHD college students exhibit lower self-esteem may experience unstable social relationship. Due to low self-esteem and inattention problems, ADHD colleges students may face more negative evaluations from their opposite sex, and have difficulties to comfortably maintain long lasting relationships with other companies. In general, students with ADHD showing inattention and self-esteem may not experience comfortable relationships in their college …show more content…

Educationcational therapy and redemption would be important to ADHD students. Since the study of Norwalk et, al. (2008) reveal that ADHD symptom are negatively linked to students’ study skills and academic underperformance. ADHD students may have poor self-management, underdeveloped study skills that cause them difficult to handle routines and interferences. Hecker et, al. (2002) evaluate that the improvement of reading completion and the deployment of assistive study tools may improve students’ improvement in English readings. Therefore, ADHD students may have opportunity to perform better in school works. The increased completion of required English readings could not the only obvious improvement for ADHD students, other school works and academic performance could be improved under the appropriate assistance. Allsopp et, al (2005) note that carefully designed study strategy for ADHD students may also help student perform better even some students were in academic probations. The specified study strategy may focus on compensate the weak point of ADHD symptoms and help students establish a specifically well developed study style that accommodate them to learn and manage them more effective and better. Therefore under the management of study assistance and the formation of suitable study habits, ADHD student may have

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