Negative Effects on ADHD Sufferers ADHD, short from Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a neurodevelopmental psychiatric disorder. Younger children have a higher probability than older children adolescents and even adults to suffer from this disease. Most of patients have cannot have a well role performance, which means they have weakened ability to do appropriately is excepted or required of a person in different roles or functions of daily life. Certainly, it brings many negative effects on the sufferers. ADHD is bad for the competiveness, for the social ability and for the economic capacity of the patients or their parents. ADHD is influential to the learning ability which will affect their competitiveness in the society. Sufferers, who are still students, are difficult to concentrate on the lessons or when they are taking revision and eventually they will have lower learning outcome. Children with more symptoms of ADHD are found that they have around double probability of grade repetition and have worse performance in mathematic and reading than ordinary U.S. children (The National Bureau of Economic Research, 1990). The research shows the effect of ADHD on learning. In our society, most of the employees under the illusion that academic result reflects one’s working …show more content…
Almost all of the sufferers have bad temper and lack of patience, which are the symptoms of this disease when facing others. In the other words, they have lower emotional stability. The individuals without ADHD, especially those who have less sympathy, will less regard people have lower emotional stability as best friends or partners. It has been pointed that Peer rejection is appeared on more than half of ADHD children sufferers. When they grow, the problem may get worse, as social rejection. It shows that ADHD will deteriorate sufferer’s emotional stability and finally affect their social
For starters, parents and doctors should think about ADHD as early as preschool. Firstly, thinking about ADHD problems at a very young age can help at children who have trouble keeping friends, and trouble in school. For example, Perri Klass, journalist for the New York Times, shares that when first treating a preschooler with ADHD it would be beneficial for them to do behavioral therapy first, and medication last. Thus, this point proves that medication is necessary, but is not the first step when treating a child. Secondly, nine percent of American children between the ages of four and eighteen are affected by ADHD. For instance, Susan Pinker, journalist for the Wall Street Journal, reports that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most common and most misunderstood disease. Therefore, this confirms that some people may have it, and others may not. Thirdly, do children grow out of ADHD when they are a child? To illustrate, Susan Pinker, tells that the statement is a myth. The older you get, you are more likely to think about life consequences rather than when you were a child. Consequently, this information shows that children with ADHD are proven to make worse life decisions, rather than a normal child. For all these reasons, medication is necessary to control the
The main topic of this page is information and statistics pertaining to children that possess the disorder of ADHD. It provided several statistics amongst the boys and girls that have ADHD. It also provided percentages and rates of how many children are diagnosed with the disorder. It revealed that statistically proven boys are more likely to become diagnosed with the disorder than females are. This site also provided statistics ad ratings of the different treatments that children are taking and how many American children received treatment for the disorder in 2011. There was also a percentage representing the children that may have been diagnosed with the disorder but are not receiving any type of treatment for it. There are also facts supporting that parents that may have been diagnosed with the disorder are more likely to reproduce children that suffer from the same disorder opposed to parents who have not been diagnosed or exhibited any behaviors or symptoms of ADHD. It is also quoted that children that have been diagnosed with the disorder may form a issue with maintaining any relationships or friendships amongst their peers. There was also a percentage that supported the fact that the children that suffer from the disorder of ADHD have a higher rate or major injuries and hospital visits compared to the average child. There is also a high economic cost to care and treat children that suffer from this disorder.
In the article “ADHD Grows Up” by Tim Billkey, Craig Surman & Karen Weintraub, these authors inform us about ADHD throughout the years. ADHD stands for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. This disorder is common in both girls and boys. Three types of ways you can recognize ADHD is trouble paying attention, restlessness, and impulsivity. These symptoms usually occur in the adulthood that can serve with many consequences. These consequences can vary from grades dropping, job opportunities and trouble getting things done. Emotion and expression can have a downfall also, for the reason that people with ADHD have trouble controlling those feelings. This may cause them to push people away or have a poor social life. Reducing
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a developmental disorder involving behavioral and cognitive aspects of inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity (Ciccarelli, S.). This disorder is most common mental disorder in children. ADHD gets diagnosed at a young age and continues in some cases into adulthood. Although in most cases children who are diagnosed with ADHD in childhood, normally grow out of it by the time they become adults. It is estimated that 2.5 percent of adults and 5 percent children have ADHD (What Is ADHD). In numerous studies on ADHD in genders, boys are about three times more likely than girls to be diagnosed with ADHD (What Is ADHD). Symptoms of ADHD show different
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that affects millions of children and often continues into adulthood. ADHD includes a combination of persistent problems, such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior.
Most people have heard of the term Attention Deficit Hyperactive (ADHD) disorder. "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurobiological disorder that interferes with an individual's ability to attend to tasks (inattention), inhibits one's behavior (impulsivity), and may interfere with a person's ability to regulate one's activity level (hyper-activity) in developmentally appropriate ways (Barkley 19)". The most important job for teachers and parents is to separate fact from fiction, to clarify what we know and don't know.
As children we were used to jump around and ask a lot of question and be careless. Being hyper, curios, and talkative is part of the definition of the term childhood. Most children enjoy doing these activities, and about 15-20 years ago, it was very normal for a child to be hyperactive or talkative. However, nowadays, these behaviors may suggest a very serious condition. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a very usual childhood disorder, which can continue even through the adolescence and adulthood if left untreated. Symptoms of this disorder are very similar to what we defined as childhood behaviors but in a more obvious or harmful manner. Symptoms include lack of focus and attention, difficulty controlling behaviors, and hyperactivity. Children with ADHD can be defiant, socially inept, or aggressive. Also, adults with this condition have trouble getting organized, staying focused, and not thinking before acting. Moreover, They can be noisy, fidgety, and unable to adapt to any new situation. In this paper, I am going to discuss different types of ADHD, possible reasons for this condition, details about its symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, and possible flaws of this disorder.
Abstract: This research paper describes ADHD and the treatments available. It discusses the different medications and their side effects and explains the opinions of some doctors for an alternative treatment. The main goal of the writing is to shed some light on the disorder and describe some theories about ADHD. This goal is stated in the thesis which talks about how ADHD cannot be identified exactly, the side effects to the medication are harsh, there are different alternative treatments, and research shows it may be caused from hormones and sleep deprivation.
The research further found negative potential results of untreated ADHD in children in the aspect that leaving the disorder untreated can create a negative and unsupportive relationship between the affected child and its parent. This finding concludes that it is vital that ADHD be treated efficiently at a young age which can be done with correct medication and treatment, rather than allowing the risk for children to falter from the disorder and be kept from reaching maximum potential.
The 21st century brings upon a new era in most areas of life, including education and health care. What used to be a little known and obtuse disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), is now more well known and more commonplace than in previous decades and centuries. There are three specific classifications of ADHD and the paper will discuss that as well as other aspects of the disorder. Moreover, the paper will provide a close reading and analysis of interviews conducted with young people, children and teenagers, who have ADHD. In the interviews, the youth are specifically questioned as to what respect their ADHD affects their specific experience in education, as well as the affects in their general life experience.
If a child is diagnosed with ADHD, he or she will consistently exhibit these signs no matter who they are with or where they are. There are also other characteristics to look for such as their social interactions and peer relationships. Some children show disruptive behaviors such as throwing tantrums when they don’t get what they want, yelling and screaming, and hitting. They can be a little nosier than other children, get into trouble a lot and this can make it very difficult to make a lot of friends and be accepted by their peers. Because a lot of different characteristics can be similar to other disorders it is important that a trained professional be the one to actually diagnose the child.
There are many negatives involved in ADHD, but what’s often overlooked, are the positives. One of these positives is the fact that this disorder is very manageable and treatable. We have an extended amount of knowledge from numerous studies that have been done since the disorder was discovered. From these studies we now know that this disorder can affect people in many ways and be a burden on someone if not treated properly.
Families who have children with ADHD often experience much higher anxiety and stress levels. A large number of children, almost half, will exhibit signs of ADHD by the age of four. However, most children are not diagnosed until he or she reaches elementary school. The behaviors that are associated with ADHD in children put them at risk for a host of other problems and complications such as completing their education, alcohol and other drug abuse, and an increased risk for delinquency. There has been much research on ADHD in recent years and many different types of medications and interventions have proven to be quite helpful. With the proper diagnosis and treatment, children with ADHD can learn to cope with the daily demands of the classroom, social situations, family interactions, and life in general.
Attention Deficit Disorder is a mental health problem that poses a strong challenge to the parents and children that are affected by this disorder. In this website, the National Institute of Mental Health wants to look at the ways ADHD affects children from the childhood and remains in the child to adulthood. The National Institute of Mental Health website used the authority , when treating ADHD , the accuracy of the evidence of children affected by ADHD and the currency of the evidence provided about ADHD on these young children. The NIMH demonstrated their authority in delivering information, accuracy in connecting with their audience and currency in their affairs with victims of ADHD.
ADHD is an abbreviation for attention deficit/hyper activity disorder. It is commonly referred to as a psychiatric disorder in need of therapy. The origination of the disease is in the neuro-physiological brain construct, and the main cause of the disorder is considered to be genetic (Wilson, 2012). Many children with ADHD struggle with impulsivity, hyperactivity, and inattention (Unnever, Cullen, & Pratt, 2003). According to McNamara, Vervaeke, and Willoughby (2008), “attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder is the most commonly diagnosed behavioral disorder among children and adolescents. It affects between 3% and 5% of school age children” (p. 38). In a