
AP World

Satisfactory Essays

World History AP withMr. Derrick-Learning Targets Part2- The Classical Era in World History, 500B.C.E. -500C.E.
Chapter6- Classical Era Variations: Africa and the Americas500B.C.E.–1200C.E.

Learning Targets

★ Analyze classical civilizations thatevolvedoutsideof themorewell-known civilizations of Eurasia
★ Comparethedevelopmentof civilizationsinAfrica and the Americas

★ Examinethefactorsthatmakecivilizationsdevelop andanalyzewhytheydevelop differentlyin someregions
★ Distinguishthecharacteristics of complex civilizationsandjudgewhether theycould develop without any recognizable centralized control

Big Picture Questions

1. “The particular cultures and societies of Africa and of the Americas discussed in this chapter …show more content…

(pron. cha-BEAN)
Coptic Christianity: The Egyptian variety of Christianity, distinctive in its belief that Christ has only a single, divinenature.
Ezana: King of Axum in the early fourth century c.e. who established Christianity in his state. (pron. eh-TZAHN-ah)
Hopewell culture: Named from its most important site (in present-day Ohio), this is the most elaborate andwidespreadoftheNorth American mound-building cultures; flourishedfrom200b.c.e. to400c.e.
Jenne-jeno: Largest and most fully studied of the cities of the Niger Valley civilization. (pron. JENNay JENN-oh)
Maya: Themajorclassicalcivilization ofMesoamerica; flourishedfrom250to900c.e.

Meroë: City in southern Nubia that was the center of Nubian civilization between 300 b.c.e. and 100 c.e. (pron. MER-oh-ee)
Moche: An important regional civilization of Peru, governed by warrior-priests; flourished from around 100to800c.e. (pron. MO-che)
Mound Builders: Members of any of a number of cultures that developed east of theMississippiRiverin what is now the United States and that are distinguished by their large earthen mounds, builtduring theperiod2000b.c.e. –1250c.e.
Nazca: A civilization of southern coastalPeru, theNazcabecamefamous fortheirundergroundirrigation channels and their gigantic and mysterious lines in the desert in the form of monkeys, birds, spiders, andotherdesigns. (pron. NAHZ-kah)
Niger Valley civilization: Distinctive city-basedcivilization

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