Failure is a part of life. While many see failure as a negative thing, I have started to see it as a situation that can make you a better person. Failure drives me to never make that mistake again. I first realized this when I took my first AP class and AP exam and received a score of 2. This journey all started sophomore year when I took AP World History. I quickly learned that I needed to actually read and take notes to be able to succeed in the class. It took a few poor grades on essays and tests for me to understand this. Despite this new revelation, I still struggled in the class. When it came time to start reviewing and preparing for the exam, I put an immense amount of effort, but not as hard as I should’ve been. Exam day came and …show more content…
I wanted to achieve this 3. I kept asking my teacher if it was possible. He said it was and that maybe I could even get a 5. I used this as more motivation. I worked even harder as the test date grew closer and closer. The day before the test, I reviewed everything I could. I walked into the test with some confidence because my teacher and my friends believed in me. However, after the test, I didn’t feel like I achieved the score I wanted to. I felt like I had let everyone down. That feeling lasted until I checked my scores in July. I woke up early to check my scores when I saw one of the biggest surprises of my life. I had not only achieved, but I exceeded my goal- I ended up getting a 5. All of the struggles and failure I went through led me to this moment. Everything was now worth it. This failure I experienced allowed me to accomplish something I never thought was possible. The struggle and failures I endured throughout AP World History were all worth it in the end. This situation made me realize that failure isn’t a bad thing. Failure doesn’t define me, but it does provide motivation for me to work harder and do my best to not put myself in that situation
All empires sought to foster an imperial identity that transcended more local identities and loyalties.
In the beginning of the Paleolithic Era, bands of humans progressively migrated from East Africa to Eurasia, Australia, and then to the Americas while adapting to their new regions. During the Paleolithic era, hominids used crude tools like clubs and choppers to crack open bones, simple axes, and scrapers to prepare animal hides. As the years went on the Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon, and Homo sapiens amended these tools and created new ones. They made these tools so that they can provide shelter, protection, defense from other predators, food, and also clothing. As the Paleolithic era was ending, the hominids were building much more innovative wood and stone structures. They also started
Students in Colorado marched out of it, Oklahoma’s government doesn’t want to fund it, and there are more horror stories about this curriculum than there are horror movies; however I still want to take AP U.S. History. There are both pros and cons to taking this course, but in the end those positives slightly outweigh the negatives. I want to take AP U.S. History for possible college credit, for a challenge, and simply because I enjoy history.
.There are five themes that are focused on in AP World History which are significant in understanding World History. First, the major theme of interactions between humans and the environment is significant because the environment impacts a large amount of human society. Though the human society is also progressively making a change in the environment. In addition, the theme development and interaction of cultures is important for because observations from this theme can show how groups in the community see themselves and others, and how they react to varieties of conflicts. Observations such as religions, philosophical interests, and technical approaches. Next, state-Building, expansion, and conflict is another valuable theme for AP world for
My first failure discouraged me to the point where, I felt like I would never reach an advanced math level again. The lack of self-confidence that resulted from my sub-par math scores soon began to negatively affect some of my other classes. I quickly realized that the trend had to stop. I worked diligently to achieve what, at the time, seemed unattainable. My change in the outlook of my repeated failures helped me to finally succeed. Throughout the course of the last two years, I have grown more self-aware in my study habits. I push myself even harder when I think I have done the best I can.
Failure is something I have to accept. I have failed a lot in the past, and I have allowed those failures to effect me in the present. As a young boy in grade school, I would always work hard to obtain good grades. After my first semester
1) According to Jared Diamond, the factor that allowed Europeans to develop the forces necessary to conquer vast portions of the world was the geography of the land Europeans lived on.
Over the years, my family and I have visited numerous forts, museums, and parks during summer vacation that tell the story of our nation’s past. Standing in the same places as many influential people have stood tends to make me want to explore the stories of the events which unfolded there. History is a giant story of the entire world which I can use to learn from the mistakes and victories of the past. Studying history allows me to understand how events unfolded and affected other people. Through thorough study of history, it becomes easier for me to find parallels between the past and present day events. Taking AP US History would allow me to challenge myself to better understand the history of our nation and the way our nation has
College. The word alone sends an icy chill down my spine as my mind wanders and dreams of the day that I will finally step foot on an enlightening campus. As a curious child and even more inquisitive teen, I have always been, and continue to be, mesmerized by the glossy college pamphlets with perfect photos of students, posing “naturally” in their science labs and English seminars. I always knew college was for me, as at the age of seven I began planning out my future major (and minors). Of course, my ideal university and course of study has changed over the years, yet the idea of college has continued to fascinate me. The core principles of any given college are most likely related to collaboration, a rigorous education, and diversity, which
A time that I experienced failure was when i failed my Algebra II class for first semester. My biggest error was that I didn’t retake my quizzes that i failed when i had the chance too. The first 3 months i didnt really tried, I would tell myself that I had a lot of time for the semester to end. However, i regretted it when i found out that i only had a few weeks for the semester to end. I stressed out the last weeks, I couldn’t go to sleep in the night. I would keep thinking of my grade and how i was going to fail the class. I knew that colleges were gonna see my grades for this year, my junior year. I really want to go to college, I want to make my parents proud. The last weeks, i did everything that i could. I did all the missing homework, and I tried to
Since I was little, I have always loathed history. I never understood why there was a need to learn about events that already happened; only the future mattered. But when my history teacher from sophomore year described AP US History as the class where students learned to appreciate history, I doubted how one class could change my mindset and decided to take the challenge and enroll.
I failed to reach the top of the rock climbing wall on the playground, and as a result, I have strived even harder to reach the peak of success in everything I do. Instead of becoming discouraged and disappointed in myself, I found a way to improve myself for my next challenge. Learning from my mistakes has molded me into an improved person while giving me the motivation to keep pushing forward. Failure has taught me the importance of learning from your errors and trying again, no matter how difficult it may be. Without lessons like these, I would not be the motivated, independent person that I am today. I will continue to fail and try again until I achieve my goal of reaching the
I believe I should be enrolled into AP history, because I need to be able to take the next stepin high school. I think if I take this course, I will be prepared for the hard work and time that I will have to invest if I want to be a good student. This class is also an opportunity for me to better myself at studying for tests, because tests have always been my weakness and I believe this class could really get me to the point where I am studying a week in advance. I think that I deserve to be in AP history, because I went from being a student who couldn’t even get on Honor Roll in 7th grade, to a student who has been on High Honor Roll in 8th grade. If I hope to continue to make academic strides in school then I think that AP history will help
Only the beginning of junior year, I was afraid to continue the class. I was afraid I was going to flunk out. The class carried on as I sat there day after day with the thought of failing on my mind. However, that only made me even more determined to get a higher grade on the next test. I could not let a bad grade eat me up and demolish my desire to succeed. Later when the second test was passed back, I looked at it, flashed a smile, and flipped through it, noticing only a few minor mistakes. Returning to the front page, I stared at that 92% until the end of class.
Traditionally, failure is seen as a negative concept and is defined as lacking success. I, on the other hand, try to put a positive spin on everything in life. I see failure as an obstacle that is experienced by all, but it does not define an individual. Failure in essence will force an individual to be more receptive to their surroundings and actions and also will force an individual to mature. Looking back on my childhood years I can now pinpoint the areas where I failed and I can confidently say that I have grown and prospered due to those failures. The three major failures I have experienced were my attention deficit issues which affected my ability to succeed in school, my anti-social habit that I let consume my early years, and my