
APA Code Of Ethics

Decent Essays

To discuss whether or not the two expert witnesses in the case of Commonwealth of Virginia versus Allen (Va. 2005) acted or behaved unethically, it is important to look at the guidelines and principles of their expertise to determine such. It is essential to revisit or review the APA Code of Ethics and the Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists (Professionals). From these two guidelines or documents, one can determine the proper or appropriate credentials, assessments, scope, relationships, as well as the “don’ts” covered in this discipline or respect. The documents will reveal or allow an evaluation of each expert witness’s performance or service to the client to be either ethical or unethical.
Dr. Ronald M. Boggio is a clinical …show more content…

Boggio has treated the defendant in the past and for quite a while. It is clear that the Dr. Boggio established a relationship with the client before he treated or conducted assessments mandated through the Virginia Department of Corrections. Now the question that arises is such: Did Dr. Boggio develop a multiple relationship with the defendant when he provided services for the Virginia Department of Corrections to the defendant? Yes. According to APA Code of Ethics, professionals must examine the relationships shared with patients or defendant in this matter. The examination must consider how the relationships will affect the patient and client; consideration of objectivity with regards to “safeguarding the patient’s rights and dignities” (APA, 2010). Also, according to the Specialty Guidelines, Impartiality and Fairness 1.02 states that professionals must offer and provide unbiased information or testimony in the setting of legal issues (APLS, 2011). How can Dr. Boggio provide unbiased information and testimony after developing a dual relationship with the defendant. He can’t. The relationship developed between him and the defendant became unethical when he responded to the request to provide services to the defendant while acting as a party through the Virginia Department of

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