I believe the most challenging part of the APS job would be trying to convince people who do not believe they need help to allow us to lend aid. I, in addition, believe seeing elderly and persons with disabilities in substandard and or dangerous living conditions. I have worked with diverse groups in school and that made me quite sensitive to various cultural and socio-economic backgrounds, those experiences reinforced my belief that all people matter. I have worked for HHSC as a caseworker for almost three years and I enjoyed that position because I was able to offer aid to Texans all over the state. I love helping people and any career where I am making a positive difference in the community makes me fill fulfilled. I would like to
I participate in both African Student Organization Club and Health Occupations of America. I enjoy being part of the African Student Organization because it allows me to take pride in my heritage while also becoming educated in my culture. I have been able to meet more people who share the same ancestry and culture as me while teaching others who would like to become more cultured. The club is also great with volunteering so I'm also able to help my community and share my knowledge with them as well. I joined Health Occupations Students of America my junior year of high school, and I am extremely proud of that decision. I have always been interested in the medical field and while in high school, I chose to focus on that passion, and in the
There are several experiences that have prepared me to work with underserved populations. My first experience working specifically with underserved populations was in nursing school. During this time, I was able to offer volunteer time to a medical ministry. I remember taking vital signs, medical histories, and glucose checks. The patients at this ministry did not have insurance, so this was the only access healthcare they could afford. A couple of years after graduating, I worked in a home health setting. There were a variety of populations that we worked with, however, the county I worked in was predominantly
I began working for ABCD Head Start as a Family Advocate because I have always had a passion for social justice. This passion was what pushed me to work in an environment where I could commit myself to making meaningful change in people’s lives. It wasn't until I was pursuing my bachelor’s degree that this passion became fully realized. During the course of my education I took classes in sociology, such as Working for Social Justice, psychology and cultural studies, that provided a unique comprehension of the various issues that underprivileged people face. I learned the mechanics behind their oppression, as well as the key roles that non-profit institutions play behind eradicating them. It takes more than passion to be able to navigate the various systems that are complicit in poverty and those that are in place to help eradicate it. Thanks to my education I am now keenly aware of the intersectionality between socio-economic status, race and gender, and that acute understanding allows me to use my passion and the resources provided by ABCD to make lasting change.
I want to work towards increasing diversity in the MCH workforce to help reduce health disparities among some of the most vulnerable communities in the United States. As a woman of color, my experiences with diversity began at a young age because I grew up in an affluent suburb with little to no ethnic diversity. However, as I came to college, I have realized that while ethnic diversity is a type of diversity, the actual definition of diversity can refer to socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and gender, among other things. I believe that a commitment to diversity, in the purest sense, means being determined to accept and embrace differences, as opposed to criticizing and judging them. This is the main reason why promoting health equity is more important to me than promoting health equality.
I have opportunities to work with students of all walks of life, Title I schools, high economic schools, inner city schools and all of the children have a drive to learn. Many of them are eager to participate with and and every activity that they are engaged in. For example, I was working with the Big Draw program that my college sponsors every year. We
Much of my high school career is defined by what I have done as a member of the Minority Student Achievement Network. Not only have I been a contributor in closing the achievement gap for minorities, I have also opened up healthy discussion about race in my community. MSAN has opened my eyes to how influential of a role model I am and has driven me to be the best one possible. I am a stronger leader since I have been in MSAN and it has allowed me to push boundaries for the marginalized people I care so deeply for.
My 12 years of professional experience have been incredibly rewarding, however, I believe that my involvement in Department of Human Services (DHS) systems has given me first hand knowledge and experience that I would not have gained otherwise. I had to learn how to tell the story of my barriers in a concise and clear manner. I had to learn tenacity and patience to continue seeking resources. I had to network to access the resources that I found. I had to learn teamwork working with the Child Welfare division because an us vs. them mentality would not have resulted in the continued custody of my children. I was able to be successful in these different areas of authority because I present as educated and I am able to navigate a middle class world. I became an advocate for myself before I was able to help lead others.
What are the current job specifications for the store manager job? Based on the information you have (or could have), how would you assess the validity of these specifications? What approaches would you use?
I volunteer at two agencies that serve the most vulnerable populations in DC in health related capacities. My experiences have caused me to made me consider a career in non profit dentistry that serves the poor. I have served as a Community Service chair of an organization called 1867 at Howard University; coordinating community service activities for our members. I currently intern working with kids under 5 in nutrition and health where I do nutrition evaluations and lessons. It is so important to use your skills to help others. After a year of working with vulnerable populations of children and young adults in my home state I think will know for sure if this what I want to do for this full time for my whole career in healthcare.
Serving people begins with community development. In Haiti, I understood what it meant to be a part of a community when we came together as Purdue students and Haitian students to build trenches for better plant irrigation. It did not matter if we were different nationalities, we were able to work together to achieve a common goal. Within One Health, community is defined by physicians, veterinarians, and other scientific environmental professionals coming together to improve the health of people, animals, and the environment. I am confident that I can offer the profession leadership skills and a desire to be involved in in my community so that I can effectively work with colleagues to be a successful
As November comes to an end, and I have received my very first job, working at Arby’s. I would like to reward myself for such an accomplishment by upgrading my current phone to a Samsung Galaxy Note 5. My phone is not up to par, barely works, glitches out, not enough memory; it is a terrible phone over all. Having my New galaxy means I can participate in class activity’s and help me write papers and take notes, in turn that would bring my grades up.
I'll have to be honest, I have no experience in field work with a team. However, I've been a server/bartender for the past four years. While this job appears as though employees only work on an individual basis, I assure you this untrue. Every aspect of the restaurant functions due to all levels of employees working together, in a mutually beneficial relationship. To be blunt, if an employee doesn't operate within the team, their work and reputation will suffer. It's not hard to imagine that all teamwork situations operate similarly.
Time to time I was able to demonstrate my skills by working with various communities, vulnerable population in New York City. It has shaped my values and how I view the world for others. Along with that, my traditional ethnic background with a combination of American life experience from the working, class perspective allows me to understand the impact of policy creation can have on others from people of all spectrum's.
To have a successful workplace planning system, the action plan will outline the recruitment, selection, training, placement, promotion, development, and compensation of employees (Cascio, 2006). Ten employees are reviewed to join the new merged sales team. The salespeople from InterClean are experienced in selling products whereas the sales people from EnviroTech are experienced in providing full-service cleaning solutions. I will formulate a talent inventory for each employee and determine who already has the skills, abilities, and experience, and who will need additional training and development for the sales team. I am responsible for developing the compensation and benefits plan to reward their successes. I will determine the employees who may qualify for promotions or may want a transfer to another position.
I joined at the SRS consulting Engineers Inc. on 1st October 2015 as a Scientist. The position was advertised as an Aquatic Biologist (yearly: min. $32000 max. $40000, Job bank on 2015-08-18) and I applied for this position but the company hired me as a scientist, higher position, but the salary range was $21000 - $26000/year, which was different than advertised one. Since the position was different and salary was low from the advertised position, I noticed to the Managing Principal (Phil Fung) in my first day of joining regarding this matter. I also told him, for working as a scientist I would need a well-equipped lab as well as a good compensation for me. However, after several months, Managing Principal (Phil Fung) offered me a position