ASB 4431 Organisations and People
Reflective Essay: Group Formation, Conflict & Leadership
Submitted by:
Sally Sambrook
Bangor Business School
College of Business, Social Sciences and Law
Bangor University
1. Introduction
The key purpose of our group assignment was to demonstrate the ability to research and critically analyse an organisation’s structure, culture and approach to management and leadership: this essay evaluates one aspect of that experience: my approach to conflict and decision to not undertake a leadership role.
The present work starts with a focus on my group’s development and aims to explain and justify my performance during this activity, identifying both positive and negative aspects
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These differences of opinion resurfaced throughout the group assignment.
2.3 Norming
I don't think we ever completely got beyond the storming stage, and although we tried to be polite at first, the earlier tensions remained and escalated. I’m not sure that any ‘group norms’ emerged; I felt very little sense of group identity, and believe most of us worked as individuals. When emotions ran very high, comments became nasty, opinions were dismissed and I felt we had to break. On a number of occasions I wanted to run away, and did - both psychically and emotionally. Two (strongs) of the group were angered by this but if I had not been able to vent my frustrations this way, I think I would have engaged in hostile verbal (and perhaps ultimately physical) attacks, initiated by one of them, and would have ended up more hurt and regretful. The other three thought it was acceptable behaviour, a legitimate way for me to overcome my stress and need for physical activity. These are the three who thought my energy and encouragement was beneficial to the group, which I was very happy about. We just
give a holistic view of the entire leadership process and clearly demonstrates how important it is
Badaracco, J. L., & Ellsworth, R. R. (1992). Leadership, integrity and conflict. Management Decision, 30(6), 29-34.
Throughout the readings communication was identified as a vital component for establishing and maintaining relationships. Porter-O Grady sanctioned for leaders to establish firm rules of engagement to help support a positive group dynamic (2013). While Kelly & Tazbir explained that friction and conflict were a normal part of group development and were representative of the Storming stage of group process (2014). Moreover, they explained that with assistance from the team leader the team can overcome these obstacles, strengthen inter-professional relationships, and enter into the Norming stage (Kelly & Tazbir, 2014). Here the team is able to participate in the effective exchange of communication and begin making progress toward goals. This represents progression into the Performing stage of group process (Kelly & Tazbir, 2014). When the team has met its intended target they are ready to anylze the outcomes of their work and enter the final stage of group process—Adjourning (Kelly & Tazbir,
The essays that comprise Traditional Classics on Leadership present varying notions of authority and of challenging authority. This is largely due to the fact that this manuscript is comprised of essays from 31 contributors, ranging from well-known political theorists to some of the more salient voices for individuality that the world has known. Still, there are some points of commonalities in these essays that present a synthesized viewpoint of the concept of challenging authority.
There has been vast amounts of research done on the topic of leadership, and yet despite this it continues to be ‘‘riddled with paradoxes, inconsistencies, and contradictions’’
The topic of leadership evokes curiosity about our leaders and their approaches in decision making, leadership styles and the effectiveness of their leadership. At time leaders are critiqued for their actions or views on different business affairs. In today’s working environment leaders set the tone, vision, and goals of any organization. Leadership has a huge impact on the culture of an organization and how people communicate within the organization (Northouse, 2009). The actions of leaders should inspire and positively impact their followers. The approach of leaders in handling adversities highlights many features of their character.
* A correct and appropriate description is given of two or more issue that will influence the choice of leadership styles or behaviours in workplace situations although the description may be limited and the links to workplace situations may be more understood than clear (criteria for a pass on this question)
1.1 Describe the factors that will influence the choice of leadership styles or behaviours in workplace situations (24 marks)
Groupwork can be defined as a method of social work that is utilised in order to help individuals to enhance their social functioning through purposeful group experiences and to help cope with their personal group or community problems (Konopka, 1972). The role of groupwork places emphasis on sharing thoughts, ideas, problems and activities, allowing social action groups for instance, to “empower members to engage in collective action and planned change efforts to modify particular aspects of their social or physical environment” (Toseland & Rivas, 2014, p. 38; Pyles, 2009; Staples, 2004). Therefore, reflecting on the processes of groupwork is an essential mechanism for all professionals in order to develop better communication skills, conflict resolution and enhance future performance. This essay will reflect upon the task group processes that were conducted this semester, while evaluating my own role within the group and what was learnt working within a small group.
Within this assignment I will describe my understanding of the links between management and leadership, the skills and styles of management and leadership, the application of management and leadership theories in an organisational context and planning for the development of management and leadership skills.
Our group facilitation was on the subject of time management with regards to completing most important tasks first and devoting time to those specific tasks. Our goals for the group were to create an inclusive, encouraging, and positive environment between group members. My partner and I researched ideas for information that we could use to share as well as use our experience’s with the topic amongst the group. The duration of our group facilitation was ten minutes. As we reflect on the events coming to and during the facilitation we will discourse the inclusion between group members, linking members to discussion and group as well as the process of our facilitation.
Leadership has been described as “a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task”. In the case study Josh Martin uses much different leadership techniques than Tom Saunders which, in summary, can be seen as a quite different style. In the book ‘Management’ leadership is discussed in relation to management. ”Management and
In order to evaluate my role within the group it is important to identify what makes a group. A group must
This report seeks to explore and analyse the leadership of my former manager, Paul (name has been changed). It aims to critically evaluate his leadership by referencing examples of his behaviour, and applying leadership concepts, theory and case studies. The report describes my observations of Paul as my direct manager, and my view of his interactions with followers, colleagues and superiors. As the report draws on my observations, the analysis is limited to my personal views on his leadership. Additionally, due to the plethora of leadership theories and concepts, I have focussed on concepts that are relevant to Paul’s leadership.
In this essay I am going to evaluate and analyse my management philosophy and my leadership style based on a number of theories, concentrating on the management typology. The main types of management that define my way of leading are people management and governance management.