
ASC 830-1 Analysis

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The purpose of creating FASB is to establish standards of financial accounting that control the establishment of financial reports by nongovernmental organizations. This instance is identified as the number one authority by the SEC and the American Institute of Certified Public.FASB Accounting Standards Codification serves as a reference guide of authoritative standards for accounting and reporting, to be applied by nongovernmental organizations. Some examples are; ASC 830-230-55-1 that can identify as Statement of Cash Flows for Manufacturing Organization with Foreign Operations, ASC 926-330-35-1 can be justified as Products Held for Sale, ASC 954-440-25-2 identified as Continuing Care Retirement Community, ASC 505-20-50–1 means Equity, Stock Dividends and Stock Split and Disclosure, ASC 710-10-05-6 describe as Employees Compensations..

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) sets the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in the United States. The FASB Accounting Standards codification implements a system for organizing non-governmental generally accepted …show more content…

The Standard Codification ASC 830-230-55-1 is described as follows: ASC is the area of theaccounting standard codification, 830 is the topic “Foreign Currency Matter”, 230 is the subtopic“Statement of Cash Flow”, the number 55 is the section “Implementation Guidance and Illustrations”, and finally the number 1 is the paragraph with an “example of a Statement of Cash Flows for Manufacturing Entity With Foreign Operations”. This organization uses the direct method in their Statement of Cash Flow and it is a U.S. manufacturing organization with international operations. This codification illustrates how companies with foreign operation can operate with different currencies at the same time. The disclosure of the fluctuation of the exchange rate is also included the

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