Professional Image Johnnette Whitfield Mon 5:30 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. {Fall 2017} AST 243-B40H: Office Administration I Your professional image is your reputation. Whether you are meeting with people on the phone, on the computer, or face-to-face making a good impression is important to your success. Always dress the way you want to be addressed. It is important to distinguish between the image you want others to have of you and the image you think people currently have of you. People observe your behavior and form theories about your appeal and capability. Ethnicities like working mothers and different culture background brings its own stereotype from people you work with in today’s diverse workplace. How someone perceive your professional
I spoke with Chris (AM) this week and we discussed how the store was operating with John being in New Jersey. Chris and I also talked about how to overcome his fears of “messing up an order”, I shared some troubles I personally had with in the past, and reminded him MISTAKES will happen, it is how you learned from them is what is in important. Chris also needs a new EPP completed, I will follow up with John when he returns from New Jersey. No Machine Issues.
The business that I am investigating is Chalk Valley, a gourmet burger bar at 27 London Road, Southampton (see figure 1.1). They have been running since February 2014 and the business is a private limited company.
extraenergy are one of the newer energy suppliers who state they have a fresh attitude towards energy, providing outstanding cost savings which are passed onto their customers. By running a highly efficient and lean organisation, they are able to keep operational costs low, offering both residential and business customers competitive rates.
Being part of the PSO unit of VMWare means that I will be working alongside equally motivated and experienced professionals to help VMWare customers ensure the success. Whether they are just stating out or need assistance with their established organisation, VMWare is a reliable source for providing support, solutions and infrastructure. The reputation of VMWare is cemented by the array of services that are provided, such as Business, Technology or Industry Solutions, Data Centres and Cloud Computing services. Furthermore, as stated in the informational videos on the VMWare channel, customers are assured that they are in the hands of competent and highly experienced architects, consultants and TAMs(Technical Account Managers).
In this report I will be explaining the different legal and ethical procedures that employees at Leyton Sixth Form must follow. By doing this I will be discussing the data protection legislation, codes of practice and operational issues. I will be linking it back to how Leyton Sixth Form College uses this information and how they respond to a staff member breaking that act.
Employers want their employees to look a certain way to create the appropriate atmosphere, especially when they are directly working and interacting with the population. Employees must
I am reaching out to you today in regards to the phone call your office administrator had with me on JULY 28TH concerning our checks that were supposedly ready for pick up.
By providing a secure environment ensures that the employees, customers and visitors to the premises are safe from harm, such as having a security gate with intercom at a nursery school, this ensures that the children cannot wander out and others enter the premises without permission, makes it a safe place for the children to be left and reassuring the parents of their safety as well.
Patient privacy has been a major concern for patients and medical staff for many years. Patient privacy goes hand in hand with HIPPA and the privacy rule. This protects the privacy of any person of all health information (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2010). Even with this a concern for many, a study conducted by Zogby Internation studies more than 2000 adults to obtain their views on patient privacy. This studied determined that individuals would rather have individual choice and control over personal health information instead of others (Patient Privacy Rights, 2010).
Without the first impression people would not link what you wear to your personality, but because of this, people will do it unless they personally know you, or there is that rare person who knows not to judge a book by its cover and take what you wear for what you
This question provided an interesting contrast for the impression management theory. Overall, it seemed that these values and/or norms and expectations are to be adhered to. Although, in certain tribes such as the Cherokee tribe, there may be circumstances where these expectations become less strict. We believe that these values are upheld within formal settings
Image is everything in today’s society appearance of things have become more important that what they really are and these images are being constantly fed to us through the media. Image has both a positive and negative influence on the individual but most people have been drawn into
Having a professional appearance is one of the most important things when you make a first impression.
In Postman's essay he says "In the age of television, people do not so much agree or disagree with politicians as they like or dislike them" I agree with Postman's statement because the first thing people evaluate you is your appearance. If you look unpresentable and unapproachable people are not going to like you. You have to look professional and presentable for most people to like you. Second thing people evaluate is your personality. If you have a bad attitude or are rude most likely people will not like you. However if you have a friendly, honest personality most people will like and trust you. I think your image is a dominant figure people look at when deciding to like or dislike you. People look at how you present yourself, and if you
Today's workforce is undoubtedly varied. Creating an environment that is acceptable and optimum for performing is what you want in the business environment. This will reduce the chances that an employee will feel under-valued, which can ultimately affect absenteeism rates and employee turnover. More diverse companies produce better results. Companies that respect and support individual employees ethnicity, age, gender, skills, and abilities provide for an all-inclusive atmosphere that allows employees to feel comfortable. Understanding cultural mannerisms, linking them to there abilities and not taking there age and gender to heart may help the judgement of candidates for their job skills, not their interview skills.