
AT & T Strengths And Weaknesses

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AT&T is a global player in the telecommunications industry. With multiple business segments, global data centers and a large infrastructure AT&T has many strengths in the industry. Along with those strengths there exists threats from competition, regulation and finances that create weaknesses and threats. Capitalizing on those strengths and opportunities AT&T can overcome those threats and weakness and remain a dominate force in the industry. Strengths AT&T services global markets in four business segments. These include Business Solutions, Entertainment, Consumer Mobility and International. This delineation allows the company a large market presence and ability to leverage its large infrastructure in a global environment. AT&T provides a strong network providing data and voice services, wireless, video and other IP based service solutions in over 225 countries . Supporting this network, the company offers security and redundancy in 38 global data centers. Supporting these product lines AT&T has an infrastructure of over 1,014,000 Fiber routes and 34,000 Hot spots for businesses and consumers to …show more content…

In 2015 AT&T purchased Direct TV allowing AT&T the ability to expand its product offerings as well as consumer packaging. They have also had additional acquisitions of large wireless service providers Nextel Mexico and Mexican Wireless GSF Telecom With plans to combine these two companies and create a North American Mobile Service Area, AT&T will drive their market presence and growth. Addressing weakness in prepay AT&T has acquired Leap Wireless that should help the company stop the advance of competitors in the market segment by offering a successful prepaid program combined with AT&Ts network strength. This will also the company a more attractive product in the low cost prepaid

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