I’m sorry to inform you that your prospective baby boy has Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease (ARPKD). ARPKD is inherited recessively so you are both most likely carriers of the disease. There is no good way to say this but that means you have a 50% chance of having a child with ARPKD. From our last ultrasound we saw that his kidney was abnormally large for a fetus his age and we believe we’ve also located a cyst. ARPKD causes cysts to grow in your kidney. Cysts a sac that contains fluid and can interfere with the filtering of waste in the blood. The cysts cause the kidney is become abnormally large. Some of the symptoms for ARPKD are: liver scarring, trouble breathing, kidney failure, kidney stones, and high blood pressure. I’m
Baby Blues, the most common and mildest form of mood disorder can last up to two weeks after having a baby without the mother needing treatment.
If your parents claim you as a dependent, then you have to fill out the attached worksheet that helps to figure out exactly what your deduction will be for line 5.
Specific purpose: To inform my audience about the significance of the traditional dress, “Ao Dai” in Vietnamese culture.
Hey, have you heard of an axolotl? They are amphibians that come in various colors. That’s what the article about plus their cool features and why I would become the animal Axolotl if I could become any animal.
Purpose: After listening to my speech, the audience will be more educated on Texas’s roadside attractions, as well as relate to the sites I will discuss in my presentation.
I. (Gain attention and interest) Many of us have encountered 3D technology at one point in our lives such as the red and blue comics usually found at the back of magazines, or a have watched a 3D movie at IMAX. It is with no doubt that, we all find this technology to be a fascinating one.
1. This informative speech on “The Cause of Homelessness “is very Inform able and worth listening to, because in today’s economy it could be you or me. Some seem to think homelessness is choice. I find this speech relevant to the world I live in today, due to the high unemployment rate, declining job market, and the economic hardships that families are enduring. This topic is not a broad one, but yet can be spoke of in depth due to the fact I see many homeless people but never thought it would be me until I seen a family friend who has lost everything, this is what made me more aware that it is not just a choice and any day it could be me. So when you see
some pay equity progress has been made primarily in developed countries in Canada and Europe,
I want to share with you about a process that can be helpful in determining a major. The process includes determining possible college majors of interest, collecting data
Laughter relates to positive thinking. The positive thinking helps us to improve our immune system and become healthier. It helps in removing the negative thoughts from our mind and not letting our immune system become worse further.
Transition signal: In conclusion, the next time you fill up your gas tank might not be cheaper, but at least you will know why you are paying more for gas.
Additionally, in the novel, Both Brittain’s fiancé Roland and her brother Edward postpone their studies at Oxford University in order to enlist in the war. Like Vera, Roland and Edward enlistment in the war seems directly affected by this recruitment of men into the armed forces. Many of the propaganda produced the targeted men were embedded with ideas about responsibility, protection, shame. For instance, Savile Lumley's famous poster of 1915 portrayed two young children asking their father about his military involvement after the war: ‘Daddy, what did you do in the Great War?’ (Welch 2013). Savile Lumley’s poster and others like it, blackmailed fathers and made people feel shame if they were not actively involved in the war. In the novel,
The Book King Arthur is better than the movie version. First, there is a lot of missing scene in the movie. Second, it have some unquestionable scene and sexual activity. Last reason is that there is lack of character and information and it like a different version.. So I will talk about why the Book King Arthur is so much better than the movie version.
It's funny how fast something can go wrong, especially if you were guarenteed that nothing bad would happen what-so-ever. Though, I suppose nothing ever goes according to plan. Especially not in your case, my dear reader. You have been lost to the world and thrown through the many realms that drift between the spaces of time. Your name is ____, you are ____ years old and you lived in Hartford, Conneticut. You have just recently moved away form your parents to start you harrowing career in Ontology. Yes, you were a straight A student who kept their nose clean, and their shirts freshly ironed. Now, what led you to pursue a job in Ontology in Hartford? Well, that is only for you to know. Anyway, let's get started shall we?
Tesla is taking a different approach while designing their self-driving cars. Tesla has introduced the computer vision-based vehicle detection system instead of using the traditional radar. The new Tesla cars contain eight surround cameras which are capable to see 360 degrees around the car. The main forward camera covers 150m of distance. These autonomous cars can see any object within 250 meters of it’s range. Tesla autonomous cars have the ultrasonic sensors and a forward-facing radar which are very advanced technology and they help the car to see through heavy rain and fog. This technology will help prevent road accidents during extreme weathers. Another impressive addition of the new Tesla cars is the neural net for visibility.