
Abc Insurance Marketing Plan

Decent Essays

Market Objectives: The marketing objective for ABC Insurance company is to make affordable insurance and retirement services available to teachers and administrators. This niche market will allow us to customize our products to fit the average educators needs and income level. We will also expand out retirement options in order to stay current and offer the most innovative products possible. Target Markets: Our goal will be to target and convert 20% of the educators in Illinois and surrounding states preparing to enter the workforce on to our insurance plans. Of the new insured members, we also will get 90% into a minimum of one of our retirement services. Over the next 10 years, we will look to expand our clients into other surrounding states and will convert 30 to 40 percent of existing teachers to our plans. Points of Difference: Products: Because ABC Insurance wants to …show more content…

However, since ABC is focused on serving the education population (teachers, administrators, school employees), the products are designed to offer features that are not available in other insurance products on the market. The ABC auto insurance product will offer coverages and rates consistent with the geographic market, however education employees will be eligible for significant discounts. ABC will also include special coverages that are designed for education employees, like coverage if the insured’s vehicle is vandalized on school property, or if the insured is in an accident while transporting students for a school-sponsored event. The ABC Homeowners insurance product and life insurance products will be competitive to the market. The company will also offer savings vehicles for the customer to use when they reach retirement age. The sales representatives will stress the importance of protecting the client and their family by purchasing our

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