
Abercrombie And Fitch Strengths And Weaknesses

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Abercrombie and Fitch has become a household name and you can find one of their three division stores in your local mall and or shopping center. The stores under Abercrombie and Fitch are Hollister and Gilly Hicks Brand. I have conducted an analysis that illustrates the strengths and weaknesses of Abercrombie and Fitch. This company strives off of their strengths, which included customers having great accessibility each of their divisions. They have a higher profit after they were able to close some of their stores to focus on their stores that high profitability and revamping those. Abercrombie and Fitch were able to get high brand names such as Ralph Lauren to help bring a fresh new style into the store that in turn doubled the net income …show more content…

One thing that could have high effect is decline in sales due to economic stability. Clothing is a necessity but expensive clothing isn’t so it is important that this brand make an experience and clothing that customers will want to indulge in no matter what financial situation. For this threat the recommendation that I have is producing high quality products. If I am having a hard time and I don’t want to continually spend money on a good pair of jeans I will splurge and by a few so that I don’t have to waist my money on buying tens of pair of pants quality over quantity. Other factors that post a threat to Abercrombie and Fitch are other stores and competition such as H&M, Macys and Nordstrom. If this brand can offer consumers what the others can’t I believe than can eliminate any competition in their way. The fact Abercrombie and Fitch has different divisions it defiantly gives them a leg up on the completion because their exposure is greater. The last threat is trends, it is very important as a brand to have up to date items in their store. Teens are always looking to their favorite stores for the latest fashions crave, it is important to them to stay in style. Making sure they are current will help them not get left behind by their competitors. All in all, Abercrombie and Fitch has what it takes to continue to grow their business to keep reaching new

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