Abery Kucha a refugee from Sudan that struggled to keep not only her but her family alive during the civil war. Three years of fighting for the freedom she got off the world in America. Today her oldest daughter is in law school and youngest son just graduated high school. The reason Abery told her story in was to prove that in a crisis, we have only hope to get us thru. The audience was the people who have gone or is going thru a tough time. Her story was powerful because it was her own personal experience of how she came to America. The introduction blew me away, I thought the whole video was the intro because it was so cool that she told her story from begging to end. Abery was head of her speech because no one else can tell her story. You knew she cared about the audience because at the end of her story she mentioned that she hopes people will gather their strengths through her story.
Her speech was easy to follow because she told the
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There is not anything that she needs to improve on other than maybe moving a little more and not to sway. This speaker was awesome she was organized and kept the audience engaged in her story. I watched the entire video and did not wish it was over. I learned that when I am in the dark and do not know where life is going to take me next that I should have hope in the future and forever. Abery Knucha ran for her life for three straight years from her hometown in Africa. Her speech was her telling her story of how she came to America with her family, hope and the clothes on their back. When she spoke about her adventure she was not scared and timid she talked with power and emotion. Not everyone got the chance to be born into freedom hearing Abery’s story showed that the thing we take for granted are things others do not have and when we have those bad days that we should look for hope and not ruin everyone else’s
Her transition into her conclusion was not obvious, and it did not reiterate any of the main ideas from the body. Her closing sentence “We should be getting adults to start thinking more like children”, is an ironic and powerful statement. It would have closed the speech very well, if she had slowed down when she was speaking it. It sounded like she was going to tell us more, because of the way she said the last sentence. Because of this, there was a slight awkward pause between her ending and the audiences clapping. Despite the weird ending, I could tell the audience really enjoyed her speech. It was memorable because of the way she delivered her information, her use of visual aids, and it’s relativity to the audience. I feel the primary message was not only to inform about how children think, but also to encourage adults to be more open minded, imaginative, and creative. In other words, be more like a
The first thing I liked about this clip was the girls’ confidence. This greatly had a huge impact on the overall video and on me because these girls were confident with what they were saying. Anybody can say claims and counterclaims regarding what they are speaking for but, if they don’t have a loud, clear and strong
American poet and activist, Amanda Gorman, in her speech “The Hill We Climb” presented to the president of the United States, Gormans purpose of the speech was to emphasize the challenge of building a better America. She illustrates her dedication to the change in her voice to the audience, which was an angry and sorrowful tone. Yet this speech is going to be about how Gorman is trying to encourage the people to build a better nation for the future. “We are striving to forge a union with purpose, to compose a country committed to all the cultures, colors, characters and conditions of man.” By reference, Gorman causes the audience to have a reasonable thought.
From a communication and speech analysis stand point Ms. Alexander kept her self poised, keep her tone of voice smooth and inflecting when she needed to drive certain points home. She kept the audience engaged by moving around telling personal anecdotes that related to her topic to allow the persuasiveness of her speech to drive home about the problem of the criminal justice system and race as a whole. Her first point that really captivates and hooks you in within a matter of minutes of listening to the speech is when she says, “ People of color are the main ones incarcerated…Put in cages and treated worse than animals.” Right their she captivates and audience that otherwise believe she's crazy talking about race in the criminal justice system. Ms. Alexander managed to captivate and all WHITE audience on a topic that most had already made up there minds on. Her speech was effective in that all statistics about her topic she
African Americans had to fight segregation, discriminatory violence, and voting restrictions (Washington). It is difficult for African Americans to feel empowered when odds seem to be working against them (Henry). Since they were not given a chance of succeeding in lower level education, they don’t have the funds to reach the level they aspired to reach (Washington). Through the discrimination that has persisted in the past equality is needed for African Americans to finally feel as they have a purpose in America.
In a time where civil conflicts have caused migration, and new reforms making it harder to enter the US, hearing the point of view of someone who has lived in civil conflict as well as one who has made political advancements, would inspire many to stand up
Women Narrator: Many people listened to the powerful words of Martin Luther King Jr.. He said he had a dream, and his country dream helped to change the history of our country.
The reason why I really liked the video was because it discussed about women equality. Being myself a woman, I believe it’s important to notice the issues that occur because of our gender. This video helped me get a perspective of what my future might look like due to the fact that I am a female. For example, the genders pay gap or not getting an equal representation in positions of power. Additionally, I don’t think the video relates much to my life at the moment, but I do know for a fact that
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…” are the words that symbolically represent the notion that America is a land that opens its doors of freedom and equality to all. Many individuals from all backgrounds sought this land for its eternal promise of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. However, along the way some persons were at odds with finding an American identity due to the color of their skin and standard of living. The struggles of those that now called America home were on all platforms; social, economic, and cultural. Some were created more equal than others and this was the grim reality faced by many ethnic minorities. The toil of these people in improving their position in society
Sarah began with a quote which made her speech become very relatable and personal, I liked this because it showed that she truly cared about the information she was about to share and really got my attention. She then used this information to introduce her topic and the points she planned to cover. Sarah used her transitions very effectively throughout her speech and never lost her place while speaking. Her conclusion adequately summed up the entirety of her speech and even included another quote about dealing with poverty stricken children in the classroom.
Question #1: Amy Cuddy created a positive ethos by using examples from her life to keep the audience engaged and entertained through her whole speech. She would crack jokes and make the audience laugh but she would also talk about serious things while keeping the audience listening. She even had a funny video of the Prime Minister not shaking someone’s hand. Amy had picture examples in her slide show so the audience didn’t get sidetracked or distracted. She told the audience a story about how she was in a car accident when she was 19 and she was told she would not be able to finish college. Her IQ dropped two standard deviations and this was devastating to her because she identified with being smart, it was who she was. She eventually graduated college and got a job at Princeton. She felt like she didn’t belong so she had to fake it until it became part of her. She then explained how a student who didn’t talk all year in one of her classes told her that she didn’t belong there. She told the student that she did
When some one is dealing with many children, things can get pretty chaotic. Ms. Harkin's day started with handing out breakfast to the children and touching base with them. This was very eye opening for me because she showed how much she really does care for each child. That is something extremely important when an adult is working with children. She was able to build trust with each child. It was very clear that Ms. Harkins was more like a mother to some of those children. It was clear that to be in an environment with children one has to be
Hello fellow colleagues, my name is Dany Khayat, and it is my pleasure to represent the great 2nd district of the state of Wisconsin. I value myself as a credible, hardworking man whose main goal is to fight for what the people want. I also am looking forward to representing the district as a thoughtful and organized delegate. As a delegate I intend on representing this district on behalf of its people and what each one of them stand for. I will continue to believe that this district will always be at the top of its abilities as it has been for the last couple of decades or so.
After even 100 years, as he had declared, when African American’s were free from slavery, they were still on a “lonely island of poverty.” He had such determination and boldness when performing his speech. Starting off with a light greeting, ending with high demands for freedom riches and security of justice in all the variety of God’s people. Mentioning what was then an opinion, “ ..in what WILL go down in history as the GREATEST demonstration for
This demonstrates that if anybody does something does something spectacular, for example Martin Luther King Jr, lots and lots of people will get behind you, respect you and honour you. Martin Luther King stood up for what was right and I believe that many people would like to do that, but they are in economical strife, just like in Africa. Some people in Africa may want to put their word out there that they need help, but they don’t have the resources to tell