
Abery Kucha Speech

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Abery Kucha a refugee from Sudan that struggled to keep not only her but her family alive during the civil war. Three years of fighting for the freedom she got off the world in America. Today her oldest daughter is in law school and youngest son just graduated high school. The reason Abery told her story in was to prove that in a crisis, we have only hope to get us thru. The audience was the people who have gone or is going thru a tough time. Her story was powerful because it was her own personal experience of how she came to America. The introduction blew me away, I thought the whole video was the intro because it was so cool that she told her story from begging to end. Abery was head of her speech because no one else can tell her story. You knew she cared about the audience because at the end of her story she mentioned that she hopes people will gather their strengths through her story.
Her speech was easy to follow because she told the …show more content…

There is not anything that she needs to improve on other than maybe moving a little more and not to sway. This speaker was awesome she was organized and kept the audience engaged in her story. I watched the entire video and did not wish it was over. I learned that when I am in the dark and do not know where life is going to take me next that I should have hope in the future and forever. Abery Knucha ran for her life for three straight years from her hometown in Africa. Her speech was her telling her story of how she came to America with her family, hope and the clothes on their back. When she spoke about her adventure she was not scared and timid she talked with power and emotion. Not everyone got the chance to be born into freedom hearing Abery’s story showed that the thing we take for granted are things others do not have and when we have those bad days that we should look for hope and not ruin everyone else’s

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