
Abigail Williams And John Proctor Relationship Analysis

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In Arthur Miller’s the Crucible, which in located in Salem,Massachusetts had a troublesome time called the Salem Witch Trials, it was a time of murder and assumptions based on people’s thoughts of their neighbors it had to deal with Witchcraft. Relationships have changed threw this time some for good and some for bad.

In the beginning John Proctor and Abigail Williams have a relationship that they shouldn’t have. John wants to end the relationship, but every time he sees her he smile and get nervous in, for example in act one they are in the room with Betty as she is laying on the bed passed out there is two people in the room Abby is one of them until John walks they look at each other smile and Abby compliments him by “Gah! I’d almost forgot how strong you are, John Proctor” (act one pg21). She …show more content…

He just wants to go back to a normal and happy life he tells her that “but i will cut my hand off before i ever reach for you again” (act one 23). Abby gets very upset and she starts to insult his wife with “ oh, i marvel how such a strong man let such a sickly wife be-” (act one 23) she is showing that her emotions are getting the best of her she is very angry with johns decisions about on how he wants to live his life. John is really trying to get away from her he said some kinda cruel things but he is just trying to make life a little bit easier on himself : he wants to knock her out of his but he just doesn’t know how to do it. He is trying to gain all his trust back with elizabeth and it is hard he is doing everything in his power like in act two he goes and gets her some flowers to help make her a little bit happy but that backfires on him she is obviously very upset with him and he knows that.he is showing that he is doing everything to not think about abby. Will he go to abby and apologize or will he go to elizabeth and make the better

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