The selflessness and care seen within the Abnegation faction, leads me to believe that it would be the perfect fit in my journey to leave a mark on this world. I admire the acts of altruism the Abnegation portray, showing their will and determination to put the lives of others first. The impact Abnegation have on the world is important because of the way in which they act as the rock within society, caring for the privileged and underprivileged. I would like to touch the world, like Abnegation, by being a selfless and considerate individual that others look up too and know they can count on for having their needs as a priority. Specifically, I would like to make sure everyone in society is equal and has the necessities of life. In my perfect world, no one would be homeless or hungry, and …show more content…
Once I have these steps down, I will be ready to lead and serve the people. To get things done, I will need to gain support from citizens. I will do this by making them aware of what the less fortunate are going through and the lack of resources they have. When this is accomplished, I will make sure everyone is eating every day, by going around the city and giving food to people in need. Also, I will begin to build homes for the homeless and give them the life they deserve. I do not want to be remembered for doing anything crazy or unusual, just simply for being a caring, selfless person, who always put others above herself. I want to make people have an urge to go out and change the world. I would like to be remembered this way because it is what will make the longest lasting effect on people. People do not realize what others are going through, but once they do, it will resonate in them forever. There is so much selfishness in our world today that needs to end. People take advantage of what they have, not knowing the huge amounts others are lacking
would be to continue to serve the local community with a focus in our future, our children.
Firstly I want to be remembered as a servant of the Lord. I wish to show others the love of Christ through my actions and willingness to serve. I have dedicated my time to help serve others. Joining the Chik-Fil-A Leader Academy here at school has helped me be able to reach out and serve those in need. This program has been an asset for me to understand what it means to serve.
Freshman of Lower Richland High school, I want to be the change that I want to see. I want my life to speak for itself! I am a strong young lady that will go very hard in school, and is always known for being gracious and kind. I want to lead by example! Putting God first in all that I do, making good grades, having the ability to say no to sex until marriage, and always saying no to drugs and alcohol. I want to show the freshman class that we can still be on top, and not give into the things of this world. As I mentioned early, no one starts as a leader however, the importance of being a leader is to start having a mindset as a leader early in life. Knowing that you can lead, and you will lead by
It is extremely important for everyone to give back to their communities and I hope I can inspire others to continue their own dreams of being successful. When I become a family physician, I will be able to help many different people and advise them on how to live a healthy life. As one of Jordan’s valedictorians this year, I know how important school is and have always worked diligently to get to where I am today. I am determined and will always continue to push myself to achieve my goals. I never give up and am able to learn from my failures in order to grow and succeed. I have always loved helping others and know that I will continue striving to provide the best care possible wherever I work. I will continue working tirelessly when I am at CSU Long Beach because I know college will be more challenging than high school, but I will not let that stop me from being successful. I am going to try my best to graduate with honors because I know I have the potential in me to accomplish that goal. Family is extremely important to me and I do hope to someday get married and have a family of my own, but I know that can wait until after I accomplish my career
The Nullification Crisis, which transpired under Andrew Jackson’s administration created a controversy not only during its time, but also in the years to follow and ultimately was one of the many causes of the Civil War years later. The Nullification crisis soon developed in the early 1830’s when the state of South Carolina began to have issues with the protective tariff (which was designed to protect the industry in the northern United States by taxing imports). At this point in history, many of the leaders of South Carolina were under the idea that a state did not have to follow a federal law and could “nullify” the law. This was a result that many colonists from South Carolina felt that the protective tax was benefiting the
The personal experiences I have had along the way have aided in shaping my character. For example, this year I had the privilege of being elected to the board of my school’s National French Honor Society. Our induction ceremony for new members was taking place and much preparation had to be done in a short amount of time. As a new board member, I took charge and made sure every detail of the ceremony was perfect. From decorations, food, audio and video, I did it all. My teacher and head of the honor society was very impressed by my leadership and “take charge” approach that she appointed me the new President of the French Honor Society for the 2015-2016 school years. That event allowed me to see my true potential as someone who works well with others as a leader, and my ability to work under pressure to achieve results. I have always strived to be the best I can be and excel at whatever task I set out to do. By having the opportunity to attend The United States Naval Academy, it would allow me to continue to challenge myself academically as well as strengthen my leadership and discipline. I would also be honored to serve my country as an officer, giving back to this great country that has been so good to me and my family for generations. All of my life I have been told that I am a very determined individual with a strong presence and desire to lead. It only seems right that I further develop myself
Through what I have done in the community and at school, I have shown several skills of being a great leader. I work with little kids in baseball to help improve their skills. I also lead others throughout the community by instructing them what to do at Arlis DeBoer’s. We, as a BASIC youth group, volunteered to paint and landscape her house. I have done work for her before and helped to tell them what needed to be done.
Pearls hold a great price to mankind, but no pearl has ever been obtained at such a high
As I prepare to enter the next stage of my life, I look forward to furthering my passion for politics and government, with the ultimate goal of preparing to run for public office one day. To continue to build off of what I cannot think of a better way to continue the journey I started back in 2008 at the
I hope to be able to secure a stable, well-paying job with the help of my college degree and to be able to give back through tax dollars, donations and scholarship funds. I hope to also help others find jobs and to make Lamar County attractive to businesses looking to plant their roots in a prosperous community. It is also important that I will be able to be part of groups that will allow others to find those jobs. Additionally, I wish to give back financially to those who are less fortunate, especially the children who live in the local Housing Authority. I believe that by helping the children, I will be investing in the future of the community.
A true leader stands high on on the pillars of success: dedication, servitude, respectability, and honesty. The mark of a fulfilled life is not one who has collected many awards, not one who has an insurmountable amount of money and fame, it is one who has touched the most souls in his journey of life. A leader destined for greatness will touch many people along their journey to the top. In my short years on this Earth I have made it my mission from the start to leave a lasting impact on everyone I come in contact with and as a student of Howard University I will continue my mission without fault. From birth my parents noticed I had an insatiable thirst for knowledge, a heart of gold and an unconquerable ability to lead. In the 5th grade I was awarded the
Combining certain passions with the power granted to me, I chose to make the most out of my leadership position. I organized both the Recycling Committee and the St. Baldrick's fundraiser. In the Recycling Committee, I created a script, filmed, and edited a video emphasizing the importance of recycling. That video was then circulated throughout the school and was a success-- it prompted my peers to correctly recycle materials. Similarly, I ran the social media and advertising campaigns for the St. Baldrick's Fundraiser, raising awareness for childhood cancer. I not only want to achieve leadership positions, such as my National Honors Society position, but I want to exercise them to positively influence the community around
The legacy of doing good and encouraging others is a legacy I want to leaving HVMS. I want my teachers and friends to consider me as a person who was always positive and always having everyone backs.
Weight lifting does help you become a better athlete. Certain sports require less weight to lift. With that being said, most of the weightlifting programs I see are similar to a bodybuilder. Those athletes each have a weight in mind that they want to lift or weight limit. If you not a bodybuilder, it’s best not to train like them. While lifting weights you also strengthen connective tissues the ligaments and tendons that keep your body preforming well every day. Make your connective tissue stronger will help you continue to perform in peak condition and protect your body from injuries.Lifting weights also make you feel better about yourself. Along with different types of exercises helps build confidence
The function of “self-expression” is also achieved successfully by Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear of Vincent van Gogh. Art fulfills an expressive function when an artist conveys information about them personality or feelings or worldview. Such art becomes a meeting between artist and viewer, the viewer can feel empathy and understand the personality of artists. In October 1888, Van Gogh cut off his own earlobe after having a violent argument with painter Paul Gauguin, whom he idolised and came to stay with him. The Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear, completed two weeks after the event, is often regarded as a farewell to that dream, which Van Gogh wanted to set up “a studio in the South”.