The death penalty is lawful for capital murder. It eliminates life in prison, and it also saves tax dollars. It gives the victim’s family more closure along with the reduction of murder rates. The death penalty might seem cruel, but it is not very different from life in prison. Some crimes are so inherently wrong that they demand stricter punishments. We have the ability and power to punish people who deserve to be punished at the extent of how they should be punished. Of course, this penalty has its faults, but it does more good than bad. Capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, is a government sanctioned practice whereby a person is put to death by the state as a punishment for a crime. It is a legal process where the state …show more content…
Feeding and housing a criminal for the remainder of their life is expensive, as well as necessary medical care that they may require. Medical care might increase too because they are surrounded by violent and destructive individuals. It costs a lot to keep a human being alive, and it's pointless if they are just going to stay in prison for the rest of their lives. “Claimed 'cost studies,' often performed by or at the behest of death penalty opponents, are frequently so incomplete as to be false and misleading. For example, they don't take into account the increase in the cost of life without parole cases if there were no death penalty. Criminal defendants who are facing the death penalty — which today must be pleaded by prosecutors up front — often want to make a deal by pleading guilty to first degree murder in exchange for a sentencing recommendation of life without parole. The existence of the death penalty as a possible sentence leads to guilty pleas that save the money spent on trials and limit the opportunity for appeals." (Robert B.Evnen, …show more content…
In any case, surviving family members deserve more closure than the criminal justice system has the power to provide. The death penalty is a reasonable punishment for a murder or any other serious crime. The bible verse Matthew (5:38) says, “Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.” The victim’s family need closure for their loss. Murder is not the right thing, but in serious cases it is the best option. Losing a loved one is hard to cope with, so the death penalty is good closure if you consider the circumstances.
Many people disapprove of the death penalty. Some say that it could cause an innocent person to be executed. Some people say that the death penalty is too expensive, but life in prison is a lot of money also. The court will make the right decision when it comes to the death penalty. Why would the court sentence someone to death if the offender did not commit the crime? That is where the jury comes in to say that the person was found guilty. Yes, life in prison might be cheaper in the long run, but the death penalty has a much better outcome. It lowers crime rate, and it also eases the victim’s family’s
Many people are hesitant on deciding whether they support the death penalty and in turn use other factors, like expenses, to determine their answer. They prefer to crunch the numbers and see what works better economically for society. Economically, it is actually cheaper to house an offender in jail for the rest of their life compared to the pricing to execute them. The reason is due to the pre-trial costs; in general, capital cases are far more complicated than non-capital cases and therefore require more money for the overall process. Several experts are needed to evaluate the forensic evidence, mental health and the social history of the defendant. Another expense is the procedure of jury selection. With the death penalty in question, the jury selection in capital cases are much more time consuming and expensive. In
For centuries capital punishment has been used to “punish” criminals for a severe enough crime that they committed. It dates back to hundreds of years ago and has been enacted in many different countries, some that still have it today. Death penalty/capital punishment is the punishment of death an offender receives after having a court hearing and being convicted of a crime (, 2008). Once someone receives a death penalty sentence, they go on death row awaiting their execution. For a very long time, the controversy regarding whether or not the death penalty is ethical or just has been a topic of debate. I believe that the
The death penalty, or capital punishment, refers to a death to a person by a state for their crimes; where the executive branch made an attempt to address the considered but was unsuccessful, where the Legislative branch talks about and try to modify the death penalty, where the supreme court is handling the cases in trail.
Many families want to see the criminal who killed or raped their family members suffer. They don't want to live life knowing its possible for them to do that to someone else. The goverment believes in certain situations that them using the death penalty will allow others to see what could happen to them if they commit that same crime. If the criminal can kill someone, then they will most likely kill someone else and it can be prevented. In today's world there is many who kill, rape, and do serious crimes who do not get the punishment they deserve. Of course not in all cases is execution the way to go, but in certain cases many would have to agree it could be neccessary.
The death penalty is proven to not deter criminals from committing a crime punishable by death. There are many arguments on whether the death penalty should be legal, but the debate boils down to personal morals. The death penalty is immoral. Criminals will act on their drive, with no thoughts about future consequences. The death penalty not only hurts the criminal, but it affects the criminal's family. The family already had to experience what it felt like to see a loved one take an innocent person's life. This causes emotional unnecessary emotional distress for the family and those close to the person on death row. Murdering the criminal will only put the family through even more unnecessary trauma. Furthermore, humans are not pets. The human race should not be able to put others down in the sense of death. It is dehumanizing for the person sentenced to death and the executioner. There should not be a job in the United States where, in the job description, it states that you will kill someone.
There is a better way to help the family of the murder victims or what had happen the families go through severe trauma but execution of that person does not end there pain so why kill them if it’s not going to help the situation, the familiar of murder victims would be better off with getting paid for classes and counseling and assistance so they can do better and get
Capital punishment, also called death penalty, is the execution of a criminal convicted and sentenced to death by our court system. The term death penalty is sometimes used interchangeably with capital punishment, though the punishment is not always followed by execution, because of the possibility of life imprisonment.
It is cruel to kill a person no matter how horrible the crime they committed is. It shows people that if you do something, the same will be done to you, it is an eye for an eye. This type of justice is completely wrong. The punishment should be geared not only towards scaring others from committing a similar crime, but also to correct the offender and reintegrate him/her back to the society. Therefore, punishment by death does not achieve this objective in any way.
There are many reasons to both support and oppose the death penalty. Many people can feel very strongly about whether or not they approve of this method of punishment. I feel that the death penalty is wrong, and I believe that there is much support to back this up. I believe that the death penalty is wrong because it is not an effective deterrent, racially and economically bias, unreliable, expensive, and morally wrong of society.
Capital Punishment, also known as the Death Penalty, is described as a government practice where a person is put to death by the state as a punishment for crimes such as murder, treason, espionage, and genocide.
The death penalty is not only inhumane but too easy for these criminals that deserve it. The life sentence is swift, severe and certain punishment according to The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU, 2015). Sentencing someone to die in jail is a pragmatic alternative to public safety along with murder victims’ families to still provide them with justice. The death penalty can be consider the easy way out. Being only about 20 minutes of terror. The life sentence gets more justice out of the criminal, they have to sit in a cell for the
The death penalty is not the most effective form of punishment for criminals. The death penalty is hypocritical; it condemns killing by killing people. Many supporters of capital punishment cite retribution as being a justification for the death penalty; however, no matter what the circumstance, murder is never justified. Ghandi once said “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” Two wrongs can never make a right. Capital punishment should be abolished because while even though many supporters of the death penalty claim that it prevents crime, there is no evidence that it has been proven to do so. Also, many people support the death penalty because it prevents criminals from ever being allowed back on the streets to commit further
The death penalty, also known as capital punishment is a legal procedure in which a state executes a person for crimes he/she has committed. This punishment has been implemented by many states, and is normally used for atrocious crimes, especially murder. It is also used on crimes against the state such as treason, crimes against humanity, espionage, and violent crimes while other states use it as part of military justice. There are mixed reactions on capital punishment depending on one’s faith, and the state they come from. In my view, I am not in favor of death penalty, as I strongly believe that, death penalty is unacceptable and an inhumane practice for it denies one the right to live. Death penalty does not deter crime, it is an act
As of today there are 33 out of the 50 states of America that allow the death penalty although there are numerous debates on this law. The death penalty usually is issued when a man/women commits a crime that is so horrific that the only way to be able to punish the criminal is to have them sentenced to the death penalty. Most states definition of a death penalty is by lethal injection. Although some states offer other ways of death. Some states include death by lethal gas, hanging, electric chair, hanging, and firing squad each one being able to do same thing in the end. But is the death penalty an understandable way of convicting a criminal? Some may say it is inhumane to take the life of another criminal. Others may say if the criminal commits a crime so cruel such as murder and rape deserve not be alive in this world anymore. Which is what I believe is the correct way to sentence a criminal of that manner. If a person were to go out of their own way to murder another person they should also have their life also taken away.
The use of capital punishment is more expensive than keeping the criminal in jail for the rest of his life. Due to all of the legalities involved with officially murdering somebody, it tends to cost between two and five times more than a life sentence in jail (Messerli). According to Professor Philip J. Cook of Duke University statistics showed that the state of North Carolina could save an annual 11 million dollars by abolishing the death penalty(Kiener).