
Abortion During The Middle Of The 3 Millennium B.c

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Nowadays, people have a lot of opinions about abortion: one of them think that it is acceptable. On the other hand we have people who are against to do abortion. It is interesting to know, how did people think about abortion before?
First studying about abortion was in China in the middle of the 3 millennium B.C., but more information had ancient writers. In ancient Greece and Rome embryo were treated as part of the mother 's body, therefore women were free to decide of abortion on your own - she did not get punishment for abortion. Later, however, the embryo received the status of a separate human individual, and after the Roman Empire with the growth of its power felt the need on slaves and soldiers, abortion had been banned. But this decree to correct the demographic situation in the empire was not came out: abortion, despite the threatening punishment, continued to do, mainly with the help of the plants of ergot, women were died by a toxic effect.
According to the Dorland 's Illustrated Medical Dictionary (2007), abortion is “premature expulsion from the uterus of the products of conception, either the embryo or a nonviable fetus” (p. 31). Today, people have two kinds of abortion: surgical and medicated. Medicated abortion depends what stage of pregnancy women has. It has to be less than 9-12 weeks.
Medical or pharmaceutical abortion, this is a provocation of spontaneous abortion using drugs. Surgical abortion is the second type of abortion with using medical

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