1. What did the experiment discuss? The experiment discusses the physical and mental side effects of women who had an abortion.
2. Who were the subjects involved in the experiment? The subjects that was involved in the experiment were 278 women from Tehran who was of reproductive age between 15 and 49 years old.
3. What were the findings from the study? The findings from the study was that ⅓ of women had psychological effects from having an abortion. Most of the women suffered from depression and worrying about being able to conceive. The data also showed that 43.7% of women had decreased self esteem , 39.5% of women had nightmares , 37.5% of women had guilt and 33.3% of women had regret which was the lowest number of the percentages.
With the constant raise of hands, each response included that it deprived them of their rights and freedom. Women of color were led into these experiment not only because of race but these women were justified as ignorant and impoverished. One student related his answer to the topic of eugenics. He proclaims that women were said to birth children that were considered not "well born", so it was just an addition to the discreptancies to outcast blacks, in particular black women.
Various studies have been conducted to show the psychological effects following an abortion. According to the results some women experience depression and anxiety. These psychological effects reflect on several factors. Abortion may relieve stress by ending an unwanted pregnancy, but the event itself may simultaneously be experienced as a stressor causing anxiety grief, guilt, despair and anger. These factors could lead to depression, as feelings of powerless, anger and self-condemnation are emotions that underlie depression. Controversies exist whether abortion is linked with mental health or not. Future research requires a better understanding of the conditions that lead to unwanted pregnancy and abortion with the ultimate goal of improving women’s lives and well being.
Since abortions legalization in 1973, it has become a topic ensnared by controversies as groups debate abortions moral and ethical consequences. Most often the controversy over abortion comes down to a person’s moral stand point on the subject, however, most people are not apprised of the possible long and short term psychological effects of receiving an abortion. Multiple studies preformed over the years have endeavored to determine the extent abortion has on women’s mental health with vastly varying results. Articles written by Coleman and Fergusson surmise women who undergo an abortion operation are highly prone to experience some variety of psychological harm. Other researchers like the American Psychological Association (APA) task force
One of the most widely discussed issues within the topic of abortion is the mental health of the mother. Research by Guttmacher Advisory says “Based on the best scientific evidence currently available, there is no credible evidence that abortion, in and of itself, causes mental health problems for most women.”(2008). Guttmacher backs their claims with studies and research done by the American Psychological Association (APA). The APA states that many studies didn’t take into account how a woman’s mental health was before thinking about abortion. They also point out that any significant life event is stressful such as divorce or a death so one cannot say abortion
It is difficult to think about all the different emotions a mother must feel after losing her baby; no matter how it happens. The abortion may have been something the mother wanted or she may have been pressured into it by others around her. No matter what the reason is, it is hard for a mother to lose something that was a part of her for nine months. She feels many different emotions due to the major hormone changes she goes through. These emotions can range from average feelings to feelings that are dangerous to the point where the mother needs professional help. According to the American pregnancy association (2007), abortion causes many side effects such as; regret, anger, guilt, shame, loneliness or isolation, impaired self confidence, insomnia or nightmares, relationship issues, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, depressions and anxiety (para. 3). Many mothers go through a regret period, which is
Abortion can cause periods of depression in which the pain can encysted. Some women become aggressive or nervous, or even hyperactive. Anxiety can find an answer food such as bulimia or, conversely, anorexia. For others, psychosomatic reactions will take over with stomach aches, absence of periods, headaches, the loss of self-esteem ("I'm bad, I'm unworthy, painful for others"), the fear of not being pregnant again or anxiety of existential insecurity are consequences commonly observed. Some episodes of a woman’s life can relive the acutely suffering felt at the time of abortion: the date in which the child had been born, or the anniversary date of the abortion, the desire to make present the dead child, are conducive to outbreaks of suffering intensely lived as, for example, anxiety or depressive
They state “the highest quality studies had findings that were mostly neutral, suggesting few, if any, differences between aborters and their respective comparison groups” (Charles 2008). These higher quality studies findings were mostly neutral. They found that there were minute differences in women who had undergone abortions and those who had not. The studies with lower quality tended to obtain mostly negative mental health outcomes in women who had abortions. They state, “Conversely, studies with the most flawed methodology consistently found negative mental health sequelae of abortion” (Charles 2008). These lower quality studies tended to find that women who had undergone abortion procedures had negative mental health consequences such as depression. When compared with the high quality studies, the poor quality studies significantly differed in their
How did you do your research? I researched this topic by viewing journal articles in the Baker College Database from the library. I looked for books on the subject of Abortion to get a better sense what the procedure entailed and how it was conducted. I also utilized the internet to look for pictures and statistics on Abortion. I finished the research project by looking for client testimonies on their experience with the procedure and their well-being prior and after having it completed.
After a woman gets an legal abortion, she typically experiences relief. Research suggests that psychological distress normally lowers after an abortion and remains low in the follow up appointments. Major negative effects usually do not occur after an abortion. Studies also show that only between 0.5% and 15% of abortion clients have experienced psychological problems that lasted from one week to ten years after the abortion.
Nearly 81% of women who receive abortions experience subsequent mental health problems according to a recently published study by The Royal College of Psychiatrists. The study demonstrates that the aftermath of an abortion can result in higher rates of anxiety, depression, various forms of substance abuse, and suicidal behavior. As a result of the study, it shows that women who have an abortion face almost double the risk of mental health problems as women who have their baby. This outcome is due to the fact that most women who are terminating pregnancies “may feel a greater sense of loss, anxiety and distress due to lack of support”, as summarized in the Guttmacher Institute, a non-profit reproductive health organization. In fact, a five-year study shows that 25% of
But the worst strain abortion has on the victim is mental strain. Many victims become confused and overwhelmed by feelings they thought they would never have, and don't know what to do. After having an abortion victims thought they had solved the problem, but in fact they had really just started a whole new one. Many victims begin thinking there is something wrong with them and begin to doubt themselves in situations that they would normally be sure of
In post-abortion syndrome, which equals PTSD, the symptoms would include depression, guilt, anger, and social and sexual dysfunction (Arthur 7). Another combination of feelings women experience after an abortion are shame and anger. The shame comes from the looking back at the experience they have just been through. The anger comes from knowing they were responsible for their shame (De Puy 116).
There are many physiological effects towards abortions many people may state. Others disagree stating there is no physiological impact. This research is very opinion based because everything is so biased. What really happens when babies are aborted. Eclipse of Reason is a 1987 pro-life documentary video directed, filmed, and narrated by Bernard Nathanson, with an introduction by Charlton Hesston. Eclipse of Reason is a follow up to Nathanson’s first film The Silent Scream. They were not always pro-life though. They believed that abortion was fine and that there was no physiological impact towards abortions. They conducted a study which focuses on the limbs of the fetus while in the womb then proceeds to show the abortion in graphic detail. This is what changed their minds. For someone whom was always was pro-abortion, this changed their minds and made them become pro-life because of how drastic and horrifying abortions really were. Abortions are a really touchy subject and it’s hard to conduct research because everyone has an opinion and it’s hard to stick to just research. Many people state abortions lead to depression, sleep deprivation, and sometimes death. While others state that abortion doesn’t cause any damage at all. Every research is different and changes all the time with new ideas and new biased research. Some state there’s no impact, some state there’s huge impacts, and others like Nathanson switch sides and their research changes sides also.
The use of human experiments in sociology is controversial for many reasons, mainly due to ethical concerns. Human experimentation, as done in the 1960s and earlier was highly unethical and at most times presented some form of danger to the test subjects. During that time and before the thirst for knowledge about human behavior superseded the concern for safety. Sociologists and researchers then would often subject the participants to harmful variables that had lasting physical or mental effects. Other times participants were not made fully aware of the experiment or the researcher's’ true motives. Many of these experiments violated basic human rights. For example, the study done Stanford University. Participants were subjected to unnecessary
There are religious and emotional objections to abortion as well as the possibility of negative medical and mental consequences. Many are in favor of making abortion illegal because, they feel it is immoral. Others believe that government should not have a say so in such a personal matter. Are there any other factors that could possibly change the way people view abortion? The matter of abortions negatively affecting the women who have the procedure done is one that the world has been dealing with for some time now. Researchers have decided to explore the idea that women who have had an abortion could possibly be at a higher risk for developing and even intensifying mental health issues. Researchers use various measures to determine if or how having an abortion effects woman. Measures include factors such as women who request an abortion but have not yet gone through with it, women who have gone through with the procedure, and women who have lost a child due to abortions or other ways. The following literature explains these