As of today, there are still many questions and controversies surrounding the issue on abortion. Some pro-choice activists have argued that females should have the right to choose abortion or to give birth to a child. In contrast, some pro-life activists have argued that abortion should not be permitted because many believe abortion itself is the same idea as intentionally killing a human being. When it comes to the issue on abortion, there are differing reasons and views to consider. For example, from a Christianity standpoint, there are Christians who might support abortion, are against abortion, or will say abortion depends on the circumstances. From a Buddhism standpoint, there are Buddhists who will accept abortion because they …show more content…
That is, “the ovum is fertilized, God creates an immortal soul and this soul has fused into the ovum” (Hardon, 2015). Roman Catholics define these three actions that occur simultaneously together as “human conception.” Additionally, according to excerpt 2270 from the Catechism of the Catholic Church:
Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person – among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, n.d.)
Catechism teaches that life exists from the moment of conception and therefore no one should have the right to take this life away for whatever reason.
There are some Christians who may not agree with abortion because they believe the fetus in the mother’s womb to be one of God’s children and that God gave the fetus to the mother for her to love and protect (Pratte, 2008). If abortion is to be allowed, then this may be interpreted as murdering an unborn baby. While the bible doesn’t specifically address the issue on abortion, however, some Christians have claimed there to be teachings in the bible that makes it clear on what God thinks about abortion. For example, Exodus 21:22-25 states “someone who causes the death of a baby in the womb as for someone who commits murder” (Got Questions
Is abortion right? Should it be legal? The arguments and laws for abortion have been going on since the early eighteen hundreds. Some people believe that the woman having the baby should be able to choose to have an abortion or not. More arguments arose about when a fetus was considered a baby and, if legal, when is abortion appropriate. Another major argument regarding abortion is whether or not a fetus can feel pain. Others think that they should have the baby and either keep it or give it up for adoption. Arguments continued and caused people to split into two different groups: Pro-Life and Pro-Choice. The Pro-Choice group believes women should be able to choose to have an abortion and it should be legal. Pro-Life is the complete
The right to human life, from conception to natural death, trumps and supersedes all the other individual and human rights that a society may create. As a matter of fact, the right to life is the foundation by which all other rights are built on. As Christians, in regard to a culture of life, we have to in the words of JP II, “choose to be unconditionally pro-life” (27). That is, in modern society, there is never a reason to take the life of a human being (aside from self-defense or the defense of others), where life begins at conception and ends at a naturally occurring death.
Everything is all dark, cozy, and warm. You are in the most comfortable environment you 've ever known. Everything is pure bliss as you are currently living in Utopia. Then in one violent moment, you feel the greatest amount of pain imaginable and you can see this blinding light and then your limbs are ripped apart from your body and you are now struggling to survive and then in one quick snap, it 's all over. Your life is done. Your only thought was ¨mommy, how could you do this to me¨. Abortion is a horrific experience, that no one should ever endure. I am Pro-Life because of the consequences for mothers, the availability of adoption instead of abortion, and finally the Pro-Life movements in America.
The topic of abortion is quite a controversial one, many people are both for and against the motion: “Should abortion be legal in the U.S.?”. The main arguments for this topic are “You are taking a child’s life when aborting.” but others may say “Women deserve the right to their own health decisions.” Many people are also in the grey spot with this topic, many believe under certain circumstances such as medical complications, that abortion should be legal.
One hundred fifty thousand abortions happen every day, that’s one hundred and five abortions every minute around the world. A person who has had an abortion will feel many emotions. An aborted baby could have been adopted by a family. An abortion kills an innocent baby that could have been adopted by a family. Abortions should be illegal.
Human life begins at conception and so abortion is murder. God created every human being in his own image and with
Since the legalization of abortion in 1973, over 58 million babies have been terminated. This number will only continue to grow. Abortion is one of the most controversial topics out there. Two people come into play, pro-life and pro-choice supporters. If someone is pro-life, they don’t agree with abortions. However, if someone is pro-choice, they like the idea of a women being able to choose. These two people are like oil and water; they don’t mix well. Abortions should be illegal in the United States because innocent babies are being killed, babies are individuals, and babies should have rights to their own bodies.
Most people in the pro-life faction believe that at the point of conception, a human being is formed. A just fertilized egg is a full human being and should be protected as one. Some believe this because of their religion. The views of the Catholic church
Abortion should be illegal in the United States of America. Since abortion was made legal in 1973, almost 57 million babies have been murdered by abortion. At the rate of 2,900 babies aborted a day, or 1,058,500 a year, the death toll is averaging almost double the deaths caused by the “leading cause of death” in the U.S., heart disease. These are 57 million people, who could've grown up to cure cancer, or found a reliable and abundant clean source of energy. Also, women who have had abortions almost always are psychologically affected in some form or another. These affects include, but are not limited to; regret, anger, guilt, shame, sense of loneliness or isolation, anxiety and depression, and suicidal thoughts or feelings/actions. In fact,
The bible however, never really said that abortion was okay or not okay. In Genesis 2:7 it says, “God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul,” this does not exactly explain The Lord’s opinion on abortion. Others believe life does begin at conception. “Jon Daugherty contends that all abortion is murder because life begins at conception, when the male sperm and the female egg combine.” (Viewpoints pg.27) If the baby was not considered “alive in the mother’s body” then why is it that when a pregnant woman gets murdered the court rules it a double homicide? Abortion is prohibited in the third trimester. Gregg Easterbrook writes that complex brain-wave activity is developed in the third trimester. The fetus’s heart starts to beat and it starts to kick in twenty weeks of pregnancy. In Europe abortions early on in the mother’s pregnancy, abortion is legal; however later in the pregnancy, abortion becomes less legal and less moral. (GreenHaven Press
One of the toughest issues to debate in our world today is abortion. Abortion is the induced termination of pregnancy before the fetus can survive. Nowadays, abortion affects all people, not just the mother and the baby. There are moral, ethical, health-related, political, and religious aspects that affect how people feel towards abortion. By looking at religion and its views, one can see just how hard it would be to argue in the pro-choice position of this debate.
One of which is the belief that from the moment of conception, a fertilized egg is “a human subject with a well defined identity.” Any form of harm being committed against this innocent life should be considered inhumane. A developing cell mass, even in the beginning stages of life has all of the rights a human child would have.
Looking at abortion from a religious viewpoint, abortion is a mortal sin. Taking the life of a human being is the greatest sin a human can commit. If it is not acceptable to take the life of a 5 year old, an 18 year old, or a 50 year old, then why is it acceptable to take the life of a human who hasn’t even had the chance to live yet? The point is it shouldn’t be. Taking a life, no matter what the age is, is morally wrong.
As our contemporary world continues to progress in both the fields of biology and medicine, the use of assisted reproductive technologies, such as IVF, is increasing. The catholic church remains faithful towards the fundamental values of the sacredness of life and human dignity, which is evident in their firm, opposing responses and teachings on the moral issue of IVF.
Today as never before, scientists are manipulating the machinery of life. The religious debate is swinging and buzzing about when the life begins .Some religious fundamental belief asserts the sanctity of human life even if it is in the embryonic stage. But this fundamental belief clashes when it faces another fundamental to alleviate suffering and cure disease. In Catholic religion. Most of Christian sects claim that the human life begins at conception (the fertilization) and their strongest objection is regarding the embryo destruction in this stage. They say that it is totally unacceptable to kill an embryo even though the goal is to relieve the misery of others and to safe thousands of patients’ life. In Islam, Qur'an clarify that whosoever