Standing up for what you believe in shows how one has pride or satisfaction for something or someone. It is important to stand up for your desires, so that people will know how much one cares, you can perhaps make a difference in your community, as well as it creates your personality, and you can learn new things. One of the most leading topics in the world that many people agree and disagree on is abortion. I stand against abortion because it's not right to kill and it is said that God does everything for a reason, it is imaginable that he could have given you the gift of a child.
Many people around the world are taking a stand to stop abortion. I strongly agree because it is a sin to murder someone and I believe that aborting a child is
Throughout the course of humanity, people’s opinions and beliefs have drifted the course of society throughout the ages. Our founding fathers embrace this idea when birthing a new nation. Standing up for what you believe is important because you can influence the populace, prevent opposition taking the upper hand, and provide improvements.
Abortion is a very serious situation in the world. It is a medical procedure to end a pregnancy. There are many reasons why women abort their babies but none of these reasons are valid. Therefore, mothers should think of other ways instead of termination. These innocent babies are victims in the womb. Abortion needs to stop because it is clearly wrong to kill our children, our faith teaches us otherwise, and we should protect human life.
There is a third side to the abortion debate. A large and growing number of people, religious, and non-religious alike, recognize a woman’s right to an abortion to be a fundamental freedom in this country; a freedom protected by law. Their view on abortion is based on the simple truth that choice is the operative word. This Third Voice is opposed to the practice of abortion on moral grounds, but also assert that the separation of Church and State extents to the right of a woman to do with her body as she decides. Further, the Third Voice accepts the law of the land, and advocates the possibility of better, and objective pre- and post-abortion counseling and education to all regarding abortion.
The train station itself portrayed the option on whether to have the abortion or not. The authored established two sets of tracks on both sides of the train station. Each tracked presented options for the couple to choose from. For example, the first track showed beautiful green grass, with tress, a field full of grains, wide river, and huge mountains which represented paradise if they have the operation. On the other hand, the other side of the track showed the life they live now. The life they were living involved them traveling around the world, drinking beers, and staying in hotels. This symbolize the life they will continue to have if they procced with the
Abortion has always been a touchy subject and the pro-choice and pro-life debate has been a very controversial debate for many years and there hasn’t really been any clear cut answers surrounding this issue. One of the toughest things to figure out has been whether the embryo or fetus deserve human rights. An embryo is the third stage of the prenatal development which is called the embryonic period, and this stage lasts from two weeks to eight weeks after conception. (, 2009). A fetus occurs during the fourth stage which is called the prenatal period, and this stage lasts from the second month throughout the ninth month and it is during this period that organs begin developing and the gender can be identified and other physical features begin to develop such as eyes opening and closing, nails, and hair begin to form on the fetus.
When talking about abortion, there are so many things that come to mind, it is hard to stay focused on what the issue is really about, but in the end it really all boils down to some of the most basic rights we as individuals living in this country start with from birth. “…That all men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety” (SparkNotes: The Declaration of Independence (1776))The practice of abortion goes back to ancient times, and to this day,
Standing up for what you believe in not only impacts yourself, but others as well. From beliefs to ideas, standing up for them is really important. Standing up for what you believe has also changed our history as we know it, for example, Martin Luther King Jr and the Civil Rights Movement, or Cesar Chavez on improving the treatment of workers.
Activist outsider claimsmakers such as the Republican and Democratic party have opposing views on whether abortion should be legalized. The Democratic party mostly supports the insider claimsmaker’s “Pro-choice” movement, which is for abortion. While the Republican party mostly backs the insider claimsmaker’s “Pro-life” movement, which opposes the abortion laws (David). The Pro-life movement advocates that the abortion laws pose a grave threat to society, thus deeming them a social issue. The Pro-life movement uses women’s abuse of the abortion law and lack of consistent regulation from the clinical procedure itself to education on the procedure throughout the United States as grounds for the abortion laws being deemed a social problem.
The Controversy surrounding abortion remains a hot topic of discussion. The question remains whether choosing abortion is murder. What is the rationale behind what leads a woman to terminate her pregnancy? What are the challenges and situations women face that make giving birth to a newborn such an impossible task? A pregnancy that takes place at the wrong place, and time can have a lifelong impact on a woman’s ability to raise her children, and support the family. It seems to be inconceivable that the only way out of an unplanned pregnancy and an impossible-to-negotiate future (Probe Ministries).
“Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory.” Mahatma Gandhi. This is similar to the June 27th, 2016, edition of the New York Times, where the editorial board writes “A Major Victory for Abortion Rights” and details “...the most significant victory in a generation for a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body…” The writers tell the story of the fight for women's control over their own bodies, particularly the right to choose whether or not to have an abortion. The editorial team uses strongly emotional words, facts and statistics, and a stern, commanding language to convince the general population of the positive changes that have happened in the fight to keep abortion
In the following we will address the issue of abortion and defend the pro-life position unemotionally and in a tasteful manner. Plain reason and the evidence of science make the issue clear enough. Our only request of you is that you also suspend your emotional predispositions and genuinely reflect on the validity of the propositions we make.
I conceive that everyone should remain up for what they want to believe. The importance of standing up for your beliefs is important because people may have different analysis of things but at last everyone is the same.
For me, it is important to stand up for what I believe in because that makes you stronger of being trying what you want in your life. If you have courage to stand up for what you believe , you are going to be able to achieve what you want. If you fell down yesterday , stand up today and never give up.
To begin, it is significant to stand up for what you believe in because all Americans have pursuit of happiness. For example, if you believe racism should end ; you should fight for it to stop, if that’s what makes you happy. In my opinion, it is important to fight for what you believe in, for we have pursuit of happiness. If you are happy being homosexual, you shouldn’t let yourself be pushed around by the cruel people in this world : you should stand up against these evil beings and fight if you really think a person can do anything if it
Abortion is a controversial issue in many countries all the time and there are always two sides of abortion. Pro-life supporters believe that abortion is immoral, so they argue that it should be illegal because an unborn baby is life. However, they do not figure out that woman who is on the inevitable situation such as infection, rape, or extreme poverty would still have the abortion even though the abortion is illegal. Many women die due to unsafe abortion, which is illegal and performed by uneducated people. Therefore, the abortion should be legal to protect the life of ‘alive women’ because women’s life is equal to human’s right. I would like to provide more affirmative bases to support abortion in this paper.