As the world is being overpopulated in the view of some people, there has been a chance that the on-going generation has made plans throughout their life that doesn not involve marriage, children, or even any types of dating/ love. However, humans being humans and as curious and desirous as they are, they are still wanting to behave as humans and using their right to procreate without an eternal purpose. There has been an issue involving the argument of abortion and planned parenthood, if those two topics concerning the population growth/ decay and the personal rights of people who have a choice to procreate using their bodies. In the United States, Planned Parenthood and Abortion have been an issue in this century, more recently (close to …show more content…
With the reputation of being educated people, the government has been supporting planned parenthood. Abortion is being supported by the government because United States is a country for freedom and equality, listening to the people’s thoughts and opinions in all subjects. In that case, women who are pregnant are said to be free of getting rid of the baby growing inside of her body because it is her owned body. The government cannot say anything about the women’s bodies and what they decide to do with …show more content…
I believe that any species need to produce offspring in order to fully develop the community/ society/ world, spread genes, learn responsibility, feel and express love, serve and teach others how to serve, express gratitude to our parents, and so many things. I believe that there are islands created by volcanoes every year and people dying whether by others’ bad intentions, stress, difficulty of law, or naturally. There are ways we can have children on earth. My mom had my little sister when she was 44 years old, she sacrificed her health and well being in order for my sister to be happy. That was the consequence of the actions she had performed before. Though it was a fraud marriage we suffered from and my mom had a hard time protecting the baby with so much going on, but she protected the baby and never brought any harm to her children. I believe in being responsible and advocating for the right and human-like behaviors. I have considered every minute of my sister’s life and any baby’s 10 months of forming inside their mothers’ wombs. It is not something we can destroy or control. Life is wonderful and we cannot make life except for children. We should be grateful for that opportunity and use the ability
Pro-choice has been a major topic ever since the women’s movements started in the early 1970’s, a question sometimes asked is that, if part of the population are so pro-life and worry about protecting a fetus, how come when the child is conceived they suddenly bash at you for having that unwanted child anyways, and that is hypocritical. In this essay, details include would be why people choose to be pro-choice, NARAL Pro-Choice America, the battle for reproductive justice for women and their right to make decisions for their body, advocates that are pro-choice, proposals for a pro-choice government, and Tomi Lahren being fired for stating she was pro-choice.
The “Planned Parenthood Federation of America” is a non profit organization, funded by the Federal Government, in which it provides reproductive/maternal health services among the United States as well as internationally, since 1952. In recent news developments, there have been rumors that Planned Parenthood practices “inhumane” procedures when aborting an unborn baby to harvest their organs and that a law should be passed to stop this. The supporters for Planned Parenthood claim that these claims are unfounded and believe that Planned Parenthood is a wonderful association that helps women and men all around the world. This issue has caused a series of debates that have been going on for years, but Planned Parenthood still lives on.
There have been many attempts on their part to pass anti-abortion legislation through and the most recent effort to defund Planned Parenthood is a response to false allegations surrounding fetal tissue donation. While Planned Parenthood does offer abortion services, the facility provides a wide array of other health services to demographics that are limited in their choice of health care provider. The issue is not that Planned Parenthood should not receive funding from the government; the issue is that republicans want to push their anti-abortion agenda. America has continually emphasized their believe in the separation of church and state. Those that support pulling funding have been using inaccurate information regarding the fetal donations to start a fire behind prolife
In Texas (Texas being the first state in America to cancel Medicaid funding), Governor Abbot recently informed Planned Parenthood that the state is cutting off the organization from the state’s Medicaid program stated by Andy Sullivan in the article “Texas Tries To Stitch a Safety Net without Planned Parenthood”, as recently released undercover videos show evidence of violations. Another huge thing they have been under fire for is whether or not they are making a profit off of abortions, if they are making a profit off of abortions the government strongly
Many want to ban Planned Parenthood because of its federal funding. Regardless, Planned Parenthood is not directly funded by the government. For instance, a client who has health insurance, such as Medicaid or Title X, comes into a Planned Parenthood health office and receives health care. Then, Planned Parenthood and its staff is paid through the insurance used. The insurance id reimbursed by the state's funds. Finally, the state gets its reimbursement by the Federal government. Medicaid and Title X do not get special uses, it is just like any other health care, it reimburse Planned Parenthood’s doctors and nurses for the medical services they provide. The government saves an average of seven dollars for every dollar spent in family planning programs(13). The federal government can choose to so-called ‘defund’ planned parenthood; even though, that does not mean the state has to stop funding it. Tax paying citizens do not like that the federal government funds it because it uses their tax dollars for the
Forget biology! If it were biology, people would die from not doing it.¨ This highlights the fact that many people in today's society confuse needing a baby with wanting a baby. A lot of people have babies not because they want to, but because they are influenced by everyone around them having babies and asking why they haven't had one yet. If people actually needed a baby then why can some people live without even having the thought of becoming a
A recent problem in the United States is whether or not Planned Parenthood facilities should still receive government funding. Majority of the United States government believes that the funding currently being used for Planned Parenthood should be used elsewhere, while some politicians and Americans believe that Planned Parenthood facilities are essential for affordable sexual health care. Planned Parenthood facilities are unnecessary establishments that should not receive any funding from the United States government.
Firstly, one must understand the government funding Planned Parenthood receives is from Medicaid and Title IX. Danielle kurtzleben, a writer for NPR, informs “Medicaid operates using federal and state funds, “ in her article “Fact Check: How Does Planned Parenthood Spend That Government Money?” Defunding Planned Parenthood would not alone shut down or actually “defund” the program because State funds could still support it. However, States are forced to redistribute where they allocate their funds, which means other programs may also lose their funding. To me, this defeats the main economic argument against Planned Parenthood, because decreasing government funding would not solve the problem the opposition claims exists.
Although it provides many reproductive healthcare services, abortion has always been the center of most public debates and opposition. Planned Parenthood receives greater attention since more than half of its funding comes from federal subsidies. Republicans and Democrats have vehemently disagreed on the subject and often accused the other side of misrepresenting facts and undermining the greater public good for petty political interests.
George Lakoff has a very unique was of looking at moral politics. He attempts to dissect the views of the liberal party and the views of the conservative parties in today’s society. Liberals believe that the government should take action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all. The liberal party claims the duty of the government is to alleviate social problems and to protect civil liberties and human rights. Also, they believe the role of the government should be to guarantee that no one is in need. The need for the government to solve problems is what the liberal party emphasizes on. On the other hand, Conservatives believe in a system made of personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense. A conservative generally believes the role of government should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals but to not get in the way of personal freedom. Conservative policies generally emphasize empowerment of the individual to solve problems on their own. Both sides being so completely opposite raises the question of which of the two views is correct for handling different aspects in society such as taxes, abortion, capital punishment etc? Lakoff’s two models known as the strict father model and the nurturant family model strive to relate the conservative and liberal views to explain how a conservative and liberal would
The state of Texas has pulled its Medicaid funding for Planned Parenthood, leaving poor residents with few options for affordable healthcare. Medicaid, a program focused on helping low-income families and individuals receive healthcare, has always been jointly operated by the state and the federal government. But to who this program would be eligible for is entirely up to the state. More conservative states, like Texas for example, strictly reserve Medicaid for only the most severe cases of poverty-stricken families, leaving a large portion of low-income residents uninsured. The Affordable Care Act, a federally mandated reform of Medicaid introduced by President Obama, would provide healthcare for many American citizens in need. Despite being
When they are brought together to form a unique DNA with 46 chromosomes, human life begins (Zugibe, 2004). After the chromosomes are brought together, there is no turning back. The genetic code for a human life has been created, and every component that makes up a human life is present from that point on. A sperm and an egg cannot develop or continue to live apart from each other; when they are united, they are one being and can only continue to develop (Gargaro, 2002). Each woman also has this biological composition of 46 chromosomes, which shows that both an unborn child and a mother are human. If we are to give concern to the human life of a woman, then we must do the same for an unborn child. Banning abortion is not a way of forgetting about the significance of the woman’s life; instead, banning abortion is defending the significance of a new life not yet able to defend itself.
Should people stop have non-procreative sex? A utilitarian would say absolutely not, they should be able to do it and it’s a good thing. A part from the few cases in which we have an issue of un intential pregnancy, the vast majority of the time it’s a positive in terms of the pleasure and happiness in the world. Women unfit, unready or otherwise uninterested in rearing a child should be allowed to have abortion because potential life is a fickle idea to begin with. A lot of them don’t make it to fruition and it’s not entirely clear whether they’re intrinsically valuable. We value infants because after the 24-week period they are viable and they’re essentially a human.
There is a problem with overpopulation in the world and the abortion of unwanted children would help. Society as a whole could benefit from abortions in certain cases. I don’t think everyone who has an unplanned pregnancy should go out and get an abortion because if so many of the great minds of our generation would be but dirt in the ground. A teenage girl who gets pressured into an abortion because of all these statistics could suffer serious depression and issues and would never know if her unborn child could have been the next LeBron James or millionaire who reaches great success even though they suffered through hardships early in there life. A utilitarian view is just unrealistic and there is no way to see if it would benefit society or hurt it. Human potential is endless and people seem to succeed through many hardships daily we should not kill an innocent child because of statistics. You never know what could happen in the future if I have a child they could be the smartest person in the history of the world I would be against abortion if it were my own child. I think people should have a choice to do what they want and the government should not tell people what they can and cannot do with there bodies.
Reproduction makes the world go around. Every living species on Earth this planet must reproduce to keep the their population alive. Without reproduction we wouldn’t be here. For many species the reproduction process is inevitable. Take into account animals, they have no control on how many times they should reproduce. They are also not aware of the size of their how big their population is. As oOne of their instincts they know that they involves the need to reproduce in order to keep their species alive. We as humans are aware of the amount of people their are on this planet. We belong to a society that develops, moves, and constantly grows grows constantly. With more w Women choosing birth control to decrease their chances of pregnancy, it brings causes an emergence of a a controversial issue for many of those who oppose the idea.