
Abortion's Flippery Slope Summary

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What is Too Much to Carry?
In America, abortion is an age old argument and most Americans have sided with being either Pro-Choice or Pro-Life. But what happens when it comes down to aborting only one of the fetus twins or triplets? In David J. Ayers article, “Abortion’s Slippery Slope: The Two-Minus-One Pregnancy”, Ayers explains the rare medical procedure when a women wants to abort one of her fetus twins. This twin reduction is a way for mothers to use their constitutional right of choosing how many babies she wants. But what are the basic medical ethics when it comes to choosing which baby is aborted? The choice comes to the decision of the doctor and the mother, the baby’s location, sex, and health. Abortion in itself is a battle with a mother’s conscience. Having to choose, is a lifelong choice that can affect a mother in this conscience struggle. A Two-Minus-One Pregnancy is half an abortion. This is scientifically known as Multifetal Pregnancy Reduction. This is a medical procedure that can …show more content…

One of the fetuses may be unhealthy and could be harming the wellbeing of the other fetus. Studies show that when having more than one fetus, disability and death rates for the baby is higher. Or having too many babies can affect the health of the mother. Other factors besides health play a factor in choosing to abort one fetus too. Some people cannot afford to raise two children at the same time. According to CNN, the average cost of raising a child is $245,000 a year. This does not include paying for the cost of college for both children at the same time. The Two-For-One procedure also was performed for social reasons. Due to modern technology, mothers can now have babies in their 40s and 50s. These women did not want to deal with raising twin teenagers in their 60s. Woman also get remarried and do not want to have more than two children with their new spouse, especially with other children

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