
About Me Language Analysis

Good Essays

Chloe's engaging 'About Me' power point demonstrated the successful use of language features. She uses her class time effectively to complete set tasks and will assist her peers during group tasks. Chloe has demonstrated a good understanding about how to use spelling rules and word origins through her weekly spelling contract. Bayley uses her class time effectively to complete weekly spelling contracts and submit work on time. Through her spelling she has demonstrated a good understanding about how to use spelling rules and word origins. Bayley presented an engaging 'About Me' power point confidently to the class which used appropriate language, eye contact, expression and a clear voice. Bayley Brianna confidently presented an engaging 'About …show more content…

She presented an enthusiastic and engaging 'About Me' power point to the class whilst providing great eye contact, voice projection and confidence when she spoke. Ella uses her time effectively to complete set tasks. Llewellyn reads with confidence and clearly. She presented an engaging 'About Me' power point which drew upon personal knowledge and experiences and demonstrated the correct use of language features. Llewellyn uses her class time effectively to complete set tasks and will assist her peers during group tasks. Alyssa has shown an improvement in her understanding of spelling rules over the term. She works well in class to complete her spelling contract and presented an engaging 'About Me' power point which drew on personal knowledge and experiences. Alyssa speaks with confident and participates in class discussions enthusiastically. Dylan has a basic understanding of how the selection of a variety of language features can influence an audience. He presented a satisfactory 'About Me' power point which allowed him to draw on personal knowledge and experiences. Dylan uses class time to work on his spelling contract where he is developing understandings about how to use spelling

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