Abraham Lincoln is perceived as one of the most distinguished presidents in American History. Through his great leadership, he was able to guide America through a time marked by social unrest and eventual civil war. Before his inauguration, the Union was dissolving, so Lincoln chose to preserve this country and the freedom it guarantees by waging war with the rebellious South. These efforts, along with his relentless drive toward creating a slave-free country, clearly lead the United States towards being what it is today. The conditions that enabled Abraham Lincoln to both become and be recognized as a great president were that he had been reared as a common, humble and honest person, was of high intelligence, had a strong work ethic, and, …show more content…
In 1816, his family moved to Southern Indiana. When Lincoln was only ten years old, his mother, Nancy Lincoln, passed away. After his mother’s passing, Lincoln’s father, Thomas, married Sarah Bush Johnston. Lincoln grew up in a poor family. Though he attended grammar school a few times, he was mostly self-taught. He had two siblings, an older sister named Sarah, and a younger brother named Thomas, who died in his infancy. By this time in his life, Lincoln had already learned the meaning of hard work, as he had labored on his father’s farm for many years. Additionally, he knew the anguish that comes from losing family members. The difficulties he had in his early life surly helped prepare him for the hardships he would face in his …show more content…
He then went to the theater to “guard” Lincoln. After the Lincolns and their guests arrived and were seated, Parker took a seat near the State Box. From this spot he could not see the play, so he soon left his post to find a better seat. At the intermission of the show, Parker invited Lincoln’s coachman to join him for a drink at that saloon near Ford’s theatre. Whether Parker returned to guard Lincoln at the theater is unknown. Because of his incompetence, Booth was able to sneak into the president’s booth, and shoot him from point-blank range. John Wilkes Booth could have been stopped only if the guard had not left his post. Though Lincoln’s death could have been prevented, one wonders how this country would be different if he was not assassinated. Shortly after Lincoln’s death, the 13th amendment was passed. This amendment ended slavery. If Lincoln had not been killed, would this amendment have been passed? Would slavery and segregation have ended so immediately if he had remained president, or did his passing help cause a more immediate end to the great problems we once faced as a country? Did John Wilkes Booth’s actions cause slavery to end
Abraham Lincoln is regarded by many Americans as the greatest president to ever hold office in the history of the United States, and his reputation is definitely well deserved. Lincoln wasn't scared to stand up and fight for what he knew was right. He was convinced that within the branches of government, the presidency alone was empowered not only to uphold the Constitution, but also to protect, and defend it. Lincoln was able to lead our country and preserve the Union, keeping the United States from splintering during the devastating times of the Civil War. As President, he built the Republican Party into a strong national organization, and he rallied most of the northern Democrats to the Union cause. On January 1, 1863, he issued the
His parents, Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks Lincoln were married on July 12, 1806. Together, they had three children: Sarah, born on February 10, 1807; Abraham, born on February 12, 1809; and another son named Thomas who died in infancy. Abraham’s father, Thomas Lincoln was uneducated but was a relatively successful Kentucky farmer. He also worked as a cabinetmaker and carpenter. While the family worked hard at farming, Thomas had to rely on hunting most of the days to feed his family. His mother, Nancy Hanks Lincoln was very religious and taught the children about the Bible and she believed in the importance of education. However, schools were uncommon in the lightly populated areas, but a school opened nine miles away when Abraham was about 7 and Nancy insisted Thomas to let their children attend. Their walk to school would have taken Abraham 2.5 to 3 hours each way so it was a huge commitment. When Abraham was 9 years old and his older sister Sarah was 11 years old, their mother died of milk sickness. Milk sickness occurs when someone drinks dairy products or eats meat from an animal that has been eating a
Similarly to many Americans of his era, Abraham Lincoln’s early life was marked by poverty and other challenges. Born in a log cabin in Kentucky, Lincoln also lived in Indiana and Louisiana before settling down in Illinois in his twenties. He received less than a year of formal education, but loved to read and taught himself everything he ever needed to know. In 1834, Lincoln entered the world of politics when he won a seat in the Illinois House of Representatives. Between his first and second terms as a representative, he taught himself law and received his license to practice within state courts. Before long, he was one of the most famous lawyers in Illinois and was known for his honesty, intellect, and integrity across the state (Abraham Lincoln Early Life Timeline Web).
Abraham Lincoln, as considered by most, one of the most influential presidents the United States has seen. But for honest Abe to reach that status one must look at his rise to political prominence, and the methods he used and skills he gained on his road to presidency. Just like any other president elected before his time, Abraham Lincoln faced a variety of challenges throughout his election campaign but more importantly through his short term as the President of the United States. Examining where he failed but also succeed, earning his status as a predominant president.
Abraham Lincoln was considered by many American’s as one of the greatest Presidents of the United States. Having come from humble beginnings it could be said that Abraham Lincoln rose up to meet all the challenges that would greet him, and it could be argued that at the time the only person who could successfully guide the United States through the Civil War was Abraham Lincoln. At the time of his presidency, the United States was falling apart, with the South trying to secede from the North, creating much chaos that Lincoln had to deal with. He worked slowly and throughly, which sometimes got people agitated but he was a very careful working man and knew that it was better if he took his time. Abraham Lincoln was not
Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president of the United States. he is a very important person in America’s history. This paper will be about Abraham Lincoln childhood, his presidency, and his death.
Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States, underwent countless complications in his life which prepared him to become the leader of the United States. To start, “Thomas Lincoln [Abraham Lincoln’s father] had practically no education and could barely write his name. His first wife Nancy Hanks Lincoln…could not write her name at all” (Wilson). Lincoln grew up in an extremely uncultivated lifestyle, so with the help of library books, he gave himself an education. After decades had past and Lincoln was finally knowledgeable, he “made an unsuccessful run for the Illinois legislature as an anti-Jackson whig…” (Wilson). Although Lincoln failed in his first election, the loss prepared him for future state legislature elections. Lincoln then proceeded to win a seat
Abraham Lincoln is widely known as one of the greatest presidents we have had. He hold this title because he got out country through the civil war. Even though he tried to prevent this war from happening he used everything in his power to bring it to a stop once it had begun. Lincoln had the utmost confidence in the Union and this showed by how America healed from the tragic death he went through. While Lincoln was in office his main priorities was to see this nation flourish and he did everything in his power to see that he did. Though some of his decisions while he was president went against what he believed he always had to best interest in mind for the country. In this paper I will take you through President Abraham Lincoln’s life, before and during presidency, and his tragic death. Within this paper are key reasons why we call Abraham Lincoln the best president we ever had.
Later on Lincoln’s father moved the family to Coles County. So, 22 year-old Abraham Lincoln was stuck on his own working in manual labor. Lincoln was muscular, rawboned, lanky, and physically strong. Lincoln spoke with a twang and walked with a long-stride. Known for his skill in wielding with an ax, he made a living splitting wood for fire and fencing. Eventually Abe Lincoln moved to a small town of New Salem, Illinois. Over a period of years, he worked as a shoe keeper, postmaster, and later a general store owner. Living in New Salem, Lincoln learned some social skills, and had a specialty on
Unbroken is a true story of a war hero who defied all odds of living during World War II. Laura Hillenbrand promotes the memoir by stating it is "An Olympian's journey from airman to castaway to captive." There are many literary techniques used to explain the story to the reader in a more unique way that makes the story their own or more relatable. In the memoir, Unbroken, Laura Hillenbrand promotes three techniques to make the eventful and complex story a page turner, irony, symbolism, and the four elements of humor.
February 12, 1809 was the day Lincoln took his first breath. He lived the first years of his life inside a single room log cabin in Hodgenville, Kentucky. His parents were Nancy Hanks Lincoln and Thomas Lincoln. He had two biological siblings: Sarah, his older sister, and Thomas, his younger brother, who tragically died in infancy. His family moved to Perry County Indiana in 1817. Abraham’s mother died when he was only nine, which affected him greatly. His father remarried to Sarah Bush Johnson, a widow who had three children of her own. Sarah and Abraham bonded quickly as she encouraged him to read as much as he could. He fell in love with reading because of his interest in acquiring knowledge. He only attended a proper school for about 18 months so he could get a formal education. Lincoln’s family moved once again to Macon County, Illinois, in March, 1830, and then again to Coles County shortly
Abraham Lincoln, our 16th President, was a highly respected individual in his time and his legacy is still told in modern times. Brian Mooney is an author that has written about many of the greatest leaders in the world, one of which, is Abraham Lincoln. “Although few burnished Lincoln’s legend more assiduously than Lincoln himself, he really was born in a log cabin and really was almost entirely self-educated” (Mooney 38). Mooney really describes how intellectual of a person Lincoln really was to become president with a background like his. Overall, Abraham Lincoln is an extremely influential person in history because of his countless efforts to abolish slavery and put an end to the civil war with his perseverance, hard work, and intelligence.
In 1830 Lincoln’s father relocated the entire family to Illinois after he had a fear that there was another milk sickness outbreak. After a rough winter Lincoln left his father’s farm and set out on his own adventure. Lincoln got a job steering a flatboat from Illinois to New Orleans, Louisiana. While leading construction with two other boys Lincoln received recognition from the residents of New Salem where he learned by drilling a hole in the boat he was able to float the stuck of the boat over Rutledge’s dam. While walking home from St. Louis an owner of a flatboat was fascinated with Lincoln and hired him as a clerk in his New Salem store. While in New Salem Lincoln made a great deal of friends, enhanced his grammar. He was known as the “master story-teller”. In August 1982 he decided to become a candidate for one of the four representatives in Sangamon County in the Illinois Legislature. Lincoln had only been a resident for nine
Abraham Lincoln, son of Thomas and Nancy Lincoln, was born February 12, 1809. He grow up in Hodgenville, Kentucky in a period when slavery was legal. His father Thomas did not approve slavery reason why his family didn’t own any slaves. Thomas Lincoln move to Indiana in 1816 with is family and two years later his wife died of milk sickness. The life in Indiana not being what they wanted Thomas then decided to move is family to Illinois. We have to know where Abraham came from in order to understand is political orientation in order to be able to make a judgment on what he may have or not done right and wrong.
Abraham Lincoln proved to be one the strongest leaders in power during a time of crisis and civil unrest. Despite all the criticism and the many disapprovals Lincoln was bombarded with, he managed to a stronghold in his beliefs by remaining humble and as a result he managed to reunite a divided country. Even with little education and even less military experience, Lincoln was regarded as one of the America’s best leaders who made a significant change during a time of crisis. In a time of civil war and unrest “individual strength and personal leadership”allowed for Lincoln to accomplish his goals of preserving the Union and ending slavery. Therefore, Abraham Lincoln was an excellent leader as he demonstrated great integrity by remaining a humble leader, he proved his intellect to be superior to those who opposed him by acquiring military knowledge through books and establishing strong relationships with his military , he also demonstrated to be a result-oriented leader by achieving his goals