
Absaraka: Home of the Crow Essay

Decent Essays

Absaraka: Home of the Crows Margaret Carrington This book was written by Margaret Carrington (1831-1870), the wife of the Commanding Officer Colonel Henry B. Carrington, at Fort Philip Kearny. This novel was written from her own journal about her time spent traveling to the outpost up to her return to Fort Laramie. The book reads initially as a guide to prospective travelers on the Virginia City road, and finishes in the same fashion. In between are her first hand accounts of the troubles experienced at Fort Kearny between eighteen sixty-six and eighteen sixty-seven. The years are significant because miners were responding to the news that gold had been discovered in Montana. The resulting influx of prospectors forced the United …show more content…

At this point the book delves into the skirmishes between the Cheyenne Indian and the Army. Mrs. Carrington lends special attention to describing the Indians, which is neither completely flattering nor harsh. The Indian answer to the White man's intrusion becomes clear when Fort Kearny is being built. The Cheyenne along with divisions of the Arapahoe and Sioux unite in an attempt to drive them from their territory. The build up to this stance is not overlooked by Carrington. On the way to the Powder River she describes the warnings from Indian messengers. Most of the action takes place near the fort while troops are felling trees. The Indians make use of their best tactics, which is to hit and run in small groups. This behavior puts the residents of the fort in a constant state of worry and frustrates the troops who are under strict orders not to pursue the Indians. By this point the Carrington has built up the scene to a climax. The Indians are winning the battle of terror, while the people of the fort grow increasingly angst over when the next foray will hit. At this point Brevet Lieutenant Colonel William Fetterman enters the scene. Carrington describes Fetterman as a bold character with high expectations of his men. Col. Fetterman experiences his first taste of true Indian warfare in a battle in which a Major is killed, after this Fetterman

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