States rights are the power held by states rather than the federal government. Federalism is a form of government that allows several entities to control the same region. In federalist governments, there is a division of power between the national government and the states. Therefore, federalism takes into account the state's opinion (promoting states rights) without giving them the majority of power. The US constitution established our federal government, which differed from the articles of confederation (where states operated individually). Democrats and Republicans have different views on this topic. A democrat views state's rights as “less important”, they feel the federal government must hold the power. Democrats would like to keep a balance in power and be able …show more content…
An example of their desired action is reimplementing the assault weapons ban. Under obama, several efforts have been made to limit the amount of guns on the streets. Democrats would like to have unbalanced tax cuts. In other words they want to cut tax on only the working or middle class (the ones who suffer the most). This upsets many of the rich, in which it could be taken out of those who work for them. They only want to put money in pockets that need it the most, which is reasonable, however, it is unfair for the rich. Democrats would like to help immigrants, which is why they have established several programs that help them. Dems would like to offer a way of immigrants to earn citizenship. Also they would like to protect immigrants from being exploited from their employers. Both Both parties accept that americans have the right to bear arms, however, democrats feel military grade or high magazine weapons should be banned whereas republicans claim they are used for hunting and self
The Republican Party is extremely supportive of all the laws for less gun control while the Democrats want more gun control. The Republicans have always been advocates of less gun control because of their belief in the Second Amendment. I believe the following quote from “Republican Views on Gun Control” (2013) sums up their ideology on the subject: “The GOP (“Grand Old Party”) is keen to point out that the Republican position on gun rights does not flow from a fondness for weapons, but from a fundamental principle that calls for upholding certain rights that the nation was built upon. Republicans believe that governmental regulation of firearms is largely unconstitutional and therefore, most gun laws are an infringement on the individual’s rights to bear arms. The dominant point made by Republicans in this regard is that the Second Amendment gives the right to the individual to protect himself, his family, and his property.” While I agree with the right to protect oneself and his or her family, I would have to side with the Democrats’ stance on gun control. I think people should be able to bear arms but not every single weapon needs to be in reach. For example, according to Republican Views (2013), in 1993, Bill Clinton passed the Federal Assault Weapons Ban which banned the manufacture of semi-automatic firearms that were defined as assault weapons for civilian use. I completely agree with this law because there is simply no need for an average civilian to own an assault rifle especially now days. Assault rifles over the last two decades have gotten lighter and more powerful, and there is simply no need to them to be in the hands of inexperienced people. People worrying about protecting themselves and their property can still purchase sniper rifles, shotguns, and pistols, which do the job perfectly well. Along with protection, people also like to use guns for hunting, and a
How does the Constitution guard against tyranny? In 1787 the 55 delegates from 5 states called for a Constitutional Convention to improve the Articles of Confederation which took place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. One of the challenges the delegates faced was allowing tyranny from happening. How does the Constitution guard against tyranny.
The Republicans, on the other hand want to restrict immigration and only allow legal Mexican immigrants into the nation. The Democrats want to assist the illegal and also legal Hispanic immigrants to further the Democratic vote. The Republicans want to focus immigration on needed skills that would benefit the country. While the Democrats and Republicans both want to control illegal Mexican immigration, the Green Party wants to completely open the border to all Mexican immigrants. Also, the Green Party wants to give illegal immigrants the chance to become legal citizens of the United States.
Both Federalist and Democratic-Republicans have a different way of what they want in their government. Federalist want a strong federal government, and Democratic-Republicans want strong state government. There are many differences all around and they all are pretty important there is probably only a couple that are more important than others. Both of these groups are always disagreeing on many things when it comes on handling a situation. For example Federalist
The Democrats on the other hand, believe there should only be tax cuts for middle and low income families, but believe there should be higher tax on corporations and wealthy individuals. When the democrats say wealthy individuals they mean the top one percent of America which holds the majority of the wealth of America. The people at the top one percent increase their taxes meaning no tax cuts for
The Democratic party believes and supports immigration, while looking to rebuild the broken immigration system in America today.
The Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans disagreed on almost every topic regarding how to run the nation’s government. One of the issues they argued over the most was whether the federal government or the states would have the most power. The Federalists believed the government should have the power. On the other hand, the Democratic-Republicans thought the states should be in control.
Federalism is an issue that has been very prevalent in American politics since the writing of the constitution up until today. Balancing national and state power was a strongly contested issue back when the Anti-federalists were arguing with the Federalists over which section should have more power. This led to the inclusion of the Bill of Rights in the Constitution in order to give the states and the people more rights than they were originally provided. However, the issue is still not resolved and the issue has led to huge conflicts in the nation like the Civil War and the Civil Rights Movement. Today, people continue to debate over whether the state governments or the national government should have more power.
Three things the Democratic Party want to achieve are equal pay and paid leave, college to be affordable for every American, and ensuring the wealthiest citizens and largest corporations pay their fair share.
About stance on immigration: The Democrats have a great support for the immigrant, who undocumented, for a moratorium on deporting, or offering a way to become the U.S citizen. About the Republicans, they against amnesty for any undocumented immigrants.
The Democratic Party does not wish to throw out your right to bear arms but they would like to have more of a gun reform that lies within the scope of the second amendment.
The democratic party’s vision on immigration is they value all immigrants who come from other countries and they provide aid to help to get their new lives started. They believed Undocumented immigrants within our borders who clear a background check, work hard and pay taxes should have a path to earn full participation in America. The democratic wants to give driver license to regardless immigration status, which it will make them proud to be in united states. They believe they deserve to have a driver license and have an equal right as others, but only those who has a good background. The democratic wanted to punish employers that abuse undocumented workers rather than employee. Because employer is one who breaks the laws by hiring undocumented
The republican party has stood strong in its belief that the right to bear arms is a natural right to all American citizens as it is written in the constitution. “The first ten amendments of the Constitution describe the undeniable rights of every individual American. Among these undeniable rights is “the right to bear arms” as spelled out in the Second Amendment.”(MLA). Republican don’t necessarily care to much for the guns. They are more focused on keeping the bill of rights the way it is and they don’t want citizens losing those rights that the country was founded
The majority of Democrats believe in the right to bear arms, they just want stricter measures for the buying and owning of weapons to individuals. They are trying to strengthen gun control to reduce the violence ineffective gun control has caused.
It also believes that security along the border should be more advanced and border patrol should be stronger. Both Democrats and Republicans believe that an immigration reform should be established, but they disagree on what the reform should be like for the illegal immigrants already in the country. The Democratic Party believes the United States is a country based on immigration; that is how it all began. Democrats believe that there should be a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants who have worked hard, payed their taxes, learned English, and have a clear background check. But they also believe that those who have exploited illegal labor or have committed major crimes should be penalized. There is opposing views within the parties though. Some nuances within the Democratic Party agree with the general views of the Republican Party and vis versa. Overall, the Democrats are more supportive of illegal immigrants who have worked hard than the