
Absolutism Vs Federalism

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States rights are the power held by states rather than the federal government. Federalism is a form of government that allows several entities to control the same region. In federalist governments, there is a division of power between the national government and the states. Therefore, federalism takes into account the state's opinion (promoting states rights) without giving them the majority of power. The US constitution established our federal government, which differed from the articles of confederation (where states operated individually). Democrats and Republicans have different views on this topic. A democrat views state's rights as “less important”, they feel the federal government must hold the power. Democrats would like to keep a balance in power and be able …show more content…

An example of their desired action is reimplementing the assault weapons ban. Under obama, several efforts have been made to limit the amount of guns on the streets. Democrats would like to have unbalanced tax cuts. In other words they want to cut tax on only the working or middle class (the ones who suffer the most). This upsets many of the rich, in which it could be taken out of those who work for them. They only want to put money in pockets that need it the most, which is reasonable, however, it is unfair for the rich. Democrats would like to help immigrants, which is why they have established several programs that help them. Dems would like to offer a way of immigrants to earn citizenship. Also they would like to protect immigrants from being exploited from their employers. Both Both parties accept that americans have the right to bear arms, however, democrats feel military grade or high magazine weapons should be banned whereas republicans claim they are used for hunting and self

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