
Abuse In Nursing Home Essay

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Abuse. Oftentimes when hearing this word, one's mind may automatically assume the situation involves a child or a romantic relationship; what some may not consider is the abuse of elderly members of the community, specifically in nursing homes. The form of misconduct that nursing home employees administer towards patients is in no way less significant than any other forms. The underpaid workers of state or federally funded facilities can be negligent towards patients. Negligence of this form can include, but is not limited to, improper medication management, isolation, malnutrition, dehydration, and anything resulting in the form of physical or mental suffering. Nursing homes must begin to properly staff, train, pay, and reduce the number of …show more content…

Currently there are over 3.2 million individuals living in nursing homes or long-term-care facilities. It is estimated that approximately forty percent of the United States' population will at some point in their lives enter a nursing home (“Nursing Home Abuse”). Whether or not an individual is placed in a nursing home, with these numbers, the likelihood of having a friend or family member in one of these facilities is relatively high. As shown by this statistic alone, there is already a good portion of the population in nursing homes. Establishments, due to the number of patients, struggle to keep their staffing numbers at an amount that allows them to properly care for their patients. A 2010 census brought to light that, soon, due to the Baby Boomers, nursing home numbers will increase even more. According to the census "within two decades they [Baby Boomers] are expected to comprise more than 20 percent of our entire population" (Landers). By the end of the 2020s, the number of individuals in their mid-eighties and older will hit eight million, nearly tripling the elder population in 2002 (Scott 115). With these increasing numbers, the already understaffed nursing homes will almost seem to be nonexistent and more and more abuse will

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